black father killed by police in a local walmart while holding a toy gun.

What's even more sick are the fools trying to justify the cops actions. What happened to immobilizing people? I don't give a **** what he was doing. There was no reason dude had to die.
nobody is saying that though show me one post where somebody

said the cops were in the right

we are just saying it was avoidable 
I understand it's something to be discussed and people want to talk about this problem and that the US government does not seem to fix anything when these problems occur.
The last thing I would want is government to be involved, too corrupt, too slow, and will always bring new problems with a "solution". But that's another topic itself.
It's only progressive when cultures and communities actually come together and educate each other on how to conduct.
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Yea and those black males are thrown in jail to be made profit off of and lead another generation without men, while these cops who are payed to protect us, kill us get a paid vacation and get off free, all while being asked to "protect" more innocent people afterwards.
true but that the only time dudes seem to be outraged
only when its an officer
gang members can kill each other everyday without one protest 
but that another convo though 

You mean that's the only time it gets news coverage, right?
Stories like this not being posted in General won't stop it from happening.
I know that b I'm just saying almost every week there is a news story popping up about an innocent black male/female being killed. I understand it's something to be discussed and people want to talk about this problem and that the US government does not seem to fix anything when these problems occur. But you can at least agree that these stories do pop up a lot in general

Should they not be discussed?

Should only feel good news stories be posted in General? :nerd:
so you could agree that this could have been avoided on his part right
seeing as how he could have opened it up
without paying for it and playing with it after the the fact right 

true but he did what people do in Walmart open stuff that aint thiers and play with it
dudes was guilt of being a thief
the store should have indicated that it was a toy
the responding officer should have use a better threat assessment
I just thought of something...maybe they should be given 2 guns, one with live rounds, the other with rubber nonelethal ones, depending on the situation, they will held fully accountable for which they decide to use, use lethal rounds to subdue/murder an unarmed/fleeing civilian and get prosecuted as a murderer, they shouldn't use live rounds UNLESS shot at first.
HELLLLLLLL KNOW lol... that would only make things worse. Imagine all the "oops" and "my bad" i grabbed the wrong gun excuses that would be used. It wouldnt even surprise me if the "accidently" picked up to live ammo guns and used the i thought i was carrying one of the rubber bullet guns. 
:smh: @ you OP.

Toy gun my ***. This kid was looney as ****. Deserve to die? Probably not, but the picture you painted in the OP was waaaayyyy off. This is less a race thing and more mismanagement by cops. Sick of everyone trying to ignite race talk and point fingers at people, races or stereotypes...And then wonder why nothing changes.

This thread should be locked.
In the case of Oscar Grant the cop couldn't even tell the difference between his gun & a Taser :smile:rolleyes) so imagine them trying to differentiate between two things that are actually similar

Put the lethal weapon on the opposite drawing hand, so that the rubber bullet one is the most accessible, if the officer drew the lethal weapon is because he meant to, NO DEBATING THATX
Yall ****** talking about "he was pointing it at people"... bruh if he was doin that there would've been pandemonium and chaos in the store. I'm under the impression he was either wavin it around in his hands or some **** and a couple white people saw a black man with dreads walkin around with a "gun" and then **** hit the fan. Unless he pointed he gun at the officers there was no need to shoot him at all. I'd love to see the surveillance footage but that **** is probably long gone by now.
I just thought of something...maybe they should be given 2 guns, one with live rounds, the other with rubber nonelethal ones, depending on the situation, they will held fully accountable for which they decide to use, use lethal rounds to subdue/murder an unarmed/fleeing civilian and get prosecuted as a murderer, they shouldn't use live rounds UNLESS shot at first.

In the case of Oscar Grant the cop couldn't even tell the difference between his gun & a Taser :smile:rolleyes) so imagine them trying to differentiate between two things that are actually similar
Was gonna bring this up. Two guns is going to lead to a lot of "I mistake the rubber rounds for the live rounds" and we'll be dealing with a lot more issues.

I still want to see some footage of what happened. If he was waving it at random customers then that's foolish on his part. Still doesn't warrant being shot at.

Did people in the store report any of his actions to employees or security before the cops were called?

Officers definitely need better training and critical thinking skills.
:smh: @ you OP.

Toy gun my ***. This kid was looney as ****. Deserve to die? Probably not, but the picture you painted in the OP was waaaayyyy off. This is less a race thing and more mismanagement by cops. Sick of everyone trying to ignite race talk and point fingers at people, races or stereotypes...And then wonder why nothing changes.

This thread should be locked.

that excalty my point .
take race out and you have a case with the police and how they deal with mental illness.

there should have been a stand off to ASSESS the situation
and why wasn't the store evacuated
Yall ****** talking about "he was pointing it at people"... bruh if he was doin that there would've been pandemonium and chaos in the store. I'm under the impression he was either wavin it around in his hands or some **** and a couple white people saw a black man with dreads walkin around with a "gun" and then **** hit the fan. Unless he pointed he gun at the officers there was no need to shoot him at all. I'd love to see the surveillance footage but that **** is probably long gone by now.

Yeah there would have been absolute chaos, the fact that people can attest to him "pointing at children" is proof enough they knew he was just some looney with a toy gun....nobody would have thought let me sit here and call the cops if they thought the gun was real, they would have been gunning for the door
@ you OP.

Toy gun my ***. This kid was looney as ****. Deserve to die? Probably not, but the picture you painted in the OP was waaaayyyy off. This is less a race thing and more mismanagement by cops. Sick of everyone trying to ignite race talk and point fingers at people, races or stereotypes...And then wonder why nothing changes.

This thread should be locked.
it was race based.... the white couple called the cops due to racial stereotypes... wth are you saying. If it was as crazy as these racist claimed it to be... they wouldnt have even needed to call the police because the commotion would have alerted walmart and its employees to which they probably wouldve got law enforcement involved.

So that right there pokes holes in this whole he was running rampant around in the store waving a gun threatening customers... I mean really a dude waving a gun around pretending to shoot ppl in a store of walmart magnitude and no one not an employee saw this.. and no other ppl were alarmed or scared... and it took a middle age white lady to find the courage and what... sneak off and call the police? lol im sorry that sounds redic....
You mean that's the only time it gets news coverage, right?
nah bruh 

NBC news did a special about

chicago shoot 82 people over the 4th of July

weekend not one protest happened wasnt no pictures on social media

or any of that but let a story like this happen and all of a sudden your upset

but wont have this same outrage when it happens in your own community 

by a person that has the same skin color 
I also fail to see the need to add "black father" in the thread title. I'm sure it's to pull people into the thread but anyone with a gun looking thing is a problem

nobody is saying that though show me one post where somebody
said the cops were in the right
we are just saying it was avoidable 

By saying that it could've been avoided on his part is like giving the cop acceptance for shooting him dead.... yes he couldv'e not done that the fact of the matter is that he did (allegedly) and the punishment in this case doesn't equate to what was claimed the young man did.

It's the same thing in every post dealing with blacks & officers who abuse their power. On one end you have FREE citizens who don't have a guidebook on what should or shouldn't be done while police are around, they are minding their business FOLLOWING the law.

On the other end you have TRAINED cops who have a special set of rules to abide by. They clearly break those rules all of the time, are in complete awareness of what boundaries they LEGALLY AREN"T ALLOWED TO CROSS. Yet they break them anyway and do so without much care at all.

so instead we sit here and bash the people who were living their life by the laws given to them and not in violation of anything, but show sympathy and understanding for cops who clearly know how the situations should be handled and have an entire rulebook on what to do & what not to do.
Yall ****** talking about "he was pointing it at people"... bruh if he was doin that there would've been pandemonium and chaos in the store. I'm under the impression he was either wavin it around in his hands or some **** and a couple white people saw a black man with dreads walkin around with a "gun" and then **** hit the fan. Unless he pointed he gun at the officers there was no need to shoot him at all. I'd love to see the surveillance footage but that **** is probably long gone by now.
yea its in the same place the black box from 9/11 is.... lol
true but he did what people do in Walmart open stuff that aint thiers and play with it
dudes was guilt of being a thief
the store should have indicated that it was a toy
the responding officer should have use a better threat assessment
i agree with that 100%
April and Ronald Ritchie, of Riverside, told WHIO that they were in the hardware department Tuesday around 8:20 p.m. when they saw a man walking the aisles carrying what they thought was a real gun, pointing it toward the sky. The couple called 911.

The couple said they followed Crawford at a safe distance. "Anytime I saw people walking his way, I would get their attention," April Ritchie said. She said the man was cradling a cellphone between his left ear and shoulder while he messed with the rifle.

"He just kept messing with it and I heard a clicking," April Ritchie said.

Ronald Ritchie said Crawford "was just waving [the gun] at children and people...I couldn't hear anything that he was saying. I'm thinking that he is either going to rob the place or he's there to shoot somebody.

"He didn't really want to be looked at and when people did look at him, he was pointing the gun at them. He was pointing at people. Children walking by," Ronald Ritchie said.

The station reports that police arrived and told Crawford to put the weapon down. The Ritchies said two shots were fired, knocking the suspect backward. When Crawford reportedly tried to get up, he was tackled by an officer who then handcuffed him and turned him on his back.

If he was a threat don't you think there would've been panic from the people he was "waving" it at. Maybe he was talking to them about it. But they assumed he must be trying to rob the place

View media item 1126437

I guess people just skipped over this >D
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Put the lethal weapon on the opposite drawing hand, so that the rubber bullet one is the most accessible, if the officer drew the lethal weapon is because he meant to, NO DEBATING THATX

Not trying to be funny, but that is too confusing for them in those kinds of situations. Remember they are being called because a black man is waving a gun at women and children inside a crowded Walmart. Their hands are already clutching the lethal weapon when they enter the store. Now you want them to differentiate between a real and fake air rifle. Not happening man, besides don't they already have tasers? What do they need a non lethal gun for also. They killing people with tasers too, they might let off the whole clip of rubber bullets into somebody.
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Should they not be discussed?

Should only feel good news stories be posted in General? :nerd:
That's not what I was saying :rolleyes I was saying it's not bad to discuss this but does a new thread always need to be made weekly when something like this pops up? Why not make one thread for discussion about the issue? Never said anything about needing to post just feel good stories having to be posted. What I said in sentence you edited in bold was saying do you agree that these stories do pop up a lot on NT
some of you dudes are tring to damn hard to justify dudes actions (if true)
but still im pretty sure it could have ended differently
nobody does that anywhere 
but ill wait until more comes out about the story 
Who needs to justify a BB gun though? Is it illegal to have one? If so, why are they being sold?
I guess people just skipped over this
um ok thats emphasized for what... i mean the story and accounts of a racist... to which the party being stereotyped is dead... and in 2014 no one has a video of um ok
nah bruh 
NBC news did a special about
chicago shoot 82 people over the 4th of July
weekend not one protest happened wasnt no pictures on social media
or any of that but let a story like this happen and all of a sudden your upset
but wont have this same outrage when it happens in your own community 
by a person that has the same skin color 

We won't have the same outrage because we've been having the same outrage for 50 years!!.. The government has shown CLEARLY that they don't give a **** about black on black violence. Their has been hundreds of marches, hundreds of cease fire organizations, hundreds of parents with deceased children who have met with politicians... The results are the same... government in America doesn't give a **** about stopping black on black crime, because it's profitable for them.

So when we are protesting and up in arms about police, it's because these are "supposed" to be the people we rely on when those black on black crimes are going down, their supposed to be able to intervene & protect.... instead they are doing the same activities as the criminals except they have legal immunity to do whatever the **** they want and get away with it.

Dudes kill me with this revisionist ****, talkin about why don't black people have a problem with black on black violence.... WE DO, unlimited hours, resources, and attempts have been made to stop it, Nobody outside of the black community Cares!!
Should they not be discussed?

Should only feel good news stories be posted in General? :nerd:
That's not what I was saying :rolleyes I was saying it's not bad to discuss this but does a new thread always need to be made weekly when something like this pops up? Why not make one thread for discussion about the issue? Never said anything about needing to post just feel good stories having to be posted. What I said in sentence you edited in bold was saying do you agree that these stories do pop up a lot on NT

Every case isn't the same so an "official Death of Black Men by Cops" thread wouldn't make much sense. :rolleyes

These stories pop up because they are happening! If this didn't occur it wouldn't "pop up".

If you don't like these real life news threads then don't click on them.
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