Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

He'll I doubled up on the black/varsity red VI's, and I'll still try to pick up a pair of these :nthat:
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As I've been saying before as long as they use durabuck I'm in for 2.


Hopefully they don't throw the 3m in and then wrap it up with Ashy Larry suede :x

This. I said this from day 1 and my stance had never changed. Durabuck or nothing.
He'll I doubled up on the black/varsity red VI's, and I'll still try to pick up a pair of these
More power to you. For me to even think of a double up, the shoe has to be 100% accurate, and even then it's still a might. Three pairs of the same shoe? I'm good, I'll definitely take one, leaving the other one I didn't wanna grab to someone like you who apparently needs doubles/triples.
Welp... looks like its time to beat up my pack pair. These are[emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]
The jordan 14 is a shoe JB said would be too expensive to re-retro , yet they are coming out @ 170, and the 6's are more expensive ?
I know, but the stuff they will be putting there is not even half good or expensive than 3M. Anyway, reflective material or not, $185 is more than what I am willing to pay for any retro kicks. 
I'll keep them "on ice" (no pun) until the blue tint fades cuz it will.

So when shoes with this sole just sit for years it turns lighter not yellow/greenish. I guess this sole hasn't been used long enough to know yet? Sorry for newbie question, but did nike make the switch to the deeper blue soles to overcome the yellowing problem?
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So when shoes with this sole just for years it turns lighter not yellow/greenish. I guess this sole hasn't been used long enough to know yet? Sorry for newbie question, but did nike make the switch to the deeper blue soles to overcome the yellowing problem?

I doubt any significant color change will happen to a blue tinted sole unless you wear it a lot
Little things like the blue shade of the sole doesnt bother me too much
Just came back to see what's new.

These are a must coop for me. Beaters for the winter :smokin

These and the Maroons are the only must have VIs imo.

Hopefully these are overproduced and easy to grab.
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