Black Culture Discussion Thread

Nah ya make yall selfs believe its more than entertainment

Yall want rappers to be role models so bad its sad honestly
Can someone please explain to me how the scoring works in spades.

I know how to play but it seems like dudes just b makin rules up.
so not that this comes as a surprise but what now? Really what options do we have until its one of us shot dead in the streets. I'm stayin out of the Mike Brown thread out of fear of releasing and energy to the guaranteed morons who will be running rapid thru the thread.
Rap/Hip-Hop used to be an outlet to discuss what's going on in the lives of the artists and their neighbors, and to some it still is. Don't know exactly when, but it's become more of an entertainment thing like the WWE.
It became that when Jewish heads of labels recognized that rap was popular and could therefore be highly profitable. We let outsiders come in and take part of our culture, & by outsiders i mean men who don't give a **** about the neighborhoods talked about in songs, don't give a **** about the culture and are only here to make money.

And now we're in a catch 22 because they have so much power thru the labels and radio that we now have a generation of rappers who are negated from making positive music in fear of not getting a push. Luckily however there are the Kendricks, Drake's, Cole, Wale's etc etc out here making good music and being highly successful while doing it.

With all that stated it's disgusting to me that people are always harping on 20-30 year old entertainers being the cause of the problem yet not talking about the heads of the labels funding this, not talking about the judicial system that's failing, a school system that's failing, a culture in america in general that promotes stupidity. No less continue to blame the rapper who is a product of all these things and call him the downfall of young americans. Let's also completely disregard the fact that their is a HUGE percentage of children who listen to rap and don't exhibit criminal behaviors.
You're creating an argument that doesn't exist. Nobody said kids listen to rap and become criminals. The problem is that sex, murder, and drugs are being GLORIFIED. It's desensitized an entire generation. When you can listen to a song about these things and not care because the beat is hot...something is very wrong.

Again...a lot of people don't understand the relationship between music and the brain...and music and the heart. Audiovisual soundwaves and the subconcious. Freeway Rick briefly touched on it in that interview with Alex Jones.

If someone wanted to brainwash an entire people...the best way to do it is through music. That is a fact. You can go study ancient cultures and civilizations and see the same thing.
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That is highly debatable because taken from personal experience as a child who grew up in a bad neighborhood and listened to hardcore rap from the age of 10 i wouldn't quite say that i'm desensitized by rap at all. does it have a very small influence in my life yes, but there is a huge difference between listening about a situation and experiencing real life murders, real life drugs etc etc. The World makes us desensitized to these things not rap lyrics.

and this isn't to say that rap has no effect because on weak minded or impressionable people it can, but i'm just sick of the blame it on the rappers narrative that is constantly brought up in the media. It's usually used in a way vilifying an entire culture that i love and was raised in, not to mention a culture that has helped A huge portion of black people change the entire fortune & future outlook of their respective families.

I do agree that rap (Mainstream) music these days has messages that aren't beneficial to the young, but i'm tired of it taking precedence over multi billion dollar companies promoting that said message, with systems controlled by governments that absolutely fail young blacks. My point being if hiphop turned 100% positive tomorrow, black people are still gonna be in the same financial restraints, still be convicted in the courts, still be hunted by police, still have are neighborhoods ignored in schooling & knowledge. It's minuscule to debate over rap artist when talking about the struggle of blacks in America.

Self hate isn't being birthed through rap, self hate is being pushed by a country that never intended for black people to be treated by as humans, a country where white americans control & manipulate the image of blacks to the majority.
Here's a Celeb telling the 100% God's honest truth about ferguson since apparently America only cares about name & status.
think im cop the 6s from wish 

arent they black owned 
Rap/Hip-Hop used to be an outlet to discuss what's going on in the lives of the artists and their neighbors, and to some it still is. Don't know exactly when, but it's become more of an entertainment thing like the WWE.
The Fat boys were WWE like though
Former Model Irene Major, Wife Of Oil Tycoon Sam Malin Talks Skin Bleaching “When My Skin Is Lighter, I Just Feel Prettier”
27 November, 2014 Posted by Stacey

View media item 1279384Former model Irene Major is a very wealthy woman who loves being lightskinned with the help of bleaching creams. Irene is married to Canadian oil tycoon Sam Malin, she has tried everything from super-expensive Creme de la Mer moisturisers to the services of the most exclusive Harley Street dermatologists.

Irene, is originally from Cameroon, admits she also regularly uses skin-lightening creams to alter the colour of her complexion.

‘When my skin is lighter, I just feel prettier. It’s a taboo subject, and people get judgmental about it, but that’s how I feel. A skin-lightening regime has been part of my life practically since birth. There are many different types of African skin, from dark charcoal to a lighter version and you grow up knowing that the lighter ladies are the prettier ones. It’s just a fact. Anybody can use it, and everybody does. Just look at all the pop stars whose skin has got so much lighter over the years. Many celebrities do it. We’re just turning a blind eye to it.

Two months ago, High Street health store Holland & Barrett came under fire for selling a legal skin-whitening product called Dr Organic Royal Jelly Skin Body Whitening Cream, which retails for £9.99.

The sale of the product provoked outrage, with some accusing the chain of encouraging racist ideals. Yet Irene, who’s 34 and lives with her husband and four children in a Kent mansion, claims that in some communities the pressure on women to use such products is overwhelming.

Her younger sister, Elsa Major, 27, agrees, explaining how disturbing hierarchies of skin colour are still influencing African girls. “Being lighter shows you belong to a different place on the social ladder. All the rich, successful black African men marry either a white or a very light-skinned girl because they too grew up thinking that the lighter is the most pretty. It doesn’t matter how dark a man is, of course the pressure is all on women.”

In a statement, Holland & Barrett said the product did not contain “harsh bleaching agents, saying the core ingredient was a brown algae that has proven skin-whitening attributes especially for use on age spots, liver spots, freckles, sun-damaged skin, scars, blemishes, dark elbows and knees as well as general skin brightening”.

There is a huge market in illegal creams, soaps and pills, many contain highly dangeroud ingredients such as mercury, bleach and acid. The worst of these, a chemical called hydroquinone, is officially banned in the EU, but can still be prescribed by dermatologists for cosmetic reasons — and isn’t hard to find in the UK.

Hydroquinone is the biological equivalent of paint stripper. In removing the top layer of skin, which initially results in a ‘brighter’ looking face, it also removes the body’s natural defence against infection and the sun, increasing the risk of skin cancer. If it enters the bloodstream, it can cause fatal liver and kidney damage. Skincare expert Sujata Jolly, who founded her clinic Clinogen Laboratories in Windsor 30 years ago, has treated many women desperate to reverse the chemical’s effects.

Mike Brown died, but yall still had to get them Jordans

Honestly i'm not buying anything today, but the fact of the matter is we aren't going to just wake up one day and completely stop supporting brands that don't support Black America. It's completely unrealistic to think that people who have been designed by consumerism their entire life are just going to up & stop using all these products over night.

With that said i also see the importance of having this at least be in discussion and start the support of black business & growth. As of this day we don't completely have the infrastructure to strictly rely on black owned businesses/ businesses that support blacks. We have to take into account habits, availability, convenience etc etc. but just because we can't snatch back a complete trillion Dollars in spending within one year doesn't mean that we can't slowly and effectively do more to support black business & promote black business.

even if everyone makes a small adjustment like buying soap from a black business, buying food, records etc etc. we could add a billion dollar to a black economy like it's nothing, and that helps. The more exposure these companies get, the more they grow, & the easier it becomes to support a business that cares for your community & a business that can help empower others whether through jobs, or collaboration.
Former Model Irene Major, Wife Of Oil Tycoon Sam Malin Talks Skin Bleaching “When My Skin Is Lighter, I Just Feel Prettier”
27 November, 2014 Posted by Stacey

View media item 1279384Former model Irene Major is a very wealthy woman who loves being lightskinned with the help of bleaching creams. Irene is married to Canadian oil tycoon Sam Malin, she has tried everything from super-expensive Creme de la Mer moisturisers to the services of the most exclusive Harley Street dermatologists.
Married to this guy
View media item 1279404
Typical negro bed wench... nothing else to see here folks. She's a lost cause.

Mike Brown died, but yall still had to get them Jordans
I aint gonna lie, it does hurt to see my people act a fool on black Friday. But as trynafeelmink trynafeelmink alluded to, its gonna take baby steps. Those who know better have to do better. We have to be the examples for the def, dumb, and blind in our culture so they have viable alternatives. Its gonna take consistent hard work, but I have faith in my people. We'll figure it out.
I'm cool with interracial marriage but this ish is disgusting and disturbing in all manners.
I think that the best control, is self control

I get what people are trying to do, but honestly it's a joke. It's not a time to make statements but a time to make changes. I'll admit, I have been a coward in such regards. Nike and Jordan's hold on us has ultimately lead to our exploitation. The new generation of kids just don't understand that these are just sneakers. As people of self-interest, we like to try and spray political disinfectant on everything but as an older generation we have to do better. Can't even express the way it makes me feel to see kids, even grown ups, outside camping out just for the opportunity to be able to pay for some overpriced sneakers.

It isn't anything against Nike, it's just something I think should be done as a respect to ourselves. I'm going proceed to clean out my closet and wash my hands with said brands, again not a call to action just an observation of mine. Were all grown and can make our own decisions. As for Black Friday shopping in general, I agree with what you guys said, one day of boycotting isn't going to make a real difference. I am tho, interested in if the boycotting in MO makes a difference in sales

and how they respond economically after what's happened And I don't think it matters that people bought Jordan's today in light of what happened, it's just not a real good look while when we keep talking about being oppressed
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