Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

After reading about places calling already, got me nervous about not getting a call yet.  Reached out to the FTL and FNL's I signed up for and none of them will select until next week.  Still hoping lol.
"Minimum effort" for a shoe you apparently don't like with a hue that you obviously hate yet you remain a fixture in the thread of said shoe. Why not put in NO effort and just pass so you can stop coming in these threads spewing non sense and negativity all the time? Tried to be cool with you and give you the benefit of the doubt but you truly are an absurd individual. I even see you trolling the legend blue thread too. All you do is talk out of you ***. Bottom line, these ARE going to be "pink" unless you AirThompson your joints, (came out nice by the way) so just pass and crawl back into your hole.

It's only a matter of time when everyone (not just me) collectively sees through you're bull**** and ultimately award you the honor of being THE BIGGEST TROLL in NT history. I'm done. With you that is. F#%&ing joke.
Repped couldn't have said it better myself.
Does anyone have a definitive answer about how many of these were made? My spot said they're expecting double the amount of Columbia's than these
:smh: Called back a couple spots from last week to confirm raffle this week and they did it Mon/Tues.. Shade. Just need at least 1 callback from the tix I dropped in and I'll go line up for a guaranteed on Sun. Hopefully snag up a GS and PS for lil ones too. Been a pain in the can with everyone doing it different.. :rolleyes
Got 2 calls for these and the foams, i did like 6 raffles, all of the lists looked slim, i think them doing the raffles almost 2 wks out left a lot of people out
I want to hear from the cat with 35 raffles. I wish him the best

Im expecting him to post that he struck out on all 35 and one of the three following:

A. The hype is real yall dont sleep
B. A manager i spoke with said each store got 6 pairs
C. These are more limited than you think.
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