Light skinned girls get so much more preference simply because in the black community, there is a psychological appreciation for anything similar to the"master". In other words, psychologically, we still harbor a slave mentality.
Light skinned black women are the closest thing to having a "white women". That's why many black men fiend for the yellow and red bones. Ilearned some few years ago that, one of the main reasons why black men love hispanic/latin women (central and southern American + the Islands) stems from thefact that, this particular group of women often have the build (body wise) of black women (booty, thickness), but additionally, they have the skin of whitewomen, or as close to that complexion than any black women can get. So for many black men, a thick bootylicious latin chick is often appreciated more than ablack or white women simply because, said latin chick is a synergy of the desirable physical qualities.
With that said, NOT all black men are biased when it comes to black women. Some, myself included, actually factor in certain additional attributes than"shade" alone. Personally speaking, PERSONALITY is a very very very big thing on my list. Interestingly enough, many of the light skinned femalesi've encountered have either juvenile or nonexistant personalities simply because, I surmise, they're use to getting by on their looks and having mostguys drool over them.
Lastly, understand that we live in a "white" country. Some may argue that the U.S of A is a melting pot whose product is cultural diversity, but makeno mistake about it, "White" is at the top of the social hierarchy in America. With that said, and as previously mentioned, anything close to the"standard", the "white-ideal", will be appreciated more. In the black community--with regards to skin shade--light skinned men and womenare closest to the ideal, hence why they get more preference over a relatively darker complexioned black man and woman.