Black Red Air Jordan XX3 Premier - Pic/Info

Originally Posted by kevrocavich1

I just got back from Annapolis mall. Lets just say it was mother's day. 5 seperate mothers won. I couldn't believe it. I was in the middle closer to the front making mother's jokes and pretending to call my own mother bc it was rediculous. Shout out to Matt. His moms won this time and his father won earlier in January for the titanium's. He tried to sell them to me for 1200 but I told him that I would call him. I don't even like these enough to spend more than 600. Anyways congradulations to those that won. I am heading to you know where next time. Those of you who know where we said know what I'm talking about. Peace!

ey man, pm'ed you...
Originally Posted by mrmadison

9.5 up for grabs

I've been staring at these 3 gorgeous pics and cannot determine if I like the red upper part......... maybe it would have been better jet black instead ofred. Still it's a damn sexy shoe!
Damn I'm mad that dudes who copped in store now have a chance to buy online as well. Should've released 2:30 a.m.
what online stores has this
my homie was the one that got his named called first (number 269432) at the downtown locker room in annapolis, good thing i told him to bring his 3 brothers sohe can have a better chance of getting them

i told him it was meant for him to keep him, so hopefully he will, he got his 9.5 and it was a wrap
^ Exactly, I bet 1 or 2 of those 506 people who already bought the shoes end up with another pair from FC. Such is life!
Originally Posted by mrmadison
Is them dudes in the back actually wearing shorts and tee shirts, it was like 20 degrees in Atlanta this week.

Georgia State in the background
Originally Posted by Rapido27

Originally Posted by richiedge

There was only like 50 or 60 people tops in the Philly raffle last night. I still lost. My friend snatched a size 11 for 470 because the dude who won didn't have 230 on him so my friend went over to him and paid a little extra for it.
Yeah man, I was there too. Unfortunately I didn't get my pair but 2 of my friends did.
ya i was there with my boy i thought 1 of us would have had it for sure but walked away empty
just got back from my hoh ny experience for the 23s. i copped my pair. i must say it was cool. i met some great people(ralphy,stevie, theo, j). the shoes arecrack. i put that hard work in camping wise. so i guess the statement is true. "hardwork does pay off" lol. congrats to everyone that copped therepairs
Originally Posted by xcg11pinoYx

who was at Annapolis Mall for the raffle?

I was # 435.
i was a 9.5!!!! so amped, i was the white dude w/ the c'monwealth fitted on, was like the 10th or so person called
Originally Posted by micheal623

I just got back from Millennium shoes, with nothing damn raffle!

co sign.... some ****** came into my size line and won

0 for 4 on all these releases....11/12, EM 2s, Venoms, and this
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