Scientific Method wrote:
at the reverse racism in here, and ridiculous proposals. Yea let's have the Government regulate the black image in the media, yet not start with rap music with is easily the most deserving of the "making us look bad" label, because you want to be able to thump to your Wacka Flocka. So let's keep that, just don't let them report negative stories involving black people. More Government dependency, what a great idea.
How bout an initiative be made, within the community because the Government won't nor do I feel it's their place, to quit blaming D. Whiteman for everything and take control and responsibility for your own life? People are literally trying to blame D. Whiteman for teen pregnancy and citing mind control? If you feel like "he" still has control over your mind and the way you think, that's 100% your problem and self oppression more than anything.
Most every community was oppressed at some point. They all have recovered from it, using generally the same blueprint; strong value of education, hard work, work ethic, smart decision making particularly with regards to money like sacrificing instant gratification purchases for big picture more important items and rejecting ideals that don't foster progress.
Inherent white values? Not at all. Millions of black people, African immigrants especially but African Americans too, have figured it out. 400 year "head start" be damned, Asians, Africans, Jews (which obviously are generally white) have all surpassed the achievement level of white people in America.
Best way to pay homage to the struggle of your ancestors, is to make it all worthwhile by taking advantage of the opportunities now afforded to us, thanks to them.
if you were really smart you would have something significant to add on other than the same sentiments in every are no better than any hood dude if you ask me.... this type of context is all you ever use your intelligence to argue for.
like shut up already with the roboticism...are you waiting for someone to tell you how out of touch you sound? 'Scientific Method' what the hell is wrong with you clowns....for the first time in our history we have the opportunity to secure our independence and this is the kind of sentiment we get?
there is no question that we have every right in the world to express our nationality and to have desires independent of what is the acceptable standard of the dominating culture, because that is the true culmination of the American narrative and mans overall historic condition...a class of people separated by their class antagonisms in Europe separate to form their own society...we have every right to do the same from this vantage point in history....the white man has everything coming back to him in time.
black people in this country don't own can say whatever you want about how you feel about these issues regardless until we are included into the big picture things won't be right...thats why you have all the economic problems you do now....the math just doesn't add up...if you want to deny race is a factor, your in self denial as an individual...