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just started playing hearthstone

i love it!

mostly play a mage, still looking to snag a Pyroblast card
Haven't played cause my Mac suffers from this crazy FPS drop bout 10min into a game...sometimes it's not so bad but sometimes it's unbearable...
My loot is always best at night.

Two rifts and I managed to grab Odyn Son, WKL, SoJ, and Gold Skin.

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Taskers from 2 years ago :x
hoping they tweak some skills to allow more builds to be viable. hate how a lot of builds are dependent on one particular item or sets.

looking forward to monk changes as well..

also hope they change a majority of the "legendary items" and make them more than glorified rares.
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good to see that theyre giving more legendary items legendary properties.

not really feeling the monk class changes though..
Finally got my PC back.

Pretty good haul for 3 rifts.


Still playing zDPS .. mad they're gonna remove OWE :frown:
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The passive they are replacing OWE with sounds just as good though. i see it being more viable.
Yeah, I suppose. It was kinda annoying gearing for it .. but still **** is OP :lol:

From what I'm reading the monk is moving in the right direction with the next update. Any idea on when it drops officially?
Sup. I just got back into D3 after about a year off. I'm a level 19 Paragon WW Barbarian. Making my way up to max level again. At 65 right now. My gear is definitely outdated. I still have about 600 million gold from the auction house days tho.

Is it better to gear up by playing through the campaign on ever increasing difficulty or through the Adventure mode?
not yet. it doesnt usually hit the main client till about a month to a month and a half after it hits the PTR ( for bug purposes).
anyone wanna make a 4 man group for ladders? i don't know if the ladders are goonna be tiered rifts. idk what theyre doing with d3 now. stopped playing after i killed maelthael. 
anyone wanna make a 4 man group for ladders? i don't know if the ladders are goonna be tiered rifts. idk what theyre doing with d3 now. stopped playing after i killed maelthael. 
Ladders? do you mean seasons? i honestly dont feel like starting over again just to get some transmogs at the end of the season. :lol:
The Greater Rifts (new name for tiered rifts) will not be exclusive to season mode. Doing normal rifts and beating the RG is the only way to get keys for greater rifts.
im just bored of doing rifts and not getting squat. i quit before they buffed the drop rate. ill be doing a couple of rifts now if anyone wants to join. btag: rickybobbyy#1360
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