Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

Yeah, and unfortunately they ran out of money now...
Its like I told a co-worker; I don't know if everyone is telling the truth but I don't think everyone is lying. Being violated like that by someone of that magnitude is alot to deal with. Just like the Sandusky case....Folks still don't want to believe them. Even after the information was delivered. In Bill's case we'll have to wait and see what happens. I don't think its looking good for him though.
Its a bad thing that happened to those ladies, but why wait 30+ years to talk about it, that is total BS and screams - I ran out of money and I need more money.
Thanks again for the cart/wishlist trick, I ordered late Saturday night, and even though it took all week for them to update shipping they finally shipped out. My nephew is definitely going to have a good Christmas.

Starting to realize that these may not price drop [emoji]128528[/emoji]
Prices seem like they are actually going up, started out around 240-260 now im starting to see it around 275-300+. Although I've seen a few here and there for around 240-250 but they seem to be getting more limited. 
Prices seem like they are actually going up, started out around 240-260 now im starting to see it around 275-300+. Although I've seen a few here and there for around 240-250 but they seem to be getting more limited. 
Yea ive decided to do my hunt now, im thinking if i wait a week ill prob get 250. Im honestly putting my hopes on the columbia 11's so the kiddies need the money to cop lol.
Not sure about you, but if get violated in any way like this, first thing I will be doing is to run right over to the caps and not wait for 30 years to think about it. Whatever everyone is saying, at the end, know its all about money. 
I would tell immediately but everyone isn't like you and I. Everyone deals with everything differently. Again, saying something like this about "America's Favorite Dad" 30 years ago at the height of his celebrity 30 years could've quickly been swept under the rug. Like I said we'll just sit back and see how it unfolds.
restock doesnt look like its gonna happen and if it does it will be a hand full of pairs... nike oversold so a restock seems more unlikely...
@Sphynx please tell us your playing with us? please?

Box is dented
Sold out everywhere
Pays $250+ for new ones
Gets mint box
Shoes have glue all over them

Atleast the box is mint though...

Yeah, and unfortunately they ran out of money now...

Its like I told a co-worker; I don't know if everyone is telling the truth but I don't think everyone is lying. Being violated like that by someone of that magnitude is alot to deal with. Just like the Sandusky case....Folks still don't want to believe them. Even after the information was delivered. In Bill's case we'll have to wait and see what happens. I don't think its looking good for him though.
Its a bad thing that happened to those ladies, but why wait 30+ years to talk about it, that is total BS and screams - I ran out of money and I need more money.
Todays THOTs are tomorrows victims. They used to be called groupies. Theres prolly a young lady, or man for that matter, lying down on the casting couch as we post hoping for that big break...

On another note, prolly gonna rock these this weekend to make sure I wanna keep em and then finish beating up the Varsity's.
What the hell, I got this for another pair - 
[table][tr][td]12/04/2014[/td][td]2:00 A.M.[/td][td]A mechanical failure has delayed delivery. We're adjusting plans to deliver your package as quickly as possible. / Delivery will be rescheduled.                                                                                                                                                                                                            [/td][/tr][/table]
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