Black Men- Its 2009, why do lightskinned girls get so much preference?

i was watching a video on called complexion obssession...
http:// " href="http://"> http://

Basically it talks about the how light skinned women are favored in the music videos that we all watch.� Iwas wondering, why is it that light skinned girls get gassed so much.� My mom is light skinned but my sister is dark skinned.She is beautiful and i have heardso many times from people, "she's pretty but shes dark" or "shes pretty for a darky".� She hasnt let it get to her and is verysuccessful but im worried about the millions of dark skinned women who have low self-esteem because they don't have that light-skin and "goodhair" (that's a whole other thread)

Anyway, i realize that it goes back to slave times and house negros and such, but this is 2009, we've gone through a civil rights movement where"black is beautiful", white girls get tans to get darker but we still cant accept over selves for who we are?

Even i am realizing that i have a preference, I'm brown skinned but I have preference for light skinned girls that has been with me since like the firstgrade.... Ive only been with light or brown, and i feel bad about that. There is a saying in the black community that light skin can make anything look good,and a lot of times Ive looked at a girl (even my current girl friend
)and asked myself if she was darker, would i be as a attracted to her. The answer is usually no.� I'm trying not be we weak minded in this train of thought,but societal brain washing is a mother and getting over it will take time.� What do you guys feel about this?
I guess I'm different, darker skin is my personal preference. But like you said, it goes back to slavery days, some things haven't changed.
Why just black men? I'm Filipino and I'm into girls of any ethnicity... but light skinned is my African-American preference.
Can't stand lightskin black women....they be super gassed.

Enh they turned me down a lot in grade school ...........high yella waggs..
I dont know how to explain it but they're more my flow..In my experience non light skinned black girls for the most part are either annoying or dramaqueens, neither of those are attractive to me so i'd rather not deal wit those qualities.
Originally Posted by DatRealBalla12

I dont know how to explain it but they're more my flow..In my experience non light skinned black girls for the most part are either annoying or drama queens, neither of those are attractive to me so i'd rather not deal wit those qualities.

cant be serious
I'm dark-skinned and I can't have a girl who's darker than me. We need to be seen in the night time. Just kidding. I ain'tthat dark.
I like light skinned chicks and dark skinned chicks, but mostly light skinned chicks
the reason why i said black men cuz we have more of a responsibily to our race than anybody else..... for whites and asians, alot of yall are white,fairskinned so you could say (for example) thats what im used to, or i want someone like me. For the people who flat out say they look better, i hope thatyall arent dark skinned and have dark skinned girls.... tell that to them when (if) they have self esteem issues.
i think its a terrible misfortune if you have to limit yourself to onecolor or race!

my homeboys always tease me because i dont really have a prefrence (" dont know what the hell you like! lol) and im so random when it comes topickin a shortee, but nonetheless i always get the...
...when i bring emaround the way..

just call me king krayola..
Originally Posted by ninjahood

They usually look betta......not too many extra black girls that look real good.

Why them morena DR chicks be frontin...they Bad word to 1987.
need some pics here.

btw if a girl is too white it's not good either. or maybe I'm just a sucker for Brazilian, Colombian and Cuban girls
Well thanx to the media we believe (subliminally) that the closer your skin is to white the better you are....
Its the opposite in the white community (u see it in the kids, they blacker u act, the cooler u are)

Thats just me talking out my *$%
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