Black Culture Discussion Thread

Rizza cool. He uses social media the right way. He was way off about the Nipsey situation, he was probably speaking from emotion cuz he did security for Nipsey when he was alive and he was one of the brothas guarding the hearse when they drove it around LA. He says a lot of real **** and puts the work.
I like Rizza Islam, the problem with a lot of you black folks is that you cant discern genuine brothers about the cause vs the ones who are only in it for fame and fortune.

When the brother has been putting out great discussions on REAL black content then I can respect them, like Dr Umar, Farrakhan etc.

Black people will love their religion and other crap before accepting Pan-African ideals from black men.

I wouldn't put Umar with Farrakhan. :lol:

But too many black people do have this mindset to "cancel" a black person if they disagree with one thing they said even if that person has done real work while defending politicians who have actually done real damage to black communities. MLK probably couldn't shine in this era cuz too many black people love to argue and debate over pointless **** that nothing to do with the big picture.
I think people forget that you don't have to agree/disagree with 100% of what someone says. Sometimes what some folks say hits home, other times they might be off base.

You can still appreciate them in general.

I wish Umar did something with the school situation but I also support/agree with many things he says.

Doesn't have to be all or nothing
Eh, I will listen to these guys for a minute, but as soon as it becomes a show, I turn it off. All of those guys mentioned follow that Black Christian preacher script, in order to draw out excitement. Entertainment. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, coming to the stage, BOMP, I feel GOOOOD, BOMP, Papa's Got Brand New Bag, BAM, SEX MACHINE, BABABABA BANGGGGGG! Get people all riled up. The problem is after you get them riled up, what do you want them to do? Pray? To who and for what? They start out slow and low, Then Talk A Little Louder, THEN A LITTLE LOUDER AND FASTER, THEN REALLY LOUD, so now what? You have my attention, so what you wanna do? Ever since the original Million Man March, I realized that the script is broken and needs to be fixed.

So far, that hasn't happened.
I’m all for people being able to chew up the meat and spit out the bones, that being if you find something empowering in what some ones speaks on you don’t have to agree with everything they say. But if you’re talking about being a leader, being the face of a movement, come correct. The “bones” can very well be contraversial opinions, that masses may or may not agree with but atleast let it stem from a place of truthfulness. We should be looking to leaders to teach us things we don’t already know, otherwise it’s just mental masturbation and commenting “facts 100” on facebook videos.
This is 2019 man, the whole, "Leader" talk is dead. Society is too segmented at this point for there to be A leader.

I don’t disagree with that, especially in the Information Age. But even with that said, there are plenty of people looking to lead, and people
Looking to be led. The amount of Bs and conspiracy theories pursued on social medial prove that

"Dutty Boukman was an early leader of the Haitian Revolution, enslaved in Jamaica and later in Haiti."

"Boukman was a key leader of the slave revolt in the Le Cap‑Français region in the north of the colony. He was killed by the French planters and colonial troops in 7 November 1791,[2][3] just a few months after the beginning of the uprising. The French then publicly displayed Boukman's head in an attempt to dispel the aura of invincibility that Boukman had cultivated. The fact that French authorities had to do this illustrates the impact Boukman made on the views of Haitian people during this time"

Boukman's prayer

"The god who created the earth; who created the sun that gives us light. The god who holds up the ocean; who makes the thunder roar. Our God who has ears to hear. You who are hidden in the clouds; who watch us from where you are. You see all that the white has made us suffer. The white man's god asks him to commit crimes. But the god within us wants to do good. Our god, who is so good, so just, He orders us to revenge our wrongs. It's He who will direct our arms and bring us the victory. It's He who will assist us. We all should throw away the image of the white men's god who is so pitiless. Listen to the voice for liberty that sings in all our hearts."
On the whole, Black women are far better educated than their white counterparts. Throw in the ancestry, and the ability to relate to issues concerning the Black community, there is no doubt for me who is the better choice for a Brother who is about Black empowerment.
On the whole, Black women are far better educated than their white counterparts. Throw in the ancestry, and the ability to relate to issues concerning the Black community, there is no doubt for me who is the better choice for a Brother who is about Black empowerment.

clap clap
Jay right but that means more than most folks think.

Most ppl leave the hood and never come back.
Ones that do don't fair to well.
You've either become too successful, too educated, or become too much of a target to be in that area.

One thing black k folks gotta realize is that if you move into more affluent "non black" communities your dealing with the same struggle.

Ppl may smile and be friendly with you, but they still wonder what you do to got thwre. There is no room for regular blacks in those areas. Only the exceptional ones to be touted exemption occasion.

That doctrine of the talented tenth has left a terrible legacy in the moden black American community.

I look at the spreading of evangelism in Africa and the west Indies. Folks getting loans for smart phone and cars and not much else but putting themselves up above others where they are from adopting that American black mentality.
i see no issues with jay's comment. Son is reaching.

I think what dude is trying to get across is you preaching buying back the hood to people who can't afford to buy a building or let alone manage the building day to day. It's good information and advice but out of 100 people how many people are actually good with their money or can manage a business?

He's speaking directly to a huge amount of people instructions that only to a small percentage can actually handle or execute
No different than telling people to go start a business even though most people should never start a business let alone own one.

I also think we need to dial back the "Start a business" advice because somebody has to be an employee, there's no way everybody will be CEOs
Everyone doesn't care or look up to Jay Z when it comes to living reality...
Everyone doesn't care for or look up to wealthy rappers athletes and celebrities for a voice in African American Affairs.
Jay right but that means more than most folks think.

Most ppl leave the hood and never come back.
Ones that do don't fair to well.
You've either become too successful, too educated, or become too much of a target to be in that area.

One thing black k folks gotta realize is that if you move into more affluent "non black" communities your dealing with the same struggle.

Ppl may smile and be friendly with you, but they still wonder what you do to got thwre. There is no room for regular blacks in those areas. Only the exceptional ones to be touted exemption occasion.

That doctrine of the talented tenth has left a terrible legacy in the moden black American community.

I look at the spreading of evangelism in Africa and the west Indies. Folks getting loans for smart phone and cars and not much else but putting themselves up above others where they are from adopting that American black mentality.

Is there even evidence to state how impactful the talented tenth doctrine was?
I think what dude is trying to get across is you preaching buying back the hood to people who can't afford to buy a building or let alone manage the building day to day. It's good information and advice but out of 100 people how many people are actually good with their money or can manage a business?

He's speaking directly to a huge amount of people instructions that only to a small percentage can actually handle or execute
No different than telling people to go start a business even though most people should never start a business let alone own one.

I also think we need to dial back the "Start a business" advice because somebody has to be an employee, there's no way everybody will be CEOs

People who reacted that way to what he said are overly negative and just engage in social media *******. Look at something like this. People just say **** to cause a stir.

Everything Jay said was truthful and I'm certain he understands that poor folk will be able to act upon what he was saying. However despite the numbers, all black people aren't poor. Also you need this kind of information from a person with Jay's stature because of his influence. Would they rather him talk about some everyday irrelevant ****? These are the same people who will talk **** about him and say he doesn't do anything for black folks. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. There's things to criticize Jay on, this freestyle wasn't one of them.

And nah we don't need to dial that back. Why are we gonna stop preaching the importance of ownership when we already own so little. That makes no sense.
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People who reacted that way to what he said are overly negative and just engage in social media *******. Look at something like this. People just say **** to cause a stir.

Everything Jay said was truthful and I'm certain he understands that poor folk will be able to act upon what he was saying. However despite the numbers, all black people aren't poor. need Also you need this kind of information from a person with Jay's stature because of his influence. Would they rather him talk about some everyday irrelevant ****? These are the same people who will talk **** about him and say he doesn't do anything for black folks. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. There's things to criticize Jay on, this freestyle wasn't one of them.

And nah we don't need to dial that back. Why are we gonna preach the importance of ownership when we already own so little. That makes no sense.

A lot of the "straight/heterosexual black men" things I see are far too often MAJOR REACHES, what you posted is a good example

Won't debate the truth Jay spoke but there's a bit more reality than the advice he gave. There's so much "own a business" push now that we misunderstand that there's actually a greater need for workers than bosses. Just because Jay spoke truth and has done great things doesn't mean he's perfect, what he said was great but there's area for improvement.

I refuse to acknowledge the people who will hate whatever a person says no matter what, they aren't worth mentioning because they aren't the majority nor are they reasonable enough.
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