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Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

need some help from others playin Wizard.

I'm currently on Act II NM with my Wiz (lvl 40 i think) and only doing about 1200 dmg. What am I doing wrong? I am looking for gear that stacks Int. Should I be looking for other stats instead? IAS maybe? I can hang OK running solo, but when I group up I feel that I am not melting packs down like I used to.

another barb turned wiz.. i did the same thing

at that stage you might want to look into some +damage rings, stack int, ias if its available to you. hows your offhand? your offhand with the �xx damage really helps.

the only problem with trying the AH for this is that you can't sort by +damage, its broken or something. 

anyone need 71int, 15% ias rings? holla at me! NT discount from the AH
how much you askin for those rings?

yea, i think ive just been going about it wrong.  instead of trying to stack only INT, I went a different route.  Got a new 2H instead of goin 1H+off and then bought some IAS stuff.  After re-equipping I was able to get my dmg up to about 2800 buffed.  The problem is, I had to sacrifice some of my armor/HP (since I am goin glass cannon) and am relegated to kiting against elite mobs.  I guess that is the trade off.

my problem with AH is buyers remorse.  If I see something and hesitate on buying it, I get annoyed at myself for passing up the opportunity.  Then I will buy something on a whim to make up for it and then get upset again that I wasted all that gold on something that isnt very good.


I'll give them to you for roughly what I bought them for ~10k. I'm at work right now feening to play. got this sudden urge to make a DH
got a 60 barb and 60 wiz already both in inferno a2
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

another barb turned wiz.. i did the same thing

at that stage you might want to look into some +damage rings, stack int, ias if its available to you. hows your offhand? your offhand with the �xx damage really helps.

the only problem with trying the AH for this is that you can't sort by +damage, its broken or something. 

anyone need 71int, 15% ias rings? holla at me! NT discount from the AH
how much you askin for those rings?

yea, i think ive just been going about it wrong.  instead of trying to stack only INT, I went a different route.  Got a new 2H instead of goin 1H+off and then bought some IAS stuff.  After re-equipping I was able to get my dmg up to about 2800 buffed.  The problem is, I had to sacrifice some of my armor/HP (since I am goin glass cannon) and am relegated to kiting against elite mobs.  I guess that is the trade off.

my problem with AH is buyers remorse.  If I see something and hesitate on buying it, I get annoyed at myself for passing up the opportunity.  Then I will buy something on a whim to make up for it and then get upset again that I wasted all that gold on something that isnt very good.


I'll give them to you for roughly what I bought them for ~10k. I'm at work right now feening to play. got this sudden urge to make a DH
got a 60 barb and 60 wiz already both in inferno a2
whats your bnet tag.  ill add you when i get home tonight.  DEAL!
there's a troll "glitch" farming.

go to act 2.. i forgot which quest, but as long as you have "ancient path" waypoint.

go up the waypoint.. up the stairs.. but once you reach the stairs and you don't see a troll, restart it. the troll's there about 30% of the time. you can do this in all difficulties.
Originally Posted by CLU713

there's a troll "glitch" farming.

go to act 2.. i forgot which quest, but as long as you have "ancient path" waypoint.

go up the waypoint.. up the stairs.. but once you reach the stairs and you don't see a troll, restart it. the troll's there about 30% of the time. you can do this in all difficulties.
are the treasure goblins better for farming gold or do they actually have a higher % of dropping usable rares or even legendary/sets?  

the only legendary that ive found thus far was by uncovering a rock in Act II NM.  go figure.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by CLU713

there's a troll "glitch" farming.

go to act 2.. i forgot which quest, but as long as you have "ancient path" waypoint.

go up the waypoint.. up the stairs.. but once you reach the stairs and you don't see a troll, restart it. the troll's there about 30% of the time. you can do this in all difficulties.
are the treasure goblins better for farming gold or do they actually have a higher % of dropping usable rares or even legendary/sets?  

the only legendary that ive found thus far was by uncovering a rock in Act II NM.  go figure.

Not really a glitch, but yeah I can confirm that this exists.  Act 2- part 8.  Take the ancient path waypoint and walk northeast and up the stairs.  The treasure goblin is there quite often, sometimes you'll need to go pretty far up the path.  Also, watch out for the mobs, it's not uncommon for there to be suicide bombers or blue packs of mobs.
But anyways, finally got my inferno diablo kill last night 

inc ninjahood sized pic

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by CLU713

there's a troll "glitch" farming.

go to act 2.. i forgot which quest, but as long as you have "ancient path" waypoint.

go up the waypoint.. up the stairs.. but once you reach the stairs and you don't see a troll, restart it. the troll's there about 30% of the time. you can do this in all difficulties.
are the treasure goblins better for farming gold or do they actually have a higher % of dropping usable rares or even legendary/sets?  

the only legendary that ive found thus far was by uncovering a rock in Act II NM.  go figure.


I found a 700 dps 1 hand wand.. decent dps items 500-700 one handers for DH.. there's plenty.. guaranteed 3 magicals.. tomes of secret.. mythic pots-expensive (all in inferno) and a gang of gems.. good runs for beginning-inferno people.. just stack on dps and gather a group of friends and hunt the trolls. sometimes we'd go back-to-back-to-back trolls.
So .. just logged on for the first time in a couple days. I lost everything. Like I lost my character. I have to make a new one. 

++# ...
Anyone with a legit bow/xbow.. I'm willing to spend about 50k on it.

I'm at lvl 45 with only ~1500 dmg smh.
Just got my monk up to inferno. Melee characters have it rough in inferno. 
can i get a screen shot on where that "glitch" is? i kinda know what you're talking about but don't feel like looking at it right now

just got my monk to level 60 in act IV inferno. getting a group with DHs and Wizards suck. they all have like 20-30k DPS and i'm at 7k. if anyone got any monk gear focused on DEX lmk. i only got like 200k in gold
I went to the microsoft store today and they were doing this test where if you test your phone against theirs they will give you a 25$ gift card. I did it with my sister and her boyfriend and got 75 dollars worth and got diablo 3 and some change left over.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by CLU713

there's a troll "glitch" farming.

go to act 2.. i forgot which quest, but as long as you have "ancient path" waypoint.

go up the waypoint.. up the stairs.. but once you reach the stairs and you don't see a troll, restart it. the troll's there about 30% of the time. you can do this in all difficulties.
are the treasure goblins better for farming gold or do they actually have a higher % of dropping usable rares or even legendary/sets?  

the only legendary that ive found thus far was by uncovering a rock in Act II NM.  go figure.

Same here two legendary items I got were from NM rock/ancient urn. 
This glitch, been trying it but no luck, did they fix it or???
Welp, i got hacked i think... lol
I log on and it's set on normal when i'm in nightmare act 3. My stash, gold, and inven is emptied out but they didnt take any of my equips? Weird?
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Just got my monk up to inferno. Melee characters have it rough in inferno. 

Do you remember what your DPS was at the beginning of Nightmare?
Debating on whether to go on with my monk or to make a new character ...
finally made it to act 2 inferno with my WD (25k dps, 30k hp, 480+ all resist, ~120 mf) getting rolled all over the place

deciding to just go glass cannon and screw vit, so if you have any equipment with 150+int + mf + crit chance/dmg, let me know.. i'll pay.
damn i dont know if im just getting more impatient in my old age (definitely am), lazier, or what, but I just dont have that killer urge to be playing D3 all the time anymore. Something about getting destroyed by blue/gold mobs in Act II Hell (not even Inferno... SMH) is just really frustrating.

My gear is pretty weak for the most part, Wiz putting out about 9.8K DMG, about 15K HP, low resists (200 or so?).

Lately I've found myself just jumping into games with some of my boys who are still running NM so I can hulk smash everything, rather than playing solo or public on Hell. I think a big part of the problem is that it feels like I have to "pay to play". I dont think I have 1 piece of gear equipped that I have found. Everything is either AH or charity (thanks again Alex2Sappy). It made it so that the point of the game is to farm gold and then go look for deals on AH. Its kinda stupid, but I feel like hunting on AH for gear is almost as fun as playing the game itself. If I am getting most of my entertainment from scouring a virtual money auction house for virtual items, I'm definitely doing something wrong.
Originally Posted by Nawzlew

Originally Posted by 2sappy

Just got my monk up to inferno. Melee characters have it rough in inferno. 

Do you remember what your DPS was at the beginning of Nightmare?
Debating on whether to go on with my monk or to make a new character ...
anywhere from 6-1200. I dont remember, honestly.

Nightmare should be no problem for a monk. hell is where you start to have problems.
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