black father killed by police in a local walmart while holding a toy gun.

Making people aware is part of a solution, spreading the information is vital, Support doesn't mean that a couple thousand people have to rally everytime someone gets shot. Even if that were to happen what would come out of that outside of cops over stepping their boundaries as usual and provoking some folks or arresting them for "disorderly conduct"
I said it is important just not the same thing
My point is that crime in the community is a problem and it’s true that the majority of black murder victims are murdered by blacks, but the same holds true for whites: Most whites are murdered by whites. And in both cases, this race statistic is not available for all murders, but only ones where the race of both perpetrator and victim can be determined. So why when it comes to Black people do we have to label it Black on Black but other races its just considered crime?
ok I understand that 
but all my life that one that situation has been described as 

And who created that description?
I understand where you're coming from but the video surveillance will show whether he was walking around with it or he stayed in one place. And the whole "if he was white it would have ended differently" is still speculation.. Once again we don't see a news article often on here where a white guy is killed by cops. Also we need to know the time frame from when the cops told him to put the gun down and what his reaction was when told to do so

This just doesn't make sense on the cops part... even if he had the gun in his hands were there people in Walmart running from him, was he pointing it in someones face? acting aggressive with it?

If the video comes out and he's simply pointing the gun around, why was it okay for the cops initial reaction to shoot him, simple logic would say that if they received a call about a guy with a gun and said man is walking amongst people in Walmart without causing them panic, Talking on the phone, and walking as if nothing he's doing is illegal.

common sense would make it seem pretty obvious that this man wasn't out to hurt someone with an assault rifle.

Not everybody knew it was a toy though. If im in a crowded store and a guy is walking around with what looks like a shotgun even if it's pointed at the floor, how do I know he's not calling his buddy on the other side of the store who also has a shotgun on him? I'm gonna at least be apprehensive and wonder what he's doing with it. Where I'm from it's not normal to just see someone walking around with a gun in a store.
What?! :lol:

Your post just illustrated how much you missed the point. Most of it doesn't even make sense.
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Not everybody knew it was a toy though. If im in a crowded store and a guy is walking around with what looks like a shotgun even if it's pointed at the floor, how do I know he's not calling his buddy on the other side of the store who also has a shotgun on him? I'm gonna at least be apprehensive and wonder what he's doing with it. Where I'm from it's not normal to just see someone walking around with a gun in a store.
maybe but would you follow and tail the guy and try to see what he is up to or saying on the phone etc.... Dudes got this lady out here on some columbiana, one of the charlies angels ah something. If this white lady was truly scared and feared for her life... she would be booking it, hightailing it outta there on some marion jones type of speed. 
Why didn't they just shoot the gun out of his hands though. At least no one would have deaded. Or they could have fired a warning shot at his feet or something. I'm 99% sure he might have dropped the gun then.
Not everybody knew it was a toy though. If im in a crowded store and a guy is walking around with what looks like a shotgun even if it's pointed at the floor, how do I know he's not calling his buddy on the other side of the store who also has a shotgun on him? I'm gonna at least be apprehensive and wonder what he's doing with it. Where I'm from it's not normal to just see someone walking around with a gun in a store.

That's understandable... with that said they are equipped with tasers, gas etc etc (Non Lethal Things) why is everyone questioning the logic of the man shot and not questioning the logic of the officers first reaction being to shoot a man who apparently wasn't acting in a threatening demeanor. Not to mention this killing happened 5 days ago and has been getting little to no press AT ALL. This happened in a WALMART that we KNOW has recordings... yet somehow there has been no video?

Him refusing to drop the weapon when the cops asked him or him pointing the gun at them in a threatening matter on tape would quickly calm down all reports of misjustice on their part..... but alas there is nothing being shown and i'm willing to bet that's because the footage exposes a bunch of quick triggered cowards.
Two many conflicting articles and statements right now to be certain on anything just yet.  We need the videotape to be released before passing judgement. 
Leave it in the package. I don't take DVDs out of the case when I buy them at Walmart so why would he take out a damn air rifle?
Not saying him taking the gun out the package is right by any means, I agree he shouldn't have done that, but with that example? Come on fam, DVD's have one purpose, to watch it. If you are buying a gun, you want to feel the texture, the fit in your hand, how to load it, etc, etc...In other words there is much more use with a gun. 
What's even more sick are the fools trying to justify the cops actions. What happened to immobilizing people? I don't give a **** what he was doing. There was no reason dude had to die.
Probably would've used an illegal choke hold and killed him anyway :smh:
Not saying him taking the gun out the package is right by any means, I agree he shouldn't have done that, but with that example? Come on fam, DVD's have one purpose, to watch it. If you are buying a gun, you want to feel the texture, the fit in your hand, how to load it, etc, etc...In other words there is much more use with a gun. 
yea... certain things ie..guns, power tools things of that nature most ppl take them out of the box and try to get a feel for them on a comfort level. Especially at walmart and their no return policies... he to be honest i see ppl all the time do this with things like light bulbs to see if it looks like one they brought from the house, or household items to get a feel of how small/large they are... etc. Hell i se ppl do it with things like bedroom sets on some the product might not look the same as it does on the package. 
Plus I just remembered doesn't Walmart sell real guns in some places anyway?

i wasnt going to even bring up that point... few and i mean few walmarts sell firearms/hunting rifles.. and the ones that do clealry display and state that they carry them. Are we to believe this lady/couple were some out of towners, never to have visited this particular walmart and thus had no clue this walmart didnt sell firearms? I mean its walmart a place ppl particularly frequently visit several times a week. Yet we are to believe she didnt know what kind of walmart it was...
i wasnt going to even bring up that point... few and i mean few walmarts sell firearms/hunting rifles.. and the ones that do clealry display and state that they carry them. Are we to believe this lady/couple were some out of towners, never to have visited this particular walmart and thus had no clue this walmart didnt sell firearms? I mean its walmart a place ppl particularly frequently visit several times a week. Yet we are to believe she didnt know what kind of walmart it was...:\

Exactly. There was no way he would've gotten past the front doors where ALL the cashiers and some managers are with a ******* assault rifle (assuming that picture in here is the actual "gun"). Something is just fishy about this, I'm not believing the entirety of this couples story.
So... if he was really pointing the gun at people, how many of them called the police? From what the articles are saying, that one couple who followed him from a distance are the only one's who called the police. That's why I need to see video footage. And if the gun was packaged, where was the package? Did he have it in his hands as well?
Not saying him taking the gun out the package is right by any means, I agree he shouldn't have done that, but with that example? Come on fam, DVD's have one purpose, to watch it. If you are buying a gun, you want to feel the texture, the fit in your hand, how to load it, etc, etc...In other words there is much more use with a gun. 
But that's what display models are for. For people to get a feel for the product. Besides it's a toy gun. Who takes TOYS out of the package to get a feel? 

Also don't BB Guns have orange tips on the barrel to distinguish them from real weapons?
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