No one is arguing that. The people involved deserve to rot in jail for being pieces of actual ****.

What’s happening in here tho is you have certain members who are putting ALL white people in essentially the same category as these racist killers, which it in itself is racist. But we all know you can’t be racist towards white people, as clearly mods and the owner of this website don’t give a crap about the blatant racism towards white people in this thread.
How is there racism in this thread? If you don’t like it leave.
I find it funny how all the white supremacists flock to threads about black people, spew racist bs, troll our threads, then they’re not banned. darthska darthska should have been banned from this thread. If a black NTer went into the Asian culture thread or any other thread doing what Ska is doing in here, that person would be banned in seconds. Black people don’t matter on NT.
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No one is arguing that. The people involved deserve to rot in jail for being pieces of actual ****.

What’s happening in here tho is you have certain members who are putting ALL white people in essentially the same category as these racist killers, which it in itself is racist. But we all know you can’t be racist towards white people, as clearly mods and the owner of this website don’t give a crap about the blatant racism towards white people in this thread.

That's an over simplification and inaccurate. That is not "what's happening here".

The biggest problem with this thread stems from Ska wanting people to explain why some black people can't view things outside of the context of race. I'm not the only one who had a problem with that. More than 5 people called him out.

His response?

Delete all of it and send DM's to people to discuss if further so that his ignorant views don't get much exposure.

He's gotten nasty about it to the point where he attempted to correct my tense to suit his narrative even though the tense I used was correct as the surrounding words indicated that he was still in the process of doing what I was explaining that he was doing.
You've over simplified this far too much. That is not "what's happening here".

The biggest problem with this thread stems from Ska wanting people to explain why some black people can't view things outside of the context of race. I'm not the only one who had a problem with that. More than 5 people called him out.

His response?

Delete all of it and send DM's to people to discuss if further so that his ignorant views don't get much exposure.

He's gotten nasty about it to the point where he attempted to correct my tense to suit his narrative even though the tense I used was correct as the surrounding words indicated that he was still in the process of doing what I was explaining that he was doing.
He’s acting like Trump.
I would like to get back to discussing Arbery.

With that being said I just want to ask that everyone in this thread and in other threads for that matter, pay attention to how Ska moderates the rest of this discussion and moderates discussions on the rest of NT.

We all saw the s*** he pulled here and I've read about what he did in the Last Dance thread.

Will he delete more posts that don't fit his narrative?

Screenshot where you can.

Let's see if he can behave like the public servant that he is supposed to be.

(and don't go trying to report or delete this because I called you a public servant. That is what a mod is. Do your job).
yo if Muhammad Ali was in his career prime TODAY, white people would not love this man like they love Ali after years of this man being sickly and quiet. RIP to that brother.

This was a quote from a while back in this thread but I couldn’t go with saying something even if it was resolved pages earlier. I will just add this... the term POC is starting To become disrespectful because it diminishes Black Americans systemic oppression oppression and includes all other non-white people into our struggles. black Americans have a unique relationship to this country where we where enslaved literally built the foundation of this country other “people of color” come over and reap the benefits of.

also we never needed Asian people during our liberation movement, first off Richard Aoki was an FBI informant, no telling what kind of intel he was providing on the black panthers. yuri kochiyama fought for reparations for japanese people who where in internment camps during war time with that country, WHICH THEY RECEIVED! Black americans still haven’t recieved a dime for literally building the foundation of this country And the racial wealth gap between black Americans and Asians and whites is Still large. So dont come in here with that BS about “AsIaNs WaS ShOoTiNg iN Da GyM tOo” because it’s not true at all, go ask these people:

I wish other groups would stop co-opting black American movements, in reality we have no ally’s just groups trying to piggy back off of our struggles and gain benefits for their people only. Enough is enough.

i appreciate and respect the nuanced response. i completely agree, it's not ethical or fair for other communities to attempt to latch onto/co-opt black liberation movements for their own benefit. as you stated, the experience black folks have had in this country is vastly different and traumatic in a way other communities of color can't relate to. as a southeast asian i might be confronted by whiteness, prejudice and racism, but i'm not dense enough to believe that the impact of that struggle is tantamount to that of black struggle.

in regards to the article you posted about chinese communities coming out to support the asian officer, i was absolutely disgusted and infuriated by that. it's disappointing to see folks in a community i'm associated with so invested in being assimilated that they fail to acknowledge their anti-blackness. i will say that in San Francisco, while there was a group of chinese folks came out to support peter liang, there was a contingent of asian folks staging a counter demonstration. again, the asian community isn't a monolithic group.

there's more i'd speak to, but I won't hi jack a thread about Ahmaud Arbery.
Enough of this. Not this thread.

At the end of the day... which this is literally the end of the day... I'm tired of reading about black people, specifically black men, being killed by cops and civilians. That's what this thread is about, and I let it get away from that, and truth be told, that's on me.

You all think what you want, it's whatever. Pay attention to how I moderate. I'm not responsible for what you think.

But I am responsible for what I do, and when I lay my head down, I have to live with who I was that day.

I was a huge catalyst in the derailment of this thread today. Point blank, bottom line, PERIOD. I know why, but why doesn't matter.

3 values I've tried to teach my son:
#1. The winner in a war of words is whoever apologizes first sincerely. Because the truth is that nobody actually won. You both lost, but you are only responsible for yourself. So take responsible for yourself.
#2. Don't offer an explanation why you did it. If you're apologizing, apologize; don't explain why.
#3. Do better.

Kinfolk Kinfolk , I'm not entirely sure what I would have done differently via PM, but I know that my carrying on in HERE is extremely disrespectful to one Mr. Arbery. I do know that, and I'm POSITIVE you agree. If you still think it's about whatever you think about me, I have to let that be that. I shouldn't have contributed to the derailment of the thread, and it got WAY derailed. It did, very badly.

That's extremely embarrassing as I look back on the thread, and I'm sorry. Straight up. That's it.

KHUFU KHUFU , I've let my pride get in the way of my responses to you. The thread, (which is about an EXTREMELY important topic in this country), suffered because of that. I can look back through the thread and see that. It's effing stupid and juvenile and embarrassing, again.

That's on me. My bad. I'm sorry, man.

No one hacked my ish. Y'all don't have to believe me. I know what I tried to do, and what I did missed that mark by a LONG shot.

No explanation, though. I know this is a lot of words, but I'm not explaining my actions. I own that. I got childish. The end.

SpittaJetLife SpittaJetLife , marikomorose marikomorose , nawghtyhare nawghtyhare , alchemist iq alchemist iq , whoever else frequents the thread: my bad.

I've gone back and forth with people on NT before, you all know that. But never in a thread I cared about as much as the topic that lies at the center of this thread.

My bad, you all. I'm not carrying this over to tomorrow. Eff that. This topic is far too important for this to carry over to tomorrow.

My bad, Ahmaud. Cotdammit...
Did anyone ever see Ja Rule's apology for the Fyre Fest Fiasco where he apologized and then immediately claimed that it wasn't his fault at all?

Screen Shot 2020-05-09 at 8.53.24 PM.png

That's what Ska's apology sounds like.

Also LOL @ you claiming to have not been hacked.

Who would hack you and write that weakness of an apology? Seriously.

Going forward everyone just needs to understand that some people do not have the luxury of viewing life without applying race to it. None of this would have happened if Ska was willing to acknowledge that.

Moving on...
Did anyone ever see Ja Rule's apology for the Fyre Fest Fiasco where he apologized and then immediately claimed that it wasn't his fault at all?

Screen Shot 2020-05-09 at 8.53.24 PM.png

That's what Ska's apology sounds like.

Also LOL @ you claiming to have not been hacked.

Who would hack you and write that weakness of an apology? Seriously.

Going forward everyone just needs to understand that some people do not have the luxury of viewing life without applying race to it. None of this would have happened if Ska was willing to acknowledge that.

Moving on...
JRepp's comments are STILL up.
Did anyone ever see Ja Rule's apology for the Fyre Fest Fiasco where he apologized and then immediately claimed that it wasn't his fault at all?

Screen Shot 2020-05-09 at 8.53.24 PM.png

That's what Ska's apology sounds like.

Also LOL @ you claiming to have not been hacked.

Who would hack you and write that weakness of an apology? Seriously.

Going forward everyone just needs to understand that some people do not have the luxury of viewing life without applying race to it. None of this would have happened if Ska was willing to acknowledge that.

Moving on...
Facts no reason for the thread to be derailed because he couldn’t understand that some of us don’t have the luxury to not see race. As Blacks were forced to live race 24/7 365. As soon as we step outside, heck even before we step outside we live race. We don’t have the privilege to NOT think about race because it impacts our lives 24/7 365. Like Kinfolk eloquently stated earlier, there is no argument. Kinfolk did the right thing by not engaging because there wasn’t an argument or discussion to be had. Let’s get back to the thread...
Did anyone ever see Ja Rule's apology for the Fyre Fest Fiasco where he apologized and then immediately claimed that it wasn't his fault at all?
Except I'm explicitly stating my actions are my fault.
What did I miss fellas? Someone fill me in. MAGAska got exposed?
There is no MAGASka. I know you think I'm trolling, but I'm not responsible for what you think.

Like you said, back to the thread topic...
He said let's get back to the topic of the thread, JRepp comes in, says something confrontational, encouraging a back and forth. He can still reply to this thread even though he had made his position abundantly clear. He doesn't like angry Black people who do not trust white people. Makes him uncomfortable that white people are not shown in a good light, as if it isn't their own fault.

Black people did not enslave our own selves in america, Black people did not create Dred Scott, nor confirm it through Plessy v. Ferguson.

White people did this.

This Black man being killed as he was, was murdered due to those decisions. That is because white people feel that Black people do not belong here, and then do not have a right to voice our disappointment about a country, where we are obviously not wanted.
He said let's get back to the topic of the thread, JRepp comes in, says something confrontational, encouraging a back and forth. He can still reply to this thread even though he had made his position abundantly clear. He doesn't like angry Black people who do not trust white people. Makes him uncomfortable that white people are not shown in a good light, as if it isn't their own fault.

Black people did not enslave our own selves in america, Black people did not create Dred Scott, nor confirm it through Plessy v. Ferguson.

White people did this.

This Black man being killed as he was, was murdered due to those decisions. That is because white people feel that Black people do not belong here, and then do not have a right to voice our disappointment about a country, where we are obviously not wanted.
We need OUR own mods for OUR threads. None of this happens in the Asian culture thread. None of these MAGAs in here would dare try this in the Asian culture thread. These MAGAs hate us but they’re obsessed with everything we do. They love our music, our clothes, language, style, our superstar athletes, but still hate us. So much that they gotta troll our threads on a sneaker forum. It’s truly sad.
He said let's get back to the topic of the thread, JRepp comes in, says something confrontational, encouraging a back and forth. He can still reply to this thread even though he had made his position abundantly clear. He doesn't like angry Black people who do not trust white people. Makes him uncomfortable that white people are not shown in a good light, as if it isn't their own fault.

Black people did not enslave our own selves in america, Black people did not create Dred Scott, nor confirm it through Plessy v. Ferguson.

White people did this.

This Black man being killed as he was, was murdered due to those decisions. That is because white people feel that Black people do not belong here, and then do not have a right to voice our disappointment about a country, where we are obviously not wanted.
I want you to understand something here. How you view the rest of this world is not who I am. Even though you never would, I would without question sit with you and talk on both perspectives. Do I understand yours? No. But you do not understand mine either. You may be correct about "white people did this". But I was not one of those people. Could you actually talk with me? Would you be willing to?
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