Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Ok after following this thread closely for a couple days there is one historical factor that tends to be left out..

African descendants played a huge role in us being here... Let's not forget blacks had a hand in enslaving other blacks thus selling them off to whites as cattle... Trans Atlantic Slavery would have not been possible without the cooperation of other Africans selling their brother and sisters into slavery.. How come nobody has pointed the finger to the warring classes in Africa as ones to blame for slavery? Obviously, colonial powers in the Americas played a significant role in this triangle based on demand but where's the finger pointed at the origin? Yes, I understand that the nature of continental slavery in Africa was of vastly different both physically and socially, but they definitely enabled the "white man" to have access.. Also, for those disputing this factor remember that whites didn't venture into the African interior until the discovery and usage of quinine to quell malaria thus resulting in the European colonization of the continent....

That being said, I think reparations are an afterthought.. It's interesting to contemplate how they would have changed history from a social and economic standpoint but even if implemented in 1865 post civil war blacks would have been at an ultra disadvantage without land guarantees being included.. The biggest economic injustice occurred at the inception and exclusion of black land ownership in the Americas (due to slavery).. Just imagine if blacks alongside whites would have been able to conquer the natives and lay claim to vast amounts of land that were stolen (sarcasm)

My point is that even if blacks were afforded the same opportunities as whites at the beginning of the settlement of the Americas.. They would most likely have committed the same atrocities in the name of greed, power and wealth.... I'm not here to excuse anyone for the past or even ignore what has happened to our people, but to live in the past gets us nowhere and the thought of reparations are only allowing your mind to remain in a daze. Instead, we need to educate our youth, grow our families and use history as fuel to better what we have today for tomorrow... Basically, if blacks were to unite with other groups in favor of bettering low socioeconomic issues (illegitimacy, educational failures. etc) there would be a lobby bigger than any greedy corporation in this country... At that point we could talk about programs as alternatives to reparations to create opportunities for economic equality...
Originally Posted by frink85

how about the US Govt gives "reparations"/puts money into creating/funding social and economic welfare programs for all impoverished/lower class/disadvantaged communities?

basically, why make this a racial issue when there are tons of Americans of all races who need the help (yes, including Blacks)?

Very good and honest question. The reason why its  racial issue is because the US government made it to that. The US government purposely killed black leaders (fred hampton), allowed cocaine into the communities, supported the klan, and so on. Just do your history of the time period and you will find numerous examples of the US government purposely trying to hold blacks back.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Ok after following this thread closely for a couple days there is one historical factor that tends to be left out..

African descendants played a huge role in us being here... Let's not forget blacks had a hand in enslaving other blacks thus selling them off to whites as cattle... Trans Atlantic Slavery would have not been possible without the cooperation of other Africans selling their brother and sisters into slavery.. How come nobody has pointed the finger to the warring classes in Africa as ones to blame for slavery? Obviously, colonial powers in the Americas played a significant role in this triangle based on demand but where's the finger pointed at the origin? Yes, I understand that the nature of continental slavery in Africa was of vastly different both physically and socially, but they definitely enabled the "white man" to have access.. Also, for those disputing this factor remember that whites didn't venture into the African interior until the discovery and usage of quinine to quell malaria thus resulting in the European colonization of the continent....

That being said, I think reparations are an afterthought.. It's interesting to contemplate how they would have changed history from a social and economic standpoint but even if implemented in 1865 post civil war blacks would have been at an ultra disadvantage without land guarantees being included.. The biggest economic injustice occurred at the inception and exclusion of black land ownership in the Americas (due to slavery).. Just imagine if blacks alongside whites would have been able to conquer the natives and lay claim to vast amounts of land that were stolen (sarcasm)

My point is that even if blacks were afforded the same opportunities as whites at the beginning of the settlement of the Americas.. They would most likely have committed the same atrocities in the name of greed, power and wealth.... I'm not here to excuse anyone for the past or even ignore what has happened to our people, but to live in the past gets us nowhere and the thought of reparations are only allowing your mind to remain in a daze. Instead, we need to educate our youth, grow our families and use history as fuel to better what we have today for tomorrow... Basically, if blacks were to unite with other groups in favor of bettering low socioeconomic issues (illegitimacy, educational failures. etc) there would be a lobby bigger than any greedy corporation in this country... At that point we could talk about programs as alternatives to reparations to create opportunities for economic equality...
Yes it took black cooperation for the slave trade to exist but thats a whole different topic. We are specifically talking about the injustices that occurred in the post-reconstruction era
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Ok after following this thread closely for a couple days there is one historical factor that tends to be left out..

African descendants played a huge role in us being here... Let's not forget blacks had a hand in enslaving other blacks thus selling them off to whites as cattle... Trans Atlantic Slavery would have not been possible without the cooperation of other Africans selling their brother and sisters into slavery.. How come nobody has pointed the finger to the warring classes in Africa as ones to blame for slavery? Obviously, colonial powers in the Americas played a significant role in this triangle based on demand but where's the finger pointed at the origin? Yes, I understand that the nature of continental slavery in Africa was of vastly different both physically and socially, but they definitely enabled the "white man" to have access.. Also, for those disputing this factor remember that whites didn't venture into the African interior until the discovery and usage of quinine to quell malaria thus resulting in the European colonization of the continent....

That being said, I think reparations are an afterthought.. It's interesting to contemplate how they would have changed history from a social and economic standpoint but even if implemented in 1865 post civil war blacks would have been at an ultra disadvantage without land guarantees being included.. The biggest economic injustice occurred at the inception and exclusion of black land ownership in the Americas (due to slavery).. Just imagine if blacks alongside whites would have been able to conquer the natives and lay claim to vast amounts of land that were stolen (sarcasm)

My point is that even if blacks were afforded the same opportunities as whites at the beginning of the settlement of the Americas.. They would most likely have committed the same atrocities in the name of greed, power and wealth.... I'm not here to excuse anyone for the past or even ignore what has happened to our people, but to live in the past gets us nowhere and the thought of reparations are only allowing your mind to remain in a daze. Instead, we need to educate our youth, grow our families and use history as fuel to better what we have today for tomorrow... Basically, if blacks were to unite with other groups in favor of bettering low socioeconomic issues (illegitimacy, educational failures. etc) there would be a lobby bigger than any greedy corporation in this country... At that point we could talk about programs as alternatives to reparations to create opportunities for economic equality...
Yes it took black cooperation for the slave trade to exist but thats a whole different topic. We are specifically talking about the injustices that occurred in the post-reconstruction era
correct.. just wanted to provide a historical perspective.. a lot of talk in this thread is theory and generalization vs the "white establishment" .. To a certain extent I can see where many are coming from, but let's not turn this into a black panther rally without recognizing that there are other factors to figure...
I'm white, I'm not rich, my family's not rich. You are owed nothing, be thankful for where u are and what u have. If blacks weren't taken through the slave trade, you prob would still be in poverty, with a 1 in 4 chance of contracting AIDS in a third world country. With my national background, my ancestors could've bin killed off in Poland, bombed in Ireland, wiped out in Germany... Almost everyone's family had past problems. Work to get what you want. Nobody Owes You Anything!(but yourself)
Originally Posted by 23likemike23

I'm white, I'm not rich, my family's not rich. You are owed nothing, be thankful for where u are and what u have. If blacks weren't taken through the slave trade, you prob would still be in poverty, with a 1 in 4 chance of contracting AIDS in a third world country. With my national background, my ancestors could've bin killed off in Poland, bombed in Ireland, wiped out in Germany... Almost everyone's family had past problems. Work to get what you want. Nobody Owes You Anything!(but yourself)
w/o the slave trade America would be Mexico at be honest if Africa played its cards right it would be so #%%#$#@ dominant......but the mistakes they made have now made them the !@@!%!# of european countries after being raped for centuries up until this current mogs in Sierra Leone proud to be invited to the english parliament 
 ......its #%%#$#@ pathetic when you think about it.....n's in congo speaking french...its sad all around 
 ......i'll give it to the white man.....they know how to come off friendly and ++#+ someone outta they @*@@......yall mastered that @*@@ 
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

OSU isn't even tier one? He's "pretty terrible" in comparison to his white peers, yet an African American applying to some sub-tier *#+% hole isn't pretty terrible because... wait what? What are we even speaking about here? Are you trying to say that the standard for excellence amongst underrepresented minorities is lowered? 
If you're throwing handys for bottom of tier one, which I assume is American/Cardozo something like that, then I highly doubt you'd be getting a green light at t14 if you were AA/PR/NA. Vandy possibly, Gtown if you had the softest hands in the world and a tub of cocoa butter on deck..

Trust me I know that feel, I'm asian (yes we are a %%+%%$+ minority and have been discriminated against for quite some time) which is a demographic that gets completely *++%!@ for law/med/dental school admissions

I just submitted my apps a few weeks ago, and my numbers would have me in at HYS with cash to burn if I were an underrepresented minority, alas I am not.

...and that's just the way the cookie crumbles. i'm done being salty over that.

at any rate, I didn't read the thread, don't care to get involved in this particular discussion.

just know, every ethnic minority has experienced hardship.. some may argue that Native Americans have had it far worse than African Americans over the course of our nation's history, etc.


Nah man I'm not scraping the BOTTOM of the barrel I'm referring to Florida at 47 and FSU at 50 and yea I punched the numbers into LSP and LSN and then click URM and watched the STRONG considers pop in all throughout the T14. But anyways, have you got accepted anywhere yet? PM broham
im glad this post is still open.

lmao @ how you misunderstood facts.

if osu's entire student body is only 6% black

then they accept even less than 6 percent each freshman class

not 6% of black applicants..


which is like 1200 kids

(when i was at osu there was less than 1 thousand black males on campus....out of 55-60k)

for the sake of the argument, i broke it down black/non-black

but lets say 10% asians

8% latino

that still leaves 76% of their total student body white...

so out of 76% of 52,000 students

you werent admitted.

a black kid was admitted.

you're blaming the black kid, one of 1200 kids in his population

as the reason you dont get in?

not the fact that, out of 76% of the total white enrollment, you were A POOR CANDIDATE?

see, being white, you're selected out of a pool of white students.

you not getting in means you're a pretty poor white candidate, and they had roughly 44 thousand other white people that were better than you.

if you were black?

fam, if you were black and disadvantaged, you'd be the lame peon of the hood, bruh


you wouldnt go to high school, let alone college, boy...


"if i was black id be so much better off"



so again, you got into the 48th ranked law school as a white applicant....because you were a poor white applicant.

there were OBVIOUSLY many other white candidates who were simply stronger than you.

you have more competition to get into school, maybe, just maybe, because your education up until applying to graduate school may be, just maybe EXPOENTIALLY more effective than that of say, your local public school system (or "urban" school system...lemme just say it, your blackest school.....)

you having a 3.7 in high school, but being 230 in your class of 400

isnt as impressive as simply graduating from the most violent, poorest school in the city/state

being an average white trying to complain about how unfair it is that they didnt let 45,001 white kids in instead of 45,000

when, in some school districts, 80 percent of their black students dont even graduate...

which, im sure youll say "ITS THEIR FAULT"


so when someone comes from that environment and applies for law school, they're infinitely more appealing than say, you, one of 45,000 white boys from the suburbs with average grades......

does that hurt you to hear that?

funny, cause yall be the main ones crying about equal treatment

only when it benefits you, of course....

not when it comes to say, providing the same level of education.......

then, its "ITS THEIR FAULT"


its yalls fault that so many more white kids have a basic education though superior educational systems so much so that the average white kid from the suburbs is one of 3 million other teenagers looking for the same 1 million spots

whereas blacks are more likely to end up dead or in jail than graduating high school, so heaven forbid a school be FORCED to take in a number of black students seeing how, before they were forced to meet a quota, many didnt accept ANY black students...and before that, it was FEDERALLY ILLEGAL to accept a black student.....

nevermind all that.

you had better test scores at your superior high school than some black kid had at a crumbling school.........

and we all deserve equal treatment

Man, ya'll don't deserve @#%@, especially with the mentality most the people in this thread have.
Originally Posted by 23likemike23

I'm white, I'm not rich, my family's not rich. You are owed nothing, be thankful for where u are and what u have. If blacks weren't taken through the slave trade, you prob would still be in poverty, with a 1 in 4 chance of contracting AIDS in a third world country. With my national background, my ancestors could've bin killed off in Poland, bombed in Ireland, wiped out in Germany... Almost everyone's family had past problems. Work to get what you want. Nobody Owes You Anything!(but yourself)

Its too late to do this.

Do mixed people get these benefits?

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Black isn't even defined in the US. Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

No body wants to be "black" thats why they always shy away from those labels.
Maybe I should start hitting the report button, there is a lot of ignorance in here. 
Y'all call it reparations, but it's really just evening up the playing field. It's like we started a foot race and you began ¾ of a mile in, then chastising us, telling us we aren't where you are because we aren't trying hard enough.

          Chapter 8 Racial/Cultural Identity Development: Therapeutic Implications


Sue, D.W., & Sue, D. (2003). Counseling the Culturally Diverse. Wiley: New York.

For nearly all my life I have never seriously attempted to dissect my feelings and attitudes about being a Japanese American woman. Aborted attempts were made, but they were never brought to fruition, because it was unbearably painful. Having been born and raised in Arizona, I had no Asian friends. I suspect that given an opportunity to make some, I would have avoided them anyway. That is because I didn’t want to have anything to do with being Japanese American. Most of the Japanese images I saw were negative. Japanese women were ugly; they had “cucumber legs, “flat ye!-low faces, small slanty eyes, flat chests, and were stunted in growth. The men were short and stocky, sneaky and slimy, clumsy, inept, “wimpy look­ing,
Originally Posted by 23likemike23

I'm white, I'm not rich, my family's not rich. You are owed nothing, be thankful for where u are and what u have. If blacks weren't taken through the slave trade, you prob would still be in poverty, with a 1 in 4 chance of contracting AIDS in a third world country. With my national background, my ancestors could've bin killed off in Poland, bombed in Ireland, wiped out in Germany... Almost everyone's family had past problems. Work to get what you want. Nobody Owes You Anything!(but yourself)

not one damb was given
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Man, ya'll don't deserve @#%@, especially with the mentality most the people in this thread have.
what mentality? who is begging for hand outs? a lot of assumptions but Im sure you have a lot more about "us"
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Its too late to do this.

Do mixed people get these benefits?

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Black isn't even defined in the US. Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

No body wants to be "black" thats why they always shy away from those labels.
Maybe I should start hitting the report button, there is a lot of ignorance in here. 

Not to bust your balls or anything but what you said, while I mean was in good nature in itself was ignorant.

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Um japanese isnt a people. Its a nationality, and any race can have origins from japan. So basically are you saying any person regardless of race should get reparation so long as they have some family decendants from japan.

Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

Non white/Non hispanic is the same thing. Its a double negative. Its like when people say im going to have to revert back. Revert and going back is the same thing. They are define one another.Or like advance foward. Advance meand to move ahead/foward.

Not trying to be an A-hole just saying, to ridicule someone for ignorance by making a ignorant statement.
smh @ the sense of entitlement of some folks. how could you even look at yourself in the mirror asking for handouts. its not even a race thing, you're completely riding the self-entitlement angle as an individual.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

smh @ the sense of entitlement of some folks. how could you even look at yourself in the mirror asking for handouts. its not even a race thing, you're completely riding the self-entitlement angle as an individual.
Really? Hand outs? Investment into the Black community to fix issues that were created by the Government is hand outs? Hand outs to blacks, bailout/stimulus to "others"

Have any of you guys been the your local Black communities? Serious question, the schools are usually horrible, the living conditions usually suck, the people all work horrible jobs, and overall
 the government could care less about their constituents there. Look at how many powerful black organizations there are in our communites as opposed to the modern pre-crack era.
it's funny how white men try to put the blame of affirmative action on black people, but in reality the largest beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women
what mentality? who is begging for hand outs? a lot of assumptions but Im sure you have a lot more about "us"

The mentality that you deserve something from someone not responsible.

And no lie, I started reading that passage from that book or whatever, but after about 5 minutes I couldn't do it anymore...I'm not one for not reading long posts because I usually find them informative, but I couldn't do it.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Its too late to do this.

Do mixed people get these benefits?

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Black isn't even defined in the US. Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

No body wants to be "black" thats why they always shy away from those labels.
Maybe I should start hitting the report button, there is a lot of ignorance in here. 

Not to bust your balls or anything but what you said, while I mean was in good nature in itself was ignorant.

Its easy to give money to Japanese people. Thats a targeted population.

Um japanese isnt a people. Its a nationality, and any race can have origins from japan. So basically are you saying any person regardless of race should get reparation so long as they have some family decendants from japan.

Black is anything thats NOT-white or Non-hispanic.

Non white/Non hispanic is the same thing. Its a double negative. Its like when people say im going to have to revert back. Revert and going back is the same thing. They are define one another.Or like advance foward. Advance meand to move ahead/foward.

Not trying to be an A-hole just saying, to ridicule someone for ignorance by making a ignorant statement.

In this country, while Japan is a nationality, it also speaks to a highly homogenous population of immigrants. Very few countries that have immigrants in the US come from extremely diverse populations. Especially during the time of WWII before the extent of globalization that we have now. If you were Japanese and in america, chances are that you were ethnically japanese not just by nationality. And yes I know that Japan has a bunch of smaller ethnic groups, but do you think the US government recognizes them? They just saw a yellow person with slanted eyes and threw them in a camp then called it a day. 
Reparations gets harder to even THINK about with time because those original populations end up being so much more dispersed than when the original transgression was committed. This also speaks to the racist idea that populations can't change in the first place to even think of giving reparations 60 years later. At least with the Japanese they kept records on who deserved to get paid. There is no such documentation for other minorities. 

And I stand by my statement. In the US, you're considered Black if you're not white. Ask most mixed kids (in my experience that is) why they choose to associate with being black over being white rather than not picking. They always assume that "white" is the default and anything that strays from that is "colored." Only until very recently did we stop trying to pigeon-hole people into these limited categories. 
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