Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Originally Posted by 23likemike23

I'm white, I'm not rich, my family's not rich. You are owed nothing, be thankful for where u are and what u have. If blacks weren't taken through the slave trade, you prob would still be in poverty, with a 1 in 4 chance of contracting AIDS in a third world country. With my national background, my ancestors could've bin killed off in Poland, bombed in Ireland, wiped out in Germany... Almost everyone's family had past problems. Work to get what you want. Nobody Owes You Anything!(but yourself)
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

what mentality? who is begging for hand outs? a lot of assumptions but Im sure you have a lot more about "us"

The mentality that you deserve something from someone not responsible.

And no lie, I started reading that passage from that book or whatever, but after about 5 minutes I couldn't do it anymore...I'm not one for not reading long posts because I usually find them informative, but I couldn't do it.

Someone not responsible? The government is very responsible for the plights of the black community today how can you dispute that? Without the government bringing cocaine into the US would crack be that big? Did the Government not kill/attempt to kill many black leaders?

Malcolm X believed that U.S. Intelligence further set up his near-fatal poisoning in Cairo, Egypt in late July of 1964. He said CIA agents made their presence obvious to try and intimidate him as he traveled through Africa. They didn’t want him to present his planned United Nations proposal, with African leaders, to declare that the U.S. was violating American blacks’ human rights.

At a Cairo restaurant, Malcolm said that just as he felt the poison in his food, he realized that he recognized the waiter as someone he saw in New York. Rushed to the hospital, he was barely saved by a stomach pumping. The attending doctor said there was poison in his food. Malcolm had been concerned about NOI death threats, but he knew that they didn’t have a global spy capacity.

Several other disclosures support Malcolm’s belief that this was a CIA attempt on his life. A high level African diplomat later said that the French Counter-Espionage Department reported that the CIA planned Malcolm’s murder, and France barred Malcolm for the first time in fear of getting scapegoated for the assassination. The FBI Director wrote a confidential memo on Malcolm’s travel plans through Britain and France. He sent it to the CIA Director, the Army Intelligence (Intel) chief, the Naval Intel Director, and the Air Force Counterintel chief, as well as Intel chiefs in London and Paris. One such memorandum on Malcolm and African leaders went directly to the CIA director of covert action, Richard Helms, who had a key role in assassination plots.

Furthermore, FBI and police action on the day of Malcolm X’s assassination, February 21, 1965, supports their role in it. An FBI document said [undercover agent] John Ali met with Talmadge Hayer (a.k.a. Thomas Hagan), one of the gunmen that shot Malcolm X, the night before the assassination. Hotel information on Ali’s stay in New York those days supports this. At the Audubon Ballroom hall where Malcolm X gave his last speech, uniformed police left the area. At every other speech by Malcolm, they had uniformed officers inside and outside the halls.

Gene Roberts revealed his undercover police agent status at a trial against the Black Panthers in 1971. Roberts had followed members of Malcolm X’s OAAU as they started the New York Panther chapter. Under cross-examination at the trial, Roberts said he was the first to arrive at Malcolm’s body and he “proceeded to give Malcolm X mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Originally Posted by bleach

it's funny how white men try to put the blame of affirmative action on black people, but in reality the largest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women

This is very very true. The same goes for gov't assistance. Its quite interesting and perplexing at the same time. That white women almost make up half the people in the united states period.  Yet are ranked the lowest as far as employment is concerned. and people get a.a. confused. A.A. is geared/favorable for people in the minority of the workplace/school etc.. Not minority in the sense of race, but minority in the sense of smallest group in a particular area/realm.

So if its based on who is the least in a work/school environment. And statistically its white women are the smallest group of ppl in the workforce. So........
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

smh @ the sense of entitlement of some folks. how could you even look at yourself in the mirror asking for handouts. its not even a race thing, you're completely riding the self-entitlement angle as an individual.
if youre refering to my post about college admittance

heaven forbid black people feel entitled to a measly 6% enrollment rate, considering before 1960 they werent even allowed, by law, to go to many of these universities.

heaven forbid.

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio


white privilege is a phenomena that has been prominent in american culture since its inception.

you dont have to believe me, besides countless studies and articles

a kid took pills that turned his skin black

he wanted to be black for a month, for a study

after about a week and a half, he stopped taking the pills and refused to go outside

he was on oprah and said

"as a white male, there is a level of respect automatically given to me.....i could tell that respect was completely gone when people saw my black skin. I can see that black people have to constantly prove they're worthy of that same respect afforded to me by default"

so like.......argue against it all you want.

its funny that many many many many other white people can admit to white privilege....but a certain population just cant bring themselves to admit it....its hilarious to me.

whereas this "self-entitlement" you speak of, comes from an oppressive system which "TRIED" to "counterbalance" this idea of "white privilege" with legislation REQUIRING the establishment to "help" black people i.e. welfare, etc.

so, one is a prominent function of an oppressive system put in place by those who directly benefit from it......which is so widespread EVERYONE who is white benefits from it, whether they want to admit it or not

and the other was an oppressive system put in place by those OTHER than those who directly benefit from it, in which they are harmed indirectly, evidenced by the 2 and 3 generations of welfare cases.

like i said, heaven forbid the one kid in the hood expects a minority scholarship considering his mother and grandmother have been on section 8 since the late 70s......a hood that was a product of the very same oppressive system that the original group benefited from.

like, nobody is blaming YOU, specifically...

but facts are facts.

honestly, the determining factor when it comes to white people, for me, is the acknowledgement of white privilege.

you can call that stereotypical, racist or whatever you want

but ive had very extensive interaction with white people.....

and that seems to be the deal breaker for me.

ill tell another story here

i was in a "hip hop in the classroom" workshop for my job.

the lecturer was talking about how children have to live two sorts of lives, what many scholarly works refer to as "dual existance" or "code switching"

where there is a behavior and language expected at home, and a completely different one expected at school

many teachers have no idea this exists, so they cant encourage kids to increase their "school behavior"

just to give teachers an understanding of some of the inappropriate behaviors of inner-city students, and to encourage certain behaviors

one teacher was completely dumbfounded.

she goes "i cant imagine why you would push students to change from who they truely are. ive never had to change how i speak, or how i act, just to conform to society. i think you lose a part of yourself when you're forced to do that"

in her own ignorant way, she eloqently made my argument.

as a white female, her social norms are AMERICAN CULTURES SOCIAL NORMS




you dont have to switch how you talk, white woman, even though you may be just as grammatically incorrect in contrast to "the standard" language as a lil hood booger from harlem, HOWEVER, YOUR grammar mistakes are actually POPULAR CULTURE and AMERICAN CULTURE grammar mistakes...

whereas, if the kid from harlem comes into school, using language and behavior to identify with his culture, WHICH IS SUBVERSE TO AMERICAN, EUROPEAN CULTURE, he is deemed "wrong" or he "sounds stupid", etc.

that's just a tiny example using language.

now is that HER FAULT that her cultural norms just happen to be the AMERICAN norms?

no, its not her fault.

its the fault of the system put in place.

you all want us to ignore the fact that they were white ancestors, and that white americans directly benefited and still benefit today from the system that was put in place


i hope it does make you feel bad.

that's called white guilt

thats another thing i didnt make up on NT

go research that, too.

They just saw a yellow person with slanted eyes and threw them in a camp then called it a day. 
i also love comparing japanese entainment to slavery.

entainment WAS WRONG....


world war 2 lasted, what, 4 years? 5 years?

also, they werent forced into labor for profit.

im not downplaying what those people went through at all...

but compared to slavery?


also, they've gotten an apology from the government, which isnt much, but is much more than african americans got....

well, pre-obama, that terrorist, of course....

just a quick question

my white NTers

would you be willing to say, give up all personal rights you have in this country for 400 years, labor as slaves for free, living off the land your master owns....

THEN, after 400 years, you're not even recognized by law as human for another 70 years....THEN you're segregated from the rest of the population, through legislation

THEN after all that, 470 years of oppression,

you can get benefits that equal below the poverty line

and a better chance to get into school, seeing how 500% less of your race applies to school....

would you take that?

of course its a loaded question....and its not even 60% of the black experience in america.

african american refers directly to desendants of slaves.

imo, africans, carribeans, etc arent african american...theyre whatever we just called them before

i love when people use examples of random black populations who immigrated to the USA in the 90s to desendants of slaves...

the 90s were infinitely better than any decade of the african american experience

dudes come to the USA in 2012 talking about "why are yall still stuck on slavery? i just came here and im doing great"


benefiting from the supposed "reparations" the system has so kindly granted us self-entitled arrogant people....

reparations talks means the record label failed, huh? let's all get reparations!

blacks for obvious reasons

whites for the shopping malls & movie theatres that USED to be nice (& commentary free)

Mexicans for Tejas & the Alamo

Asians for *insert your own atrocity here*



at the end of the day, no matter what your opinion is of OP, he cares about his race and wants better for them. i respect that.....even if some of his ideas are a tad off base
not the system recognizing inferiority

the system recognizing the systematic oppression


"yes you were oppressed, systematically.....but the system that put you at a deficit doesnt owe you equality"

this is the entire point of the argument....even though it was worded poorly to begin with and is now being articulated properly.....

thank you for admitting you acknowlege the oppression, and that you think everything is even now.........after the systematic oppression leaves one group at an obvious deficit.

Man theres an organization called the KKK still huge and prevalent in america today. They hate every race other then white pure aryan blood, but a big focus of their hate is on african americans because of our history. Why are some of yall telling us to stop living in the past when the past is still here? It a +!%+%+% fact that we are hated in america. Yes there are people that like us but they're a minority, and they dont have to balls to speak up on the misinformation their own people are spreading around. They believe its is our fight, so they can be indifferent about it. And we are progressing so cut that talk out, we came along way from picking cotton, and working on railroads, to working in factories, then the public service jobs that built the middle class foundation for african american families we stand on today, so we can have a Ceo as the head of top pharmaceutical company, or private entrepreneurs becoming successful ones, not to count all the lawyers, doctors, pilots, professors, governors. Big the big thing, and im not afraid to mention it, is we had help. The families that would take in run away slave at the risk of having their families slaughtered. religion(acculturation), a slew of generations of caucasian speaking out on the injustices that faces people just like them, but of color. Some of you'll are making this into an argument, everyone in here is smart of to know both sides have valid points, but its not about shutting each other ideas down, its about bring those ideas together to merge a brighter future for HUMANS to exist(every race, color, ethnicity, sex)
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

not the system recognizing inferiority

the system recognizing the systematic oppression


"yes you were oppressed, systematically.....but the system that put you at a deficit doesnt owe you equality"

this is the entire point of the argument....even though it was worded poorly to begin with and is now being articulated properly.....

thank you for admitting you acknowlege the oppression, and that you think everything is even now.........after the systematic oppression leaves one group at an obvious deficit.


Said what I've been trying to say all this time way better than I ever could. Respect.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

smh @ the sense of entitlement of some folks. how could you even look at yourself in the mirror asking for handouts. its not even a race thing, you're completely riding the self-entitlement angle as an individual.
if youre refering to my post about college admittance

heaven forbid black people feel entitled to a measly 6% enrollment rate, considering before 1960 they werent even allowed, by law, to go to many of these universities.

heaven forbid.

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio


white privilege is a phenomena that has been prominent in american culture since its inception.

you dont have to believe me, besides countless studies and articles

a kid took pills that turned his skin black

he wanted to be black for a month, for a study

after about a week and a half, he stopped taking the pills and refused to go outside

he was on oprah and said

"as a white male, there is a level of respect automatically given to me.....i could tell that respect was completely gone when people saw my black skin. I can see that black people have to constantly prove they're worthy of that same respect afforded to me by default"

so like.......argue against it all you want.

its funny that many many many many other white people can admit to white privilege....but a certain population just cant bring themselves to admit it....its hilarious to me.

whereas this "self-entitlement" you speak of, comes from an oppressive system which "TRIED" to "counterbalance" this idea of "white privilege" with legislation REQUIRING the establishment to "help" black people i.e. welfare, etc.

so, one is a prominent function of an oppressive system put in place by those who directly benefit from it......which is so widespread EVERYONE who is white benefits from it, whether they want to admit it or not

and the other was an oppressive system put in place by those OTHER than those who directly benefit from it, in which they are harmed indirectly, evidenced by the 2 and 3 generations of welfare cases.

like i said, heaven forbid the one kid in the hood expects a minority scholarship considering his mother and grandmother have been on section 8 since the late 70s......a hood that was a product of the very same oppressive system that the original group benefited from.

like, nobody is blaming YOU, specifically...

but facts are facts.

honestly, the determining factor when it comes to white people, for me, is the acknowledgement of white privilege.

you can call that stereotypical, racist or whatever you want

but ive had very extensive interaction with white people.....

and that seems to be the deal breaker for me.

ill tell another story here

i was in a "hip hop in the classroom" workshop for my job.

the lecturer was talking about how children have to live two sorts of lives, what many scholarly works refer to as "dual existance" or "code switching"

where there is a behavior and language expected at home, and a completely different one expected at school

many teachers have no idea this exists, so they cant encourage kids to increase their "school behavior"

just to give teachers an understanding of some of the inappropriate behaviors of inner-city students, and to encourage certain behaviors

one teacher was completely dumbfounded.

she goes "i cant imagine why you would push students to change from who they truely are. ive never had to change how i speak, or how i act, just to conform to society. i think you lose a part of yourself when you're forced to do that"

in her own ignorant way, she eloqently made my argument.

as a white female, her social norms are AMERICAN CULTURES SOCIAL NORMS




you dont have to switch how you talk, white woman, even though you may be just as grammatically incorrect in contrast to "the standard" language as a lil hood booger from harlem, HOWEVER, YOUR grammar mistakes are actually POPULAR CULTURE and AMERICAN CULTURE grammar mistakes...

whereas, if the kid from harlem comes into school, using language and behavior to identify with his culture, WHICH IS SUBVERSE TO AMERICAN, EUROPEAN CULTURE, he is deemed "wrong" or he "sounds stupid", etc.

that's just a tiny example using language.

now is that HER FAULT that her cultural norms just happen to be the AMERICAN norms?

no, its not her fault.

its the fault of the system put in place.

you all want us to ignore the fact that they were white ancestors, and that white americans directly benefited and still benefit today from the system that was put in place


i hope it does make you feel bad.

that's called white guilt

thats another thing i didnt make up on NT

go research that, too.


the sad thing is that this white system is so embedded in this society. there is NO NORM. and it is very difficult of people to become cognizant of what stage they are in terms of racial identity
Ask yourself what does American mean? American= White.
You guys should also discuss the term race itself. and how compartmentalization and categorization within itself is an oppressive tool.

SMH at people thinking this is an issue of whether african-americans are entitled to anything.  While no one is truly entitled to anything, you must remember no on deserves to be oppressed.

unfortunately modern day racism has turned into "patriotism" and "taking our country back"
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Y'all call it reparations, but it's really just evening up the playing field. It's like we started a foot race and you began ¾ of a mile in, then chastising us, telling us we aren't where you are because we aren't trying hard enough.

I understand your point, but realistically what else can be done besides huge investments into education in primarily black communities? What else do we need that the government can afford to give us? These are serious questions not combative ones, because I genuinely don't know.

I'm grateful for my affordable housing, free insurance, and free college education. My mother, a single black woman, also went to college for free and hasn't earned below the eligibility line for any of the other government assistance programs like food stamps since before I was born otherwise I'd be grateful for those too. I ranked in the 99th percentile based on IQ testing when I was applying for elementary schools (yes you can take IQ tests at age 4/5 to get into the better public elementary schools in NY
) and have maintained such with every standardized test I have taken since then by focusing on my education. Coupled with my black female status, I've gotten so many things for free that I watch other people struggle to pay for that I'm at a point where I don't really know what else I could have asked for.

Maybe this is a case of me being given just enough by the government to keep me placated, but I feel anything else would be excess. I enjoy working and studying hard to become smarter than the men I'm surrounded by in the educational system and workforce and I'd assume the same would go for black people/ other minorities and the people who surround them (this is an assumption rather than based on experience because in New York I've never had my minority status work against me).

Isn't the reason it's so much harder to be a minority (especially black) in places outside of big, dense, diverse cities like NYC racism? How can the government change that after they already mucked it up so badly? Again, I am seriously wondering, because all of my experiences are so limited to big cities where racism has literally never been a factor for me.

Sorry, lots of questions
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kilojules64

I strongly believe that it's not economically possible because the extent of the damage the government has done and the number of people affected is way too huge. If there was a total tax overhaul I'd see your point but that isn't realistic right now.If it were, of course I would agree with social and economic programs for American minorities. Different groups have progressed differently and need assistance in different areas. Until that can happen, I don't see how you can think the solution of centering programs around low income areas instead that I mentioned is unreasonable to the point of being invalid.
As unreasonable as slavery was/is. As far as your *until statement, it already has, and is very plausible. Just because you aren't aware of how so, doesn't make it impossible 

...Let me get this straight. You think that because I don't see the validity of race by race government assistance, the proposition of an overhaul of the programs geared toward low income areas/individuals instead is as unreasonable as slavery was? I can't.
At the end of the day all I can say is that I am black, I am a woman, I grew up in a *&%$ neighborhood, and the hardest obstacle to overcome was the latter of the three.

No, I was simply stating, that the only people who seem to think reparations in some form is impossible, are those who aren't aware of all of the options. That is your experience, think out of the box for thirty seconds.
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:

Isn't that what white's have been telling us since the inception of this country? That we weren't your equal, not part of your 'one big family'? 3/5 of a man (and only then for tax purposes)? 

For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by kix4kix

As unreasonable as slavery was/is. As far as your *until statement, it already has, and is very plausible. Just because you aren't aware of how so, doesn't make it impossible 

...Let me get this straight. You think that because I don't see the validity of race by race government assistance, the proposition of an overhaul of the programs geared toward low income areas/individuals instead is as unreasonable as slavery was? I can't.
At the end of the day all I can say is that I am black, I am a woman, I grew up in a *&%$ neighborhood, and the hardest obstacle to overcome was the latter of the three.

No, I was simply stating, that the only people who seem to think reparations in some form is impossible, are those who aren't aware of all of the options. That is your experience, think out of the box for thirty seconds.

Nothing I said was as unreasonable as slavery no matter how much our opinions differ
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Y'all call it reparations, but it's really just evening up the playing field. It's like we started a foot race and you began ¾ of a mile in, then chastising us, telling us we aren't where you are because we aren't trying hard enough.

I understand your point, but realistically what else can be done besides huge investments into education in primarily black communities? What else do we need that the government can afford to give us? These are serious questions not combative ones, because I genuinely don't know.

I'm grateful for my affordable housing, free insurance, and free college education. My mother, a single black woman, also went to college for free and hasn't earned below the eligibility line for any of the other government assistance programs like food stamps since before I was born otherwise I'd be grateful for those too. I ranked in the 99th percentile based on IQ testing when I was applying for elementary schools (yes you can take IQ tests at age 4/5 to get into the better public elementary schools in NY
) and have maintained such with every standardized test I have taken since then by focusing on my education. Coupled with my black female status, I've gotten so many things for free that I watch other people struggle to pay for that I'm at a point where I don't really know what else I could have asked for.

Maybe this is a case of me being given just enough by the government to keep me placated, but I feel anything else would be excess. I enjoy working and studying hard to become smarter than the men I'm surrounded by in the educational system and workforce and I'd assume the same would go for black people/ other minorities and the people who surround them (this is an assumption rather than based on experience because in New York I've never had my minority status work against me).

Isn't the reason it's so much harder to be a minority (especially black) in places outside of big, dense, diverse cities like NYC racism? How can the government change that after they already mucked it up so badly? Again, I am seriously wondering, because all of my experiences are so limited to big cities where racism has literally never been a factor for me.

Sorry, lots of questions
Your experience is not a unique one, I too spent most of my childhood in a city, and in a lot of ways I was more sheltered than if I were living in the burbs. Only when I went to college, was I introduced to subtle, and a lot of the times, not so subtle racism. This isn't about my, or yours experience though, this is about being just. Are you 100% black? 
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kilojules64

...Let me get this straight. You think that because I don't see the validity of race by race government assistance, the proposition of an overhaul of the programs geared toward low income areas/individuals instead is as unreasonable as slavery was? I can't.
At the end of the day all I can say is that I am black, I am a woman, I grew up in a *&%$ neighborhood, and the hardest obstacle to overcome was the latter of the three.

No, I was simply stating, that the only people who seem to think reparations in some form is impossible, are those who aren't aware of all of the options. That is your experience, think out of the box for thirty seconds.

Nothing I said was as unreasonable as slavery no matter how much our opinions differ
AGAIN, I was simply stating that a solution to reparations cannot be any more unreasonable than slavery was/is. And yes there is still slavery in the world. You keep stating how unreasonable it is to find a solution, I am simply stating that it can't be more difficult than enslaving millions.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

DAYTONA 5000 wrote:

Isn't that what white's have been telling us since the inception of this country? That we weren't your equal, not part of your 'one big family'? 3/5 of a man (and only then for tax purposes)? 

For a dude so up in arms about racism, you sure have a "you people" attitude about caucasians. 

We learned from "you" folks 

big cities are actually the places where insidious racism occurs.  Racism is not only seen in radical gestures, but also in subtle occurences.

Most people would love to say big cities like NYC and SF would be void of such behaviorbut it does happen. what's worse is what would happen if you saw it happen?:
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Your experience is not a unique one, I too spent most of my childhood in a city, and in a lot of ways I was more sheltered than if I were living in the burbs. Only when I went to college, was I introduced to subtle, and a lot of the times, not so subtle racism. This isn't about my, or yours experience though, this is about being just. Are you 100% black? 

No I'm not. I was raised by my one black parent in a 100% black/latino community and my father, who I have never lived with, came from piss poor Italian immigrants so I stand by the sentiment that white privilege has never touched me
especially when I factor in my physical appearance.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Your experience is not a unique one, I too spent most of my childhood in a city, and in a lot of ways I was more sheltered than if I were living in the burbs. Only when I went to college, was I introduced to subtle, and a lot of the times, not so subtle racism. This isn't about my, or yours experience though, this is about being just. Are you 100% black? 

No I'm not. I was raised by my one black parent in a 100% black/latino community and my father, who I have never lived with, came from piss poor Italian immigrants so I stand by the sentiment that white privilege has never touched me
especially when I factor in my physical appearance.
I am not either, and I also lived with my black parent in a black community. I have benefitted from white privilege though 
 No shame in it, just honesty. 
op what kind of "programs" would you like to be implemented to better the Black Community? and who would pay for these "programs"?
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