Black People and the Church

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Where do you guys live, I drive a better car then both of my pastors.
One pastor does security on the side, the other non profit.
One wears old jays, the other got mad cause the church bought him and expensive suit.

Where do you guys live that yah keep running into these cash money pastors?

I live in Houston I see churches with big screens,commercial breaks ,private helicopters. When I was younger the pastor of my then church was a regular guy who lived amongst the congregation .He was average joe not creflo.I can understand wanting to increase your church size due to increase in congregation but why do you need a mansion a Benz a helicopter etc.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

The issue is, that the church signified a place where the movements of the 50's/60's funneled through. It was a place where they could meet free of police interference, and civil rights really does owe a lot to the church for that reason. My issue about why so many blacks still go, is why? What has the church done for you lately? I remember when I heard one of the most talented pastors preach one weekend. Sure enough after the service, this guy pulls out in a Sclass Benz, and I have the 
 face on.
This guy just moved a guy (me) from the pulpit-something very few pastors have done to me, yet he pulls out in a 150k car.

His congregation was taken. 
That doesn't mean pastors should live worse than anyone else. If he wants to drive the S class let him as long as his finances permit him to do so as long as he is not dipping into the churches finances to cover his big spending habits. I do understand what you're saying though. Some pastors are all about the money and only preach about giving tithes and offering , but cannot let those who do this represent them all.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Where do you guys live, I drive a better car then both of my pastors.
One pastor does security on the side, the other non profit.
One wears old jays, the other got mad cause the church bought him and expensive suit.

Where do you guys live that yah keep running into these cash money pastors?
To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.
What is so extreme about a christian not listening to secular music? Long ago this very country didnt play secular music
My girl in highschool was a devout christian, she basically explained to me that a lot(not all) of secular music goes agaisnt what she learns from the bible.
Im agnostic, but at the time I was w/e she was to make her happy.When she was in the car I put the lil wayne away.
As for common and India Arie I think its the " better safe then sorry method" With Religous music I guess you are gauranteed to know exactly what your music is about (god) where as in secular music, it could be about anything(illuminati, sexual connotaions)

Like others have stated, dont date them, I wouldnt date one now.
I always find it cray that some of these pastors are so material. It's like they haven't read the Bible or something.

Props to the cats that are out here actually taking care of their Father's business
Originally Posted by TomDiginson

Originally Posted by kix4kix

The issue is, that the church signified a place where the movements of the 50's/60's funneledthrough. It was a place where they could meet free of police interference, and civil rights really does owe a lot to the church for that reason. My issue about why so many blacks still go, is why? What has the church done for you lately? I remember when I heard one of the most talented pastors preach one weekend. Sure enough after the service, this guy pulls out in a Sclass Benz, and I have the
face on.
This guy just moved a guy (me) from the pulpit-something very few pastors have done to me, yet he pulls out in a 150k car.

His congregation was taken.
That doesn't mean pastors should live worse than anyone else. If he wants to drive the S class let him as long as his finances permit him to do so as long as he is not dipping into the churches finances to cover his big spending habits. I do understand what you're saying though. Some pastors are all about the money and only preach about giving tithes and offering , but cannot let those who do this represent them all.
So...just curious. your that Haile Selassie?
What are your thoughts on Rastafarianism and how it relates toEthiopiaetc...

Do you believe completely in that?

I just want more of your perspective if possible.

My parents are Jamaican, not rastas though, but I have a few in my family...its always interesting to get their spin on things.

This reminds me of the episode of South Park where Cartman finds gospel music.


They just replace all the words to a love song with "god" or "jesus"
Originally Posted by shoesonmyfeet

What is so extreme about a christian not listening to secular music? Long ago this very country didnt play secular music
My girl in highschool was a devout christian, she basically explained to me that a lot(not all) of secular music goes agaisnt what she learns from the bible.
Im agnostic, but at the time I was w/e she was to make her happy.When she was in the car I put the lil wayne away.
As for common and India Arie I think its the " better safe then sorry method" With Religous music I guess you are gauranteed to know exactly what your music is about (god) where as in secular music, it could be about anything(illuminati, sexual connotaions)

Like others have stated, dont date them, I wouldnt date one now.

The thing is she believes this illumanati stuff now because of her pastor.
I know you weren't talking to me sillyputty, but my dad is rasta, I would also like to hear what Digginson has to say.
Cash money pastors
I'm not gonna lie I won't go to a baptist church or a.m.e. church or anything like that because the exuberance just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Cash money pastors
I'm not gonna lie I won't go to a baptist church or a.m.e. church or anything like that because the exuberance just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I love this argument.


I mean...its all the same christianity, right? 

kix4kix wrote:
The issue is, that the church signified a place where the movements of the 50's/60's funneled through. It was a place where they could meet free of police interference, and civil rights really does owe a lot to the church for that reason. My issue about why so many blacks still go, is why? What has the church done for you lately? I remember when I heard one of the most talented pastors preach one weekend. Sure enough after the service, this guy pulls out in a Sclass Benz, and I have the 
 face on.
This guy just moved a guy (me) from the pulpit-something very few pastors have done to me, yet he pulls out in a 150k car.

His congregation was taken. 


For the record I hate you SP and don't want to get banned but don't post that pic AGAIN while quoting me.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.

One of your problems is taking mans imagery of God. White Jesus as example. To clarify, I'm not saying you have a problem but that's one thing people shouldn't have started.

You're gonna believe and speak what you will but Christianity is not to enslave the black community. If anything the black community is moving further away from God and its getting worse.I see whats occurring each and everyday. Things are getting worse.
Originally Posted by solefood229

What's up with all these religions threads lately?

Waits for 10 pages of Silly Putty & Anton rants

And this could be applied to any race of women
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.

One of your problems is taking mans imagery of God. White Jesus as example. To clarify, I'm not saying you have a problem but that's one thing people shouldn't have started.

You're gonna believe and speak what you will but Christianity is not to enslave the black community. If anything the black community is moving further away from God and its getting worse.I see whats occurring each and everyday. Things are getting worse.

True that but I also see more young black businesspeople and entrepreneurs.i think the reason why so many are lost because they don't know their worth and history as a people .They believe they can excuse their sins and poor decisions with a Sunday service.Its a conditioning and am excuse.If more of us understood that a community does not need to be based around a church and we create a great one based on the mutual respect and looking out for one another we can thrive.Those creflo preachers ,any who were ex pimps and hustlers Instill this mindset of the hustle and being about your paper and the fire and brimstone ones say you all ready a sinner and judgement day is coming so you need to get right on Sunday and what not.It breeds bad habits and neglect not to mention the lack of fathers and strong male role models In our community many turn to the pastor for guidance.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.
Oh now I see, dude you just want people to be atheist.You should have just said that in your first post.I guess you were mad because that girl was perfect,but she didnt think like you.You are not apart of the church, makes no sense for you to be saying we.

Pan-African Major. Took a African Am-Religions course, Most black women think I'm crazy, but they're so intrigued.. I ask questions that they've never been asked before.
Originally Posted by shoesonmyfeet

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.
Oh now I see, dude you just want people to be atheist.You should have just said that in your first post.I guess you were mad because that girl was perfect,but she didnt think like you.You are not apart of the church, makes no sense for you to be saying we.


Perfect far from it she is an awesome chick though we don't have the same ideology.your right I'm not a member of the church I'm a former member but im a black person first and foremost ,if your tunnel vision isn't bad you would realize I said I'm not an atheist or theist I'm in the middle road you could call me agnostic if you like.I can understand a church being The foundation up to this point but when are we gonna replace this worn out cracking and fading pillar with the roots of our actual history cultural .If you choose to be Christian is cool I myself can't live a lie based on a story I told somebody else and what they told to me back by gunpoint.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Where do you guys live, I drive a better car then both of my pastors.
One pastor does security on the side, the other non profit.
One wears old jays, the other got mad cause the church bought him and expensive suit.

Where do you guys live that yah keep running into these cash money pastors?

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