black father killed by police in a local walmart while holding a toy gun.

Did you listen to audio from the 911 call?

Isn't it pretty odd that no one was screaming and no one else called the cops.

If someone pointed a realistic gun at you inside of a Wal-Mart, 2 months after a Wal-Mart shooting wouldn't you be in fear and dial 911 asap?

Would you let your wife(who is in a motorized scooter) tail a potential shooter? How come everyone else was calm until the cops showed up?


yea i dont get this part
Bruh I see so many white guys in VA walking around with guns, never once seen a black person do it. Though they have just as much right to, I wonder why...

Because those black people choose not to, you clown. 

I open carry in Va, I have been stopped and asked questions by officers. They didn't OD, but I knew what they were doing.

People look at me when I have it in my waist, holstered not so much.

Black gun owners that I know here got their conceal permit mainly to avoid these stares and unwarranted questioning.
Yea and those black males are thrown in jail to be made profit off of and lead another generation without men, while these cops who are payed to protect us, kill us get a paid vacation and get off free, all while being asked to "protect" more innocent people afterwards.
true but that the only time dudes seem to be outraged
only when its an officer
gang members can kill each other everyday without one protest 
but that another convo though 

But gang members are there doing gang member ****. They know the consequences for their lifestyle before stepping into it. That's a choice that they make everyday.
Did you listen to audio from the 911 call?

Isn't it pretty odd that no one was screaming and no one else called the cops.

If someone pointed a realistic gun at you inside of a Wal-Mart, 2 months after a Wal-Mart shooting wouldn't you be in fear and dial 911 asap?

Would you let your wife(who is in a motorized scooter) tail a potential shooter? How come everyone else was calm until the cops showed up?

No I didnt hear the call. Ill listen when I get home
But you have valid points. The couple possibly didnt believe it was a real gun but thought he was up to no good(because he's black?). Or maybe they werent 100% sure if it were real or not.

as far as the cop shooting him. Cop has no idea what the specifics are ( I assume). For all he knew, he saw a man with a gun, told him to drop it, and when the man turned around to see whats going on...BAM

Guess we gotta wait for the vids
Also, the elderly couple that reported this to the police should feel ashamed of themselves. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that their hearts were in the right place, but at some point if there is no pandemonium, common sense would tell you no one is in any real danger.
You can't honestly believe this. Why should they be ashamed of calling the police if he really was brandishing a firearm and aiming it at people? You can't say it's common sense that no one was in danger just because he hadn't fired on anyone. If someone was out brandishing and aiming an undistinguishable firearm at people that turned out to be REAL, would you still be okay with it and claim that it was common sense that no one was in danger? 
he wasnt in a trenchcoat... he didnt come into the store with a gun... and the store does not sell firearms.... And in that case those guys were on a shooting spree... and they didnt go into walmart all idlewild on a cellphone talking and texting, shopping and stopping to checkout and play video games. 

So to answer you if i saw a man on the phone texting/calling etc.. walking around in a store that sells at the most bb guns and toy guns.. and he was perusing thru aisle, stopped to checkout the latest music and video games... No i wouldnt follow him if i thought the gun was real and he was a threat (and im in the military and trained with the mp, and can take down a gunmen etc...) Because i would realize the gun wasnt real... and if for some odd reason i didnt know it was fake.. i wouldnt proceed to tail the guy and follow him... I would as most rationale ppl would do, try to flee undetected and inform the store and or security. 
But not everyone is trained like you nor have the ability to rationalize the situation. Like I said, 2 months ago a Walmart was shot up and people are very cautious so why even take the chance of walking around with a BB gun that can be mistaken for the real thing?

After the Colorado shootings I made sure to carry at every movie and large public even I attend. Every movie I go im people watching. Sad to say, but people are more cautious than ever in America
Also, the elderly couple that reported this to the police should feel ashamed of themselves. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt that their hearts were in the right place, but at some point if there is no pandemonium, common sense would tell you no one is in any real danger.
You can't honestly believe this. Why should they be ashamed of calling the police if he really was brandishing a firearm and aiming it at people? You can't say it's common sense that no one was in danger just because he hadn't fired on anyone. If someone was out brandishing and aiming an undistinguishable firearm at people that turned out to be REAL, would you still be okay with it and claim that it was common sense that no one was in danger? 
I believe it wholeheartedly. Did you fail to read the underlined? If there are no others in a panic n no one else seems to feel endangered, would you not then logically come to the conclusion that there is no threat?

Also, I prefaced my opinion by stating:
First off, I place blame on all parties. Secondly, there is no audio nor video evidence, so for now I will go off of reports of the incident.
he wasnt in a trenchcoat..
Shootings only happen in trench coats, because Columbine, right? 
he didnt come into the store with a gun...
Because all of the shoppers and workers saw him come into the store, right?
and the store does not sell firearms.... 
Yeah, but a lot of Walmarts do, so you can't sit here in hindsight and act as if it's reasonable to expect all the customers to know that. 
This happened in Walmart in 2014 and no one thinks its sus the police are not releasing the footage that would prove he was pointing the gun at people and being a threat????
This happened in Walmart in 2014 and no one thinks its sus the police are not releasing the footage that would prove he was pointing the gun at people and being a threat????

This is what it comes down too. If these reports are right, there should be video.
Guys @ME662LL A   seems to be trolling. Just let him be. He already made 3 offensive comments and made these same comments in the other police shooting thread

just ignore him. No sense in arguing with him
I believe it wholeheartedly. Did you fail to read the underlined? If there are no others in a panic n no one else seems to feel endangered, would you not then logically come to the conclusion that there is no threat?
Your preface means nothing when you're trying to shame the people calling the cops when the weapon was undistinguishable from a real one. It's clear who's side your on so your opinion is totally biased. If I saw the same thing I'd have called the police also. You are also trying to shame people for not screaming and causing a scene, as if staying calm flat out isn't the correct thing to try and do. Oh, and do I need to reiterate the fact that he removed it from the packaging and was aiming it at people? Come on, man. 
see alot of people get shot by police because say you have a weapon real or not, police come up behind you like drop your gun police1

What is the first reaction most people do?

They turn around to see who the heck is saying this. really its a natural reaction. Now when they turn around the gun turns with them and then the police go boom boom even though the victim was just turning around as a natural reaction..

Especially in the hood if somebody say police lay on the ground your going to turn around and make sure it isnt some jackers or robbers etc
Shootings only happen in trench coats, because Columbine, right? 

Because all of the shoppers and workers saw him come into the store, right?

Yeah, but a lot of Walmarts do, so you can't sit here in hindsight and act as if it's reasonable to expect all the customers to know that. 
but walmart isnt some 5 star restaurant, or disney world... its a place ppl typically go to and patron several times a week... plus the stores that do sell firearms have signage that states they sell firearms, alcohol etc.... so it isnt unreasonable to expect someone who goes to a place on a regular basis to not know what items they carry.

That would be like someone saying oh all this time ive been to walmart i didnt know the one i go to has a car service station or a gas station... Or like going to mckie dees and saying well i was unaware this mckie dees didnt sell/have ice cream.

And as far as workers/shoppers seeing him is concerned... walmart in most part well pretty much everyone ive been to in the usa.. has greeters at the front of the store... so yes again it is highly unlikely no one saw him come into the store. And unless it was like in the middle of the night 3am or something how is a dude gonna pull out a weapon and walk around walmart with unnoticed with the exception of one couple?
I believe it wholeheartedly. Did you fail to read the underlined? If there are no others in a panic n no one else seems to feel endangered, would you not then logically come to the conclusion that there is no threat?

Your preface means nothing when you're trying to shame the people calling the cops when the weapon was undistinguishable from a real one. It's clear who's side your on so your opinion is totally biased. If I saw the same thing I'd have called the police also. You are also trying to shame people for not screaming and causing a scene, as if staying calm flat out isn't the correct thing to try and do. Oh, and do I need to reiterate the fact that he removed it from the packaging and was aiming it at people? Come on, man. 

I know you are a troll but anyway

Wouldn't you get the hell out of dodge and call 911 asap if someone pointed a realistic looking gun at you?

Why was the old couple who continued to follow him the only people who dialed 911?

I know you are a troll but anyway

Wouldn't you get the hell out of dodge and call 911 asap if someone pointed a realistic looking gun at you?

Why was the old couple who continued to follow him the only people who dialed 911?


That's the million dollar question... why are they the only one's who called the police if he was really pointing the gun at people? Or at least tell one of the employees.
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I believe it wholeheartedly. Did you fail to read the underlined? If there are no others in a panic n no one else seems to feel endangered, would you not then logically come to the conclusion that there is no threat?
Your preface means nothing when you're trying to shame the people calling the cops when the weapon was undistinguishable from a real one. It's clear who's side your on so your opinion is totally biased. If I saw the same thing I'd have called the police also. You are also trying to shame people for not screaming and causing a scene, as if staying calm flat out isn't the correct thing to try and do. Oh, and do I need to reiterate the fact that he removed it from the packaging and was aiming it at people? Come on, man. 
There have been no reports of any other 911 calls made. Logically, if another patron were to feel threatened, the moment that person felt he/she was in the clear, would he/she not call 911? Wal-Mart is filled with dozens, if not hundreds, of patrons at a time. If any one of those customers felt even the slightest semblance of danger, I feel pretty confident the authorities would have been notified numerous times. Are there any reports of other eyewitnesses claiming to have felt endangered? Finally, the husband in the elderly couple was an ex-marine, surely he must have some sort of expertise on firearms. He can't judge what is n what isn't a real weapon?

All you are trying to do is corner me into picking sides which is laughable when I already stated the blame was on everyone involved. However, based on previous posts, you just like to start arguments as a means to troll. Therefore, I have no further use for this back n forth. Enjoy your day.
That's the million dollar question... why are they the only one's who called the police if he was really pointing the gun at people? Or at least tell one of the employees.

because more than likely he wasnt pointing the gun at anyone.

more than likely, their preconceived opinions about african americans prompted an unwarranted paranoia that led them to "seeing" him pointing it at all of these people, none of which it sounds like, thought much of it, other than these two.

they followed a supposed armed assailant around the store while he was pointing a gun at women and children? sounds exactly like what most people would do... :smh:
But not everyone is trained like you nor have the ability to rationalize the situation. Like I said, 2 months ago a Walmart was shot up and people are very cautious so why even take the chance of walking around with a BB gun that can be mistaken for the real thing?

After the Colorado shootings I made sure to carry at every movie and large public even I attend. Every movie I go im people watching. Sad to say, but people are more cautious than ever in America
the funny thing about this statement was that the guy was a ex-marine and WAS/IS trained like this...even moreso then your avg army personal... he went thru months and possibly years of training for similar situations like this. And as someone else stated i find it hard to believe a military feared for his life, and secondly couldnt tell the gun was fake. 
Too many people jump to conclusions with that lynch mob mentality. Unfortunately, if a citizen calls 911 and reports a man brandishing a weapon, they have to take it seriously. Video evidence should provide the facts needed to see who was at fault here.
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Too many people jump to conclusions with that lynch mob mentality. Unfortunately, if a citizen calls 911 and reports a man brandishing a weapon, they have to take it seriously. Video evidence should provide the facts needed to see who was at fault here.
what conclusions....? It isnt unrealistic to think a confined place with several hundreds of ppl, including 24/7 video monitoring was unable to detect and notice a man casually walking around with a assault rifle threatening customers and children...yet a couple, a ex marine and a wheelchair bound lady were able to? Is it jumping to a conclusion to know that the average person in a imminent threat/hostile situation does NOT trail and follow a suspect and see what they are doing?

And are people jumping to a conclusion to think that this couple has never been to this walmart thus not knowing they do NOT sell firearms? Nah it isnt jumping to conclusions its called using common sense and being able to assess a situation by using such tools.
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