Black woman tells dogs to attack white news reporter

token brother
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damn, all race asside, that lady was NOT messing around. Brought out the rocks, the bats, then sicked the dogs on em!
Might wanna edit that last post señor dunks. Apparently those in charge of those board get uptight over that word even in cases when its warranted
Off topic, but did yall see the water birth video that popped up afterwards. I was weirdly turned on by the moaning then went instant softee when the baby popped out. :lol:
Dudes feeling really cute over the internet..I'm for non violence but I'm losing my patience

This is what happens when you shove a microphone in someone's face for a sound bite on the 10 o clock news after a tragedy This exploitation is disturbing. I mean what's the point of even showing the video? What does it accomplish besides making people think that poor blacks are "crazed" and "uncivilized"

What was the point?

You think they ever come around where she lives unless someone gets shot or murdered?

The way they denigrate Blacks on the news for youtube fodder, I can't even blame the woman for reacting harshly.

They couldn't get in contact with her before hand? I mean these people are supposed to be prepared, intelligent "journalists" right?
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Dudes feeling really cute over the internet..I'm for non violence but I'm losing my patience

This is what happens when you shove a microphone in someone's face for a sound bite on the 10 o clock news after a tragedy This exploitation is disturbing. I mean what's the point of even showing the video? What does it accomplish besides making people think that poor blacks are "crazed" and "uncivilized"

What was the point?

You think they ever come around where she lives unless someone gets shot or murdered?

The way they denigrate Blacks on the news for youtube fodder, I can't even blame the woman for reacting harshly.

They couldn't get in contact with her before hand? I mean these people are supposed to be prepared, intelligent "journalists" right?

You mad?
Realtalk, read the thread title and I was going to come here and respond along the lines of, "Karma's payback for the exact same thing done in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s to black people"; of course, my response was going to be done in jest.

After watching the vid in the OP, I realize that there is nothing funny about what the nasty lady did. I hope she gets fined and/or locked up. There's just no defending that.

What really pains me though is what could potentially happen to the dogs. I'd really hate to see them put-down, through no fault of their own, all because they obeyed their irresponsible owner...:smh:

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Is the whole calling OP a racist thing a joke?
Your racist for thinking people calling the op a racist is a joke
Your racist for thinking people calling the op a racist is a joke
you're racist for not getting the sarcasm when he questioned whether the people calling OP racist is a joke
you're racist for not getting the sarcasm when he questioned whether the people calling OP racist is a joke
And your racist for not detecting my sarcasm papi. Shame on you
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