Black guy hair cuts

Went and got a cut today after almost a month without one, barber hit me with the "yo uh, just so you know I'm raising the prices. So it's gonna be $5 extra than what you usually give me."

I've been throwing him a dub for like the past 4 years and he's been cutting my hair for almost 10 years now. :smh:

These barbers are just greedy. My backup charges $25 for a kids cut. A single mom w/ multiple kids got come off $50+ dollars to keep the kids fresh? I can't respect that hustle whatsoever.

You guys ought to curve these barbers and learn how to cut your hair yourselves. One of the best decisions I’ve made so far was learning how to do my own hair cuts. Been at it for the past 10 years. Got a pair of andis masters and t outliners from amazon, both for about $130 shipped. With a good amount of practice and patience, you guys will be realizing the benefits in no time. Plus there are TONS of YouTube tutorials for beginners. I wish I had that when I first started. :lol:
I don't mind paying for the service, it's a skill some dudes are really great at and I only get cut once a month now, but if a dude trying to switch up the prices on me after getting cut for 10 years, I'll take my business elsewhere.
Went and got a cut today after almost a month without one, barber hit me with the "yo uh, just so you know I'm raising the prices. So it's gonna be $5 extra than what you usually give me."

I've been throwing him a dub for like the past 4 years and he's been cutting my hair for almost 10 years now. :smh:

I wish my guy would. I only go to him maybe once a month when I have something big to to go.
Been cutting my hair since I was like 13 and I'm 28 now. Ain't no way he'd go up on me.
When I was in college he he charged me less.
You guys ought to curve these barbers and learn how to cut your hair yourselves. One of the best decisions I’ve made so far was learning how to do my own hair cuts. Been at it for the past 10 years. Got a pair of andis masters and t outliners from amazon, both for about $130 shipped. With a good amount of practice and patience, you guys will be realizing the benefits in no time. Plus there are TONS of YouTube tutorials for beginners. I wish I had that when I first started. :lol:
This. On the flip side though dudes gotta chill on complaining about a price increase for the first time in 10-20 years of getting cuts. Ain't a damn thing else with that little inflation, barbers gotta eat too.

Digging all of these cuts...

Right now I'm rocking the mini kobe fro...I always grow my hair out only to get tired of it and end up getting a fade..then I grow it right back I alone? Lol
Went and got a cut today after almost a month without one, barber hit me with the "yo uh, just so you know I'm raising the prices. So it's gonna be $5 extra than what you usually give me."

I've been throwing him a dub for like the past 4 years and he's been cutting my hair for almost 10 years now. :smh:

Give him that dub ! That's his tip included . On the oTher hand . My barber left the shop . No warning nothing , I stopped by the other day . They told me dude doesn't work there anymore . Plus he is not replying back to my texts . Went on his IG , dude out there traveling the world . South Africa , Cuba . Guess i was tipping him good .
Do we have barbers in this thread? I just wanna know the reasoning. What person honestly thinks it’s a good look. Throws off the whole cut. Imma just come with a pic next time. Have him just edge the bottom. Damn..

Lmao..bro you sound exactly like matter if I told him to keep my stache thick it always ended up not looking how I wanted it to small thing can throw off the entire haircut to I don't let any barber touch my mustache I do it on my own...
My friend who used to cut me in his garage now got a shop of his own, so our Innout burger deal is no longer valid. Luckily he only charges me $10, so $15 when tip is included is still reasonable to me
This. On the flip side though dudes gotta chill on complaining about a price increase for the first time in 10-20 years of getting cuts. Ain't a damn thing else with that little inflation, barbers gotta eat too.

Barber's aint just now been increasing. It's been happening, but at a slower pace compared to now. IG got these dudes gassed.
That's fine i know they gotta eat. But every time a barber I've gone to has increased prices that's more for new clients.
Lmao..bro you sound exactly like matter if I told him to keep my stache thick it always ended up not looking how I wanted it to small thing can throw off the entire haircut to I don't let any barber touch my mustache I do it on my own...
Glad I’m not alone
Haha my barber gave my mustache the hitler one day. Showed it to my girl she said "cut that crap off" been jay z it ever since.
Give him that dub ! That's his tip included . On the oTher hand . My barber left the shop . No warning nothing , I stopped by the other day . They told me dude doesn't work there anymore . Plus he is not replying back to my texts . Went on his IG , dude out there traveling the world . South Africa , Cuba . Guess i was tipping him good .


this was the norm about 5 years ago before I started cutting myself.

Finally lock down a good barber for less than $20, few months later he disappears, moves, etc.. :smh:
I used to just tell them to leave the face after I realized they didn't get it.

I started doing this late :lol:

Nothing worse than having everything all fresh and blessed up only for dude to throw it off by giving you a pencil thin stache :stoneface: . I've had to shave it off and start from scratch after getting home a couple of times because of dudes doing too much :lol::smh:
I have to use descriptive *** adjectives like "bushy" to make sure my barber doesn't give me that earthworm mustache

I could be growing my beard out for 5 months straight and man will always turn my stache into a linear graph unless I say otherwise :smh:
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