Black Man Lynched by White Teens in Mississippi

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

 when placed in impoverished conditions together.

ZERO excuse. Black people need to stop using their surroundings as an excuse to continually perpetuate nonsense behavior. There have been MANY races dating back to when this country was being taken over and rebuilt that were put in incredibly impoverished conditions (Irish, Japanese, Italians etc). Worse than the section 8 blocks we have now. How is it that these races were able to band together and make something better of their sitation? Jews been catchin chit since the dawn of is it that they were able to become one of the strongest communities still to this day? Swear I can't even hit the local food spots after 1am on weekends without gettin mean mugged by other blacks that just left the club. Creating a hostile enviornment for no reason, then end up as another WSHH video if something pops off.

Around the time I was a freshman in college I joined a youth leadership group for african americans. They would take us on conferences around the US and shows us ways on how to improve and give back, community services, build connections, and what not. I joined thinking kids were going to listen and learn...instead the majority of people used this opportunity to see who could smash the most women on the trip, or who had the freshest clothes. They would skip the meetings in the morning and party in the hotel at night. An opportunity to make something happen is blown cause kids wanna be Rick Ross.

Certain people from other races view us as animals, so it makes them believe it's ok to kill us like animals and show no remorse about it. This mans death should be a wake up call to any person of color, only way to fight back is to simply do better in life, and put ourselves in high positions (i.e. presidency, ceo, lawyer, doctor etc) not rappers, ball players, trap stars. Once that happens maybe justice (like also throwing those other 5 clowns in jail for life) will prevail.  As a person who lived in the south for 7 years, my heart goes out to this mans family.

-The Juice
WHat sickens me is that seven people physically attacked him and only two of them were arrested and charged . The other 5 are free and are probaly laughing and celebrating about what they did. One of the two that were arrested were only charged with "simple assault" and will probaly do a year or less in jail, and the Police Department even gave back the truck that was used in the murder to the Criminal's family.When the police gives back a murder weapon to the criminal's family it's not hard to figure out whos side the cops are on.

Something just tells me that if this was a black on white crime all 7 people would be arrested or at least more than one of them would be charged with murder. Justice isn't done all seven of these individuals worked & planned together to attack this innocent man so all seven of them should be arrested and charged.

I think black people of the US should get some justice of their own since the System failed to properly prosecute all those involved in this vicious and premeditated  hate crime murder against ths innocent black man. Find the other 5 that were invovled and beat them up.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

^Yo... what the hell is wrong with you?
You mean whats wrong with the justice system? WHy Seven People Physically attacked and killed one man as a hate crime and why only 2 of the seven involved were arrested?

Do you know the answer?
Originally Posted by kickstart

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by kickstart

The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?


give me one example of someone in america being beaten or killed because they are white
it's one thing if someone gets robbed or something

but these dudes literally got in the car, drove to the black part of town, and killed the first person they saw. Pg. 7 speaks on it. 
People believe in aliens and other !+%, but is it really that far-fetched for White people to be victims of hate crimes.


dont mean to spam the thread, but if you scroll down to page 9 on that link you sent me...
it says that 39% of hate crimes committed towards white people are committed by other white people.

compared to 57% percent of hate crimes against black people, being committed  by white people.

and also to address what you said earlier about black people killing black people...

that same page shows that 73 percent of nonhate crimes against white people, are committed by other white people

so if anything you proved my point 
No joking manner "Can't we all just get along?"

All this racist *++% is nauseating...

Whether it be the old lady clenching her purse as a black guy walks by... A black and a white neighbor shouting racial epithets at each other... Undercover Political Racism... And flat out in your face racism...

Can we just stop this *++%....

Each and every person has a unique story, and unique life... But we have common traits of humanity (Most of us... Those 7 %%@@%%!* seemed to have been in major loss of it)...

Some people are so wrapped up in *#+ backwards thoughts of people based on skin tone, or their name when they are similar in many ways..

Someone (with some prestige) really needs to stand up against all this hate, and be blunt about the race problems in this country.. Instead of tap dancing around it like it ended the day the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed...
I don't think humanity has proved itself worthy of evolving. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't think it will be long before we find out.

its sad to see communities grow up with this mindset. these kids don't stand a chance...

terrible this is still going on
Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by kickstart

The threads usually turn into flame fest of the opposing race(s). However on the flip-side, when a White person is the victim, then it is nothing short of a celebration. How is that justified?


give me one example of someone in america being beaten or killed because they are white
it's one thing if someone gets robbed or something

but these dudes literally got in the car, drove to the black part of town, and killed the first person they saw.
Then around the closing time of 11 p.m., witnesses told the Journal Sentinel, dozens to hundreds of black youths attacked white people as they left the fair, punching and kicking people and shaking and pounding on their vehicles.

Also right near the University of Milwaukee where I have friends a mob of black people were beating and robbing white people at gun point in a park, then trashed the local gas station. I'm down there often visiting, and at times I feel sketched out. If I ever visited the Northside of Milwaukee I would honestly fear for my life because i'm white.
Im not a racist, but I really hate how whites are seen as the only racists. Everyones at fault.
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

 when placed in impoverished conditions together.

ZERO excuse. Black people need to stop using their surroundings as an excuse to continually perpetuate nonsense behavior. There have been MANY races dating back to when this country was being taken over and rebuilt that were put in incredibly impoverished conditions (Irish, Japanese, Italians etc). Worse than the section 8 blocks we have now. How is it that these races were able to band together and make something better of their sitation? Jews been catchin chit since the dawn of is it that they were able to become one of the strongest communities still to this day? Swear I can't even hit the local food spots after 1am on weekends without gettin mean mugged by other blacks that just left the club. Creating a hostile enviornment for no reason, then end up as another WSHH video if something pops off.

Around the time I was a freshman in college I joined a youth leadership group for african americans. They would take us on conferences around the US and shows us ways on how to improve and give back, community services, build connections, and what not. I joined thinking kids were going to listen and learn...instead the majority of people used this opportunity to see who could smash the most women on the trip, or who had the freshest clothes. They would skip the meetings in the morning and party in the hotel at night. An opportunity to make something happen is blown cause kids wanna be Rick Ross.

Certain people from other races view us as animals, so it makes them believe it's ok to kill us like animals and show no remorse about it. This mans death should be a wake up call to any person of color, only way to fight back is to simply do better in life, and put ourselves in high positions (i.e. presidency, ceo, lawyer, doctor etc) not rappers, ball players, trap stars. Once that happens maybe justice (like also throwing those other 5 clowns in jail for life) will prevail.  As a person who lived in the south for 7 years, my heart goes out to this mans family.

-The Juice

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by kickstart

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

How did I know this was gonna be posted.
This is the mindframe that has allowed these type of incidents to continue for hundreds of years in America.

Constant cycle of passive aggresive closet racism. There must be a way to pass off blame to the "black race" for every incident.
Aren't blacks the number 1 killers of their own kind?
Aren't "whites" the number 1 killers of every one else on the globe?
How does that fact constructively speak to this incident and the persistent problem of "white supremacy", hate crimes and race relations in America?

fighting ignorance with even more ignorant statements. White people are clearly the ones launching widespread assaults on their own populations, right?

Anyways, it really is sad to see this @#$% happening in 2011. Even if you are racist, is it that big of a deal that you need to take some random dude's life? For example I hate "hood" people (regardless of race before one of you tries to say something idiotic) but I certainly don't wish death upon them

 Him being black wasn't affecting their lives at all. Damn sociopaths
wow I never knew white people can have my last name "rice".. I thought it was a black last name lol.. his ancestors probably owned my ancestors ..
i'm surprised no one in this thread claimed that racism & ignorance no longer exist.

these hillbillies need to stop inbreeding, this is the result. RIP to the victim.
Originally Posted by south sole

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie


fighting ignorance with even more ignorant statements. White people are clearly the ones launching widespread assaults on their own populations, right?

Clueless much? 

??? correct me if I'm wrong or reaching, but are you trying to imply that in 2011, white people are the most murderous people on the planet? If so, let me guess, you're going to use the US Army as an example

NT secretly relishes occurrences like this to because it allows them to talk @#$% about white people, the same thing they cry out against when isolated cases of violence by black people take place
The closet racists always make themselves quite visible in threads like these.
If a white woman was killed by 7 black men, there would be atleast one on trial for first degree, and the ones that weren't would be getting attempted murder. That fact alone, proves how much of a distance there is in this country. Every white person will say that's those hill billies down south. There are individuals who share those feelings everywhere, just aren't psycho enough to go all out.
I heard the kid responsible is 5' tall, 130lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes? i think justice will be served the first day he hits a Mississippi jail cell
Originally Posted by goldenchild9


Look at how quick dudes want to sweep America's dirt under the carpet when a Black man is the victim.

I have seen all types of disturbing threads on NT...but look at these reactions.

Ain't that something....
you don't lie!
Goldenchild9 always has the truest posts ever!

If you even feel the need to post something like "well black people kill white people all the time because of race" in order to downplay this story, then that just proves how insecure you are about your own view points.

Sack up, look at the situation for what it truly is and keep your prejudice viewpoints to yourself until you can educate yourself out your ignorant mind states.
Absolutely disgusting....all those animals deserve life in prison.

People just all need to get along, it's 2011....the world is becoming more global, more's a shame that some idiots (of all races) still feel a need to carry hatred over people just because of their ethnicity.
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