Black People and the Church

I dont get the deal African Americans and the church, we're quick to scream racism all the time but have no problem with the fact that Africans and Christianity is a product of slavery. My ex is a devout Catholic and this convo got her mad all the time, lets you know why she's my ex.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoesonmyfeet

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.
Oh now I see, dude you just want people to be atheist.You should have just said that in your first post.I guess you were mad because that girl was perfect,but she didnt think like you.You are not apart of the church, makes no sense for you to be saying we.


Perfect far from it she is an awesome chick though we don't have the same ideology.your right I'm not a member of the church I'm a former member but im a black person first and foremost ,if your tunnel vision isn't bad you would realize I said I'm not an atheist or theist I'm in the middle road you could call me agnostic if you like.I can understand a church being The foundation up to this point but when are we gonna replace this worn out cracking and fading pillar with the roots of our actual history cultural .If you choose to be Christian is cool I myself can't live a lie based on a story I told somebody else and what they told to me back by gunpoint.
I never  said you were atheist, not everyones foundation is on the church. No one is asking you to live a lie, do as you please but dont demand people to follow suit.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

To me the root of the problem is the church itself we are indoctrinated and told that this how things are and that we are people who come from nothing and in some cases we get called the real Hebrews we have no culture no history etc.I don't believe that and choose not to believe that .My beef is that Christianity is copied and stolen many of its images and laws from Ancient Egypt and other older civilizations and black people refuse to see that.We are not the downtrodden protagonist of the bible we are not the perennial losers of this world .We are not born into sin and are sinners and wretches.We need to quit living in fear of the white sky daddy.It's not healthy for us as a people we need to realize we control our destinies and our actions and that free will is what drives us not a white guy in the sky who looks down upon you.

One of your problems is taking mans imagery of God. White Jesus as example. To clarify, I'm not saying you have a problem but that's one thing people shouldn't have started.

You're gonna believe and speak what you will but Christianity is not to enslave the black community. If anything the black community is moving further away from God and its getting worse.I see whats occurring each and everyday. Things are getting worse.

True that but I also see more young black businesspeople and entrepreneurs.i think the reason why so many are lost because they don't know their worth and history as a people .They believe they can excuse their sins and poor decisions with a Sunday service.Its a conditioning and am excuse.If more of us understood that a community does not need to be based around a church and we create a great one based on the mutual respect and looking out for one another we can thrive.Those creflo preachers ,any who were ex pimps and hustlers Instill this mindset of the hustle and being about your paper and the fire and brimstone ones say you all ready a sinner and judgement day is coming so you need to get right on Sunday and what not.It breeds bad habits and neglect not to mention the lack of fathers and strong male role models In our community many turn to the pastor for guidance.
Anyone who reads and pays attention to the word KNOWS what to avoid in regards to churches and people.

Living the life is not just a Saturday/Sunday things. Its 24/7/365. People who think they can just go to church 1 day and say sorry. They are wrong. You need to be accountable all 7 days. Yes people have used the word for their own selfish gain and have misguided others along the way, but their are others out there who are true to the word.

The lack of strong families are a problem for every race. As I said times before. Whether anyone wants to take their head out the dirt to see, the world IS getting worse. Yes there has always been violence and other horrific acts. But they are becoming more of a norm. Families are crumbling like feta cheese. The family structure is a big part of God and the bible. There is a big time need to fix things the best we can for now.






...buncha idiots in here.
Originally Posted by sillyputty



cap1229 wrote:
Cash money pastors  I'm not gonna lie I won't go to a baptist church or a.m.e. church or anything like that because the exuberance just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

 They're all the same ##+%.. All of them are apart of the slave religion. Acts 17:24

The black church was not setup to be an instrument of liberation for our people. It was setup by our former colonial slave masters to make us suffer peacefully while we were building the world for them. That's the reason for the establishment of the black church! To make  the slave suffer peacefully while serving his master. 

Pains me to see my people walking inside of these churches wearing their best clothes like it's a damn party, thinking they're about to get some real knowledge of themselves. Hearing that music blaring, people screaming all the while praising someone named "jesus." We need to start asking questions and start searching for the answers. I even asked a few older black women about how they came to praying and following behind this "jesus" and all they could respond with was "That's what I learned growing up" "That's how my parents raised me" .. ##+% is a never ending cycle. 
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by sillyputty


cap1229 wrote:
Cash money pastors  I'm not gonna lie I won't go to a baptist church or a.m.e. church or anything like that because the exuberance just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

 They're all the same ##+%.. All of them are apart of the slave religion. Acts 17:24

The black church was not setup to be an instrument of liberation for our people. It was setup by our former colonial slave masters to make us suffer peacefully while we were building the world for them. That's the reason for the establishment of the black church! To make  the slave suffer peacefully while serving his master. 

Pains me to see my people walking inside of these churches wearing their best clothes like it's a damn party, thinking they're about to get some real knowledge of themselves. Hearing that music blaring, people screaming all the while praising someone named "jesus." We need to start asking questions and start searching for the answers. I even asked a few older black women about how they came to praying and following behind this "jesus" and all they could respond with was "That's what I learned growing up" "That's how my parents raised me" .. ##+% is a never ending cycle. 

"The God who made the universe and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. He doesn’t live in shrines made by humans, " Acts 17:24
The white man saved your souls, as much as black people love to deny it it is the truth.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

...buncha idiots in here.

Save your keystrokes they have their minds made up.
Osama Bin Laden>Black people who go to church


I never said that nor did I imply anything like that.I have no beef with the civil rights movement but one of the problems caused by it was it pacified and made black people espicially older ones afraid to really advocate for their rights afterwards or stand up or be different .
Originally Posted by spacerace

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Where do you guys live that yah keep running into these cash money pastors?

 Maryland is infested with them. They be making a killing on tides and offerings

BRB Pastor just bought a new Benz

BRB "First Lady" rocking a different fur coat every week

BRB Pastor living in a 2 million dollar house in Columbia but claiming the house is in Laurel 

BRB Church own a Starbucks, Panera Bread, 2 McDonalds and a hair place

When anyone brings these facts up, the brain washed members just say "don't question the lord's messenger"
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

...buncha idiots in here.

Save your keystrokes they have their minds made up.
Osama Bin Laden>Black people who go to church


I never said that nor did I imply anything like that.
 what are you trying say then, Im am a black woman who is in the church what exactly do you want?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Save your keystrokes they have their minds made up.
Osama Bin Laden>Black people who go to church


I never said that nor did I imply anything like that.
 what are you trying say then, Im am a black woman who is in the church what exactly do you want?

I'm saying that I'm good black guy and would like to date some of y'all would you all please not hold it against me that I don't believe in Christianity and are you free on friday
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

...buncha idiots in here.

Save your keystrokes they have their minds made up.
Osama Bin Laden>Black people who go to church


I have no beef with the civil rights movement but one of the problems caused by it was it pacified and made black people espicially older ones afraid to really advocate for their rights afterwards or stand up or be different .

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Save your keystrokes they have their minds made up.
Osama Bin Laden>Black people who go to church


I have no beef with the civil rights movement but one of the problems caused by it was it pacified and made black people espicially older ones afraid to really advocate for their rights afterwards or stand up or be different .


Man it's some stuff thats deep rooted in the south . I'll go in depth later I'm heading into a concert.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I have no beef with the civil rights movement but one of the problems caused by it was it pacified and made black people espicially older ones afraid to really advocate for their rights afterwards or stand up or be different .


Man it's some stuff thats deep rooted in the south . I'll go in depth later I'm heading into a concert.
Later my dude...
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The white man saved your souls, as much as black people love to deny it it is the truth.

Now you're just flat-out trolling...

Yes, because the slaves stolen from West Africa were Christian, you owe the white man for introducing you to Jesus---They saved your soul

Waits for rant about Egypt, the African slaves weren't taken from Egypt/North Africa they were taken from West Africa which has little to no historical ties to the Judeochristian faith (Unless you think they're the accursed sons of Ham)
Christianity = the slave religion? Thats what the Egyptains used to call the Jewish faith. So I'm a slave because I believe that there is a higher being and I feel connected to it. Okay well Ill take that.
doesn't make me weak and if you think having faith is weak well *kanye shrug*
Originally Posted by cap1229

Christianity = the slave religion? Thats what the Egyptains used to call the Jewish faith. So I'm a slave because I believe that there is a higher being and I feel connected to it. Okay well Ill take that.
doesn't make me weak and if you think having faith is weak well *kanye shrug*

Sup with the adorable dog is that your own puppy?Nah I don't think your weak but when your faith blinds you to reality and logic that's when I cry foul.I don't think the Egyptians Encountered the Jews during the building of the pyramids.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The white man saved your souls, as much as black people love to deny it it is the truth.

Allah begs to differ...

Right, Islam was brought to West Africa as well buddy---they had their own Gods/religions before Allah was introduced

Hell Muslims are still in West Africa trying to convert everybody and implement sharia law, it isn't the Native Religion of the Ibo or Yoruba people. That being said I was referring to Black American Christians-I love how people convert to Islam like that is going to make them any more Afrocentric, straight BS
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by solefood229

What's up with all these religions threads lately?

Waits for 10 pages of Silly Putty & Anton rants

And this could be applied to any race of women
With the large number of white women you date/encounter, I would have expected you've come across plenty of
those overly southern, in church 7 days a week, drink the poison kool-aid while towards a river type white women.

They're just as common as these stereotypical black women.
^^^^^^I dunno about "as common" but it could just be a product of the white women I'm exposed to (New England, tristate area, top 50 college educated)-Can't speak on Southern ones but you may have a point I'm sure you'd find a lot of them in places like Mississippi and Alabama
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I never said that nor did I imply anything like that.
 what are you trying say then, Im am a black woman who is in the church what exactly do you want?

I'm saying that I'm good black guy and would like to date some of y'all would you all please not hold it against me that I don't believe in Christianity and are you free on friday


I wouldn't date you, God is important to me and you don't share that feeling, we aren't on the same team.

We would butt heads and its OBVIOUS you would try to change my views and I would end up doing the same.

But I understand they're aren't a lot of female black atheist so 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

 what are you trying say then, Im am a black woman who is in the church what exactly do you want?

I'm saying that I'm good black guy and would like to date some of y'all would you all please not hold it against me that I don't believe in Christianity and are you free on friday


I wouldn't date you, God is important to me and you don't share that feeling, we aren't on the same team.

We would but heads and its OBVIOUS you would try to change my views and I would end up doing the same.

But I understand they're aren't a lot of female black atheist so 

<But I'm not atheist though
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