Were you in here last night? If so you should know that I'm all about learning. We all should be. If you want to pre-judge the book by its cover, I get it. It doesn't make yo u right, but I get why you would.
STILL defending yourself. :lol:

Stop talking so much and EXPLAINING yourself if you are really about learning.

It is really a simple concept
This is why I say we need our own, right here, in America.

Straight Psychopaths!

You can never convince me that the things they've done for hundreds of years hasn't affected their collective minds.

Psychopathy is defined as a mental (antisocial) disorder in which an individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, shows a lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, expresses extreme egocentricity, and demonstrates a failure to learn from experience and other behaviors associated with the condition.
STILL defending yourself. :lol:

Stop talking so much and EXPLAINING yourself if you are really about learning.

It is really a simple concept
He is not about learning. It is like with the missionaries that go over to Africa. They act like they are concerned for the well being of the tribes, while handing them a sandwich, yet holding a Bible behind their backs.
Sometimes you (you specifically, not a general "you") inject race when the original comment wasn't race related at all. You go to "Oh it's bc I'm black!" when that's not it at all. I'm not a black guy so I'm not going to pretend to know why you do that but you do. You may not even be aware. You may think the original comment really was racial. It wasn't. idk what had led to you reading it that way so I apologize if you took it that way.

At the same time I get overly defensive when someone goes to "All whites are on the same team." It offends the **** out of me. idk what's happened in their life to make them think that way so it's not my position to tell them they shouldn't think that way but still offends the **** out of me. I realize that offense is peanuts to what the average black guy deals with though. I touched on that last night.
STILL defending yourself. :lol:

Stop talking so much and EXPLAINING yourself if you are really about learning.

It is really a simple concept
Can't the same be said for you? Stop saying WHY you think all white people are on the same team and LEARN that they all aren't all the same. We can learn from each other. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking we can.
Sometimes you (you specifically, not a general "you") inject race when the original comment wasn't race related at all. You go to "Oh it's bc I'm black!" when that's not it at all. I'm not a black guy so I'm not going to pretend to know why you do that but you do. You may not even be aware. You may think the original comment really was racial. It wasn't. idk what had led to you reading it that way so I apologize if you took it that way.
He is not about learning. It is like with the missionaries that go over to Africa. They act like they are concerned for the well being of the tribes, while handing them a sandwich, yet holding a Bible behind their backs.
Look man, that's going too damn far. You can call me a lot of things but call me a religious nut and we got problems.
I am done with you.

You can't comprehend your role.

Not my job to help you understand.

Keep doing what you have been doing.

I tap out.
As stated, it is way too expensive to open the door and then trust them, then explaining their own privilege to them. Not gonna do it. Nope. Way too expensive. People far more intelligent, more well versed, of higher consciousness individuals have tried to educate them on their ills, but to no avail. Now they even protest their own safety, in trying use their privilege against a virus. A damned virus. Like viruses recognizes whiteness.

This is what we are dealing with here.
As stated, it is way too expensive to open the door and then trust them, then explaining their own privilege to them. Not gonna do it. Nope. Way too expensive. People far more intelligent, more well versed, of higher consciousness individuals have tried to educate them on their ills, but to no avail. Now they even protest their own safety, in trying use their privilege against a virus. A damned virus. Like viruses recognizes whiteness.

This is what we are dealing with here.
There you go making all white people the same again.

I think you're a good dude. I just think some of your generalizations are off. But you're entitled to your thoughts. Have a good one, man.
Why can’t white people ever just shut the **** up and actually listen to the experiences minorities, especially black people, deal with every day? You think we make this **** up because we’re bored? Why are you attempting to justify the actions of two people who followed and murdered someone? Why did they need to question him? Why can’t white people ever just mind their ******* business? Y’all been ******* things up for hundreds of years because y’all wont mind your god damn business? ****
Why can’t white people ever just shut the **** up and actually listen to the experiences minorities, especially black people, deal with every day? You think we make this **** up because we’re bored? Why are you attempting to justify the actions of two people who followed and murdered someone? Why did they need to question him? Why can’t white people ever just mind their ****ing business? Y’all been ****ing things up for hundreds of years because y’all wont mind your god damn business? ****
It is pretty clear.

This Black man was killed by white racists, those of whom feel that they were above the law. Their privilege while being white allows them to think this way. Laws were made BY them, not for them.

So now you have this virus, and white people are demanding their freedom from the safety restrictions that are in place, because they feel that they are entitled to live. Not ALL white people feel this way, but many do. Right?

However, those who live in those all white communities, those who only socialize with other whites, those who could not care less about the virus, live believing that it is a hoax. They do not protect themselves, then possibly passing that virus on to other people who are trying to do the right thing. The virus begins to spread among ALL white people, even those who have total respect for said virus, tried to protect themselves from it.

But their WHITE counterparts, those who only associate with white people, are simply misunderstood, then wanting the virus to forgive those who ignored it, thinking that it was a hoax.

Do you think that the virus will listen?
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After Sanders spoke with the deputies and the Shephard family, "no arrests were made, no charges were filed, and no action was taken by the Pender County Sheriff's Department despite the repeated demands and request of not only of the Shephards, but the entire neighborhood."

Everybody needs to read and take this in.

Look who they work for.

The Confederacy and their Army is alive and doing quite well.

They never went anywhere. Always here. Never left.

Just traded the uniforms.

Their flag is still flying over 7 state 2020.

7 States have "Confederate History Month".

Drive from DC to Richmond, Va and you'll see a HUGE confederate flag right outside Kings Dominion...on I-95.

Can't miss it.

Imagine Jews driving on I-95 and seeing a HUGE Swastika...

Nothing surprises me about these cases.

What surprises me is people's appetite for obtusity.

I live right smack between DC and Richmond, the one you’re talking about is gone but going north, about 15 minutes from where I live there is a HUGE one right beside 95

what sucks tho is it’s on private property, we’ve tried for years to get it taken down but the state won’t force the issue like they are with the public monuments
Why can’t white people ever just shut the **** up and actually listen to the experiences minorities, especially black people, deal with every day? You think we make this **** up because we’re bored? Why are you attempting to justify the actions of two people who followed and murdered someone? Why did they need to question him? Why can’t white people ever just mind their ****ing business? Y’all been ****ing things up for hundreds of years because y’all wont mind your god damn business? ****
I think they might think their opinions matter over minorities. Might be a learned behavior from media or something . Example “white savior” syndrome in movies: where it seems the white man is the only one able to solve minority issues/conflict.
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