Black Folk, Where are we at when it comes to allowing others to use N word with the A

Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Recently, Gwyneth Paltrow stirred up a little controversy tweeting a picture of the jay-z and kanye concert with the caption "n---az in paris for real". Me personally ive slowly stopped caring, who can blame them we use it in their faces and sell it to them but still it is a bit awkward seems so unnatural. 
I guess times are changing and perhaps we need to just realize its just a word, a race cant own a word, especially when we sell it, whats your take NT?
i dont condone it amongst my friends so no its not ok for a white person to call me that, they can use it amongst themselves with their people but it will never be directed to me face to face
(in before some lame person who isnt black calls me a %@%@% over the net)
Why do you all think that rappers control the content they put out?
Even someone as ****ish as Wayne would tell you that he would prefer to make positive music but whenever he wants to do something positive he is told it isn't ignorant enough by the big wigs.

So you can't say Jigga-Man should be a role model. If he was a role model he wouldn't be in his spot.

@Blake, I blame Chappele for the most recent incarnation of National N-Word Usage.
It's becoming slang now, and while it has a history of racial meaning, it's becoming synonymous with dude or brother etc..

At least that's how I feel.
I guess I have to come from the old man perspective.

I was raised in the East Bay in the Bay Area and other races used it like no other back in high school whether they were white, Hispanic, Filipino, etc. I know immaturity runs rampant at that age but what grinds me more is majority of the kids that grew up with me didn’t live in ghettos but yet used the word just cause of outside influences whether it be music or movies. I’ll still give that pass to them because I’d be a hypocrite if I said I never said it back then. What is really sad is hearing people say it now at the age of 30. There’s really no need for it at this age and it only hinders you whether it is your career or just people taking you seriously. Granted some people don’t care for their careers nor what other people think, but honestly that is where I think keeping it real goes wrong. I cuss like crazy like no other but I would never say the n-word ever again and more so cause I am asian.
Let ol girl live. I been advocating everybody using the word.

@ us "allowing" anyone else to use the word.
I use it amongst my circle.

This thread always comes up when a new NT'er probably has a bad experience with the word.

As far as i'm concerned there is a difference between "a" and "er", especially if you lived in a county down south vs. a multicultural melting pot city.

To say you claim ownership of a word for your people is

"er" is a nasty word, no doubt about it and the way I relate to a present black person being called that word is if I was called "coolie" by say a white person. It's the only way I know to come close to understanding the significance of "er" used on an african (american) is putting myself in their shoes.

I can argue for days on why "a" should not be lumped into the same category as "er" but then again i'm only arguing for it based on my nyc upbringing, and I understand that it is a whole 'nother situation for other parts of the country and world on it's reception.

To each his own. All I can say is understandyour audience where you would use "a"...."er" is never really acceptable.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Let ol girl live. I been advocating everybody using the word.

@ us "allowing" anyone else to use the word.
like we give people permission to use it

I'm not really concerned with the usage, moreso I'm concerned with the intent behind it. When there's malice behind it that's when I have a problem with it. Other than that, I got more important things to worry about.
Who cares? She's friends with know, the dude that has songs titled "n_what, n_who" , "What's my Name?", and "N_'s in Paris". If ol' boy Jigga don't give a damn then what is the problem?
White people should never use the word, but come on. She didn't actual spell the whole word out, and to reference the obvious, she was with Ye and Jay in Paris.
Real talk, nowadays, if their's obviously no ill-intent, I don't even mind. That's with the "A" of course. I ain't got the time to be flipping out on random cats, not knowing their walks of life.
Black NTers who have such a problem with it, it's pretty obvious that you know that the word is "bad". If it's such a huge problem, why do you continue to use it/support entertainers who use it? NT's idols (Kanye, Jay, etc) and most rappers use the word profusely, and guess what? A huge %, if not the majority, of their fans are white. You can't say "doing this is wrong" yet continue to do exactly what you're speaking out against. Lead by example instead of demanding others to stop. For the record, I don't use it because I already curse alot in real life and don't want to sound illiterate by adding more terms 
nobody should use it no matter what color. it makes you sound like a immature 15 year old. end of story
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

there are other latinos besides Mexicans out there, believe it or not

there are very very very small numbers of Non-Mexican Latinos in Texas, homeboy... believe it or not.


Spoiler [+]
now play me in 21

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Let ol girl live. I been advocating everybody using the word.

@ us "allowing" anyone else to use the word.
like we give people permission to use it
Nah, I've actually had white ppl ask permission to use the word when reciting Jigga lyrics around me. We all got tired of the awkward moments
I may sound ignorant or stupid, but w/e...

I have a problem with black people telling white people "gone ahead and say it. Its cool"

I don't like when blacks are comfortable around non-blacks saying it.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I don't say it and I'm half black. In fact, I don't even cuss very often other than saying damn every now and then.
Yep same here
I never really had an awkward moment when using the word. Now, I try not to use it at all, but I do admit it slips from time to time. Whenever it did slip however, there was no questioning from anybody, people just seemed to not care about it. I feel like it has to do with where I'm from (The Bay) and maybe this amalgamation of cultures deems it more acceptable? I don't know guys
what do you think?
I don't use it, would prefer nobody did really. But I'm not going to feign outrage over it either until we stop using it every other word in a sentence and have the 'gal" to claim it's offensive and act like you can't tell from context clues if someone is using it to offend or in the same "term of endearment" context we like to claim justifies our incessant use.
im white and use the word as part of my every day slang.

if the context isn't bad and you use the word yourself your a sensitive hypocriate if you get tight about it.
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