black father killed by police in a local walmart while holding a toy gun.

Exactly. There was no way he would've gotten past the front doors where ALL the cashiers and some managers are with a ******* assault rifle (assuming that picture in here is the actual "gun"). Something is just fishy about this, I'm not believing the entirety of this couples story.
exactly my point... no way a BLACK MAN is just going to gingerly walk in unnoticed with a assault rifle in a walmart of all places... so that nullify the so called "theory" of he couldve came in the store with it, and since the store DOESNT sell firearms. How could she or anybody for that matter think he got a firearm from the sports and hunting section? How could they not know it was fake? They dont sell real firearms. 

I guess folks are trying to say the store has some sort of secret assault rifle stash that the keep and sell exclusively to young black men. 
But that's what display models are for. For people to get a feel for the product. Besides it's a toy gun. Who takes TOYS out of the package to get a feel? 

Also don't BB Guns have orange tips on the barrel to distinguish them from real weapons?
They dont have those out on display though. So how else was he going to check it out and get a feel for it? And plenty of ppl take toys/things out of the packaging to check them out. I dont know what walmarts some of you have been to... but there are plenty of walmarts to which you can stroll up and down any random aisle and see items laying out next to the torn open packaging. 

According to WHIO, 37-year-old Angela D. Williams was at the store at the time and collapsed while running away from the situation. She was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. The coroner's office reported that Williams had a medical condition which was the cause of her death. The woman's coworkers told the station she was to be married on Saturday.

Damn, unnecessarily killed two people that day.
Yall forget 2 months ago 2 people walked into a Walmart and started shooting people and yall trying to justify a man walking around Walmart with a GUN waving it at people :smh:

Yall talking about "Its just a BB gun". The only reason you know its a BB gun is because its all said a done. Some BB guns are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

He's is an idiot and is now a dead idiot for taking it OUT THE PACKAGE and waving it at people. 2 months after that Walmart shooting :smh:

Great points.
Notice to all back men, can't even have toy guns :smh: :rolleyes :x :frown:

Yet I can peep all the white dudes carrying guns on youtube that get talked down by the police with no harm done. These pigs quick to pull a trigger on a black man.

This is disgusting.

Bruh I see so many white guys in VA walking around with guns, never once seen a black person do it. Though they have just as much right to, I wonder why...
Yall forget 2 months ago 2 people walked into a Walmart and started shooting people and yall trying to justify a man walking around Walmart with a GUN waving it at people :smh:

Yall talking about "Its just a BB gun". The only reason you know its a BB gun is because its all said a done. Some BB guns are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

He's is an idiot and is now a dead idiot for taking it OUT THE PACKAGE and waving it at people. 2 months after that Walmart shooting :smh:

Great points.

Fair point. Still have to question these police officers itchy fingers when it comes to us.
Not to mentioned that couple had already shot two officers in a restaurant before walking into Walmart... Not the same IMO.
Like I said in the other thread. It's us vs them when it comes to cops. Dont trust these lames for a second, that's how you get your life ruined. The fact that they never get prosecuted or even punished beyond paid vacation and a transfer to a different department is proof that there are teams in this ****. They look out for theirs and wonder why no snitching is a thing.
Open carry and brandishing/aiming at random are not the same thing.

We have open carry here and that just means you can have it on your person, and it can't be concealed.

If you remove a firearm from the holster or your pocket or your waist in public, you are brandishing.

Rifles are to be carried over the shoulder/back with a sling.

Anything else is considered a danger to those around you.

Sad what happened :smh:

Notice to all back men, can't even have toy guns :smh: :rolleyes :x :frown:

Yet I can peep all the white dudes carrying guns on youtube that get talked down by the police with no harm done. These pigs quick to pull a trigger on a black man.

This is disgusting.

Bruh I see so many white guys in VA walking around with guns, never once seen a black person do it. Though they have just as much right to, I wonder why...

I think RIPSleazyy did a nice job explaining the difference between open carry and brandishing in the above post.
Fair point. Still have to question these police officers itchy fingers when it comes to us.
not really those guys rushed in and start shooting... its not like they were just chillen walking around talking on the phone.stopped and checked out merchandise, went over the the electronics section and played video games for a minute, then outta nowhere start opening fire.

The situation in the 2 men shooting is totally different in that case/story then this one. 
Not to mentioned that couple had already shot two officers in a restaurant before walking into Walmart... Not the same IMO.
exactly...... i like how ppl try to tie unrelatable stories to which the scenarios are polar opposites from one another, on some well they happened in the same place.. to try to justify what happen in some attempt to avoid racial talk/implications... or their own racist/prejudice viewpoints.
Yall forget 2 months ago 2 people walked into a Walmart and started shooting people and yall trying to justify a man walking around Walmart with a GUN waving it at people :smh:

Yall talking about "Its just a BB gun". The only reason you know its a BB gun is because its all said a done. Some BB guns are almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

He's is an idiot and is now a dead idiot for taking it OUT THE PACKAGE and waving it at people. 2 months after that Walmart shooting :smh:

Great points.

Its crazy how that Wal-Mart shooting got swept under the rug.

The couple that did that shooting were also at Bundy's ranch during that "standoff" with the cops back in April.
I wonder of the video tapes shows that he didn't point the gun at anybody or anything, would the couple that called the police be liable in anyway for lying and causing 2 deaths
I wonder of the video tapes shows that he didn't point the gun at anybody or anything, would the couple that called the police be liable in anyway for lying and causing 2 deaths
lol yea right... one i doubt the video will ever surface unless this case magnitudes to that of like the trayvon martin case. and even then if anyone gets punished for this it would be the cops on some paid vaca... and maybe and i mean a strong maybe the family of the victim gets some sort of small compensation. 
"The behavior of the Ritchies as they described it was odd, to put it mildly. A man who seriously fears that he is in sight of an armed threat does not allow his injured wife to trail the “dangerous suspect” in a Walmart scooter, where she would be an easy target."

"Nowhere on the 911 segments do you hear panic in Mr. Ritchie’s voice, nor do you hear any yelling or screaming as you might expect if a man was wandering the store with a real weapon, scaring people. The only yelling and screaming occurs after officers close with and engage John Crawford, who apparently tried to tell Beavercreek officers that the rifle “wasn’t real,” before he was shot."

911 call audio:
What Walmart's do you go to where people are pointing guns at each other?
For real. 
"The behavior of the Ritchies as they described it was odd, to put it mildly. A man who seriously fears that he is in sight of an armed threat does not allow his injured wife to trail the “dangerous suspect” in a Walmart scooter, where she would be an easy target."

"Nowhere on the 911 segments do you hear panic in Mr. Ritchie’s voice, nor do you hear any yelling or screaming as you might expect if a man was wandering the store with a real weapon, scaring people. The only yelling and screaming occurs after officers close with and engage John Crawford, who apparently tried to tell Beavercreek officers that the rifle “wasn’t real,” before he was shot."

911 call audio:
like i said ppl actually think these folks were some covert agents ah something that happen to be off duty, shopping in a dayton walmart. They defy all logic and reasoning and behavior of a ordinary citizen. 

Nah they didnt run or try to hide go unnoticed like 99% of your average citizens would. They in that small fraction of ppl who are citizen vigilants out to what get the scoop, be a the day? A middle aged white guy and a injured, reduced to a scooter women. 
I had a white lady call the police on me in Yosemite when I was like 8 for carrying a BB gun.   I can only imagine how fearful the dominant society was back in the 1960s when they started to see these dudes walking around:
exactly...... i like how ppl try to tie unrelatable stories to which the scenarios are polar opposites from one another, on some well they happened in the same place.. to try to justify what happen in some attempt to avoid racial talk/implications... or their own racist/prejudice viewpoints.
But you have to use common sense. A Walmart was shot up 2 months prior and you then wave a gun around in a Walmart?
Copycat killers are real.
If it was a white man dressed in black trench coat waving the gun around, do you think the outcome may be the same?
RIP n condolences, this is really becoming too much man, it's such a demoralizing part of our society. I especially feel for his child that now has to face this world without a father. We all know hard it is for us in the first place, to compound this by not having your dad there is heart-wrenching.  I also feel for his wife, she has lost her life partner n love of her life. She now has to face the world as a single mother placed with the burden of raising a boy into a man. Also the woman that lost her life just adds to tragic nature of this incident. Sorry for her fiance as well; she was to be married this weekend 

First off, I place blame on all parties. Secondly, there is no audio nor video evidence, so for now I will go off of reports of the incident.

The young man should not have been walking around brandishing a firearm, toy or not, he should have exercised better judgement, n the police needed to try to diffuse the situation in a better manner before opting for the last resort. I know as a young, minority male not to walk around any public place with anything that may be mistaken as a deadly weapon; that only leads to compromising situations. Anyone arguing against that is just being naive. However, this does not give justification for the police not exercising some restraint. I'm am positive there is a set protocol for handling situations like this; protocol that will lead to the suspect's detention n not death. It has become too commonplace for situations like this, that lead to the death of our young men. There has to come a point where enough is enough. Also, the elderly couple that reported this to the police should feel ashamed of themselves. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that their hearts were in the right place, but at some point if there is no pandemonium, common sense would tell you no one is in any real danger. In the end mistakes were made by all parties involved n the result was 2 deaths that were easily preventable.

All we can do now is wait for the evidence to come out so we can have a better understanding on what really happened.

EDIT: I now see there is audio of the 911 call n altercation. The link is not working for me, is there another?
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exactly...... i like how ppl try to tie unrelatable stories to which the scenarios are polar opposites from one another, on some well they happened in the same place.. to try to justify what happen in some attempt to avoid racial talk/implications... or their own racist/prejudice viewpoints.
But you have to use common sense. A Walmart was shot up 2 months prior and you then wave a gun around in a Walmart?
Copycat killers are real.
If it was a white man dressed in black trench coat waving the gun around, do you think the outcome may be the same?

Did you listen to audio from the 911 call?

Isn't it pretty odd that no one was screaming and no one else called the cops.

If someone pointed a realistic gun at you inside of a Wal-Mart, 2 months after a Wal-Mart shooting wouldn't you be in fear and dial 911 asap?

Would you let your wife(who is in a motorized scooter) tail a potential shooter? How come everyone else was calm until the cops showed up?

But you have to use common sense. A Walmart was shot up 2 months prior and you then wave a gun around in a Walmart?
Copycat killers are real.
If it was a white man dressed in black trench coat waving the gun around, do you think the outcome may be the same?
he wasnt in a trenchcoat... he didnt come into the store with a gun... and the store does not sell firearms.... And in that case those guys were on a shooting spree... and they didnt go into walmart all idlewild on a cellphone talking and texting, shopping and stopping to checkout and play video games. 

So to answer you if i saw a man on the phone texting/calling etc.. walking around in a store that sells at the most bb guns and toy guns.. and he was perusing thru aisle, stopped to checkout the latest music and video games... No i wouldnt follow him if i thought the gun was real and he was a threat (and im in the military and trained with the mp, and can take down a gunmen etc...) Because i would realize the gun wasnt real... and if for some odd reason i didnt know it was fake.. i wouldnt proceed to tail the guy and follow him... I would as most rationale ppl would do, try to flee undetected and inform the store and or security. 
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