Blogging--Why do You do it?

May 29, 2007
I notice a couple of NT'ers have blogs....and I never really understood why people would start them. Basically its like keeping a personaldiary/journal---but why? Not to sound mean, but why do you think anybody cares what you have to say or what you do? Did you get wit' comments like"dang, man, your life is interesting---you should start a blog"

Is it therapeutic or something? Are you going it to get noticed for professional reasons, i.e get your "name" out there?
I don't have one and I've never had one. I have thought about getting one though.

Some people have interesting opinions on certain topics that some people like to hear. Sometimes people have a large amount of knowledge on sports, fashion,politics, etc. and think what they have to share is worth reading.
I rarely write on my blog, and if I do it's something random like "I saw a possum running from a squirrel".
i don't have one, but i think it's a good idea to start one. it'd be interesting to read it, 30 years down the line, and see how you've grown.this is one of the primary reasons i take my camera everywhere, so i can basically document my life. i love looking through old newspapers and contrastingdifferences even just 10 years ago, and to compare my own life 10 years down the road and how i've changed would be immensely satisfying.
I have a photo blog which I use for my photography.
I have a couple people who like to keep up with my work so I just give them the link to my blog.
i have a photo blog.. i just share photos w/ my friends and family of some interesting incidents that occur in my daily life
Originally Posted by yamakazi18

i don't have one, but i think it's a good idea to start one. it'd be interesting to read it, 30 years down the line, and see how you've grown. this is one of the primary reasons i take my camera everywhere, so i can basically document my life. i love looking through old newspapers and contrasting differences even just 10 years ago, and to compare my own life 10 years down the road and how i've changed would be immensely satisfying.

Why not start a running Word doc then? Why does it have to be on the internet for everyone to see.
Some people have interesting opinions on certain topics that some people like to hear. Sometimes people have a large amount of knowledge on sports, fashion, politics, etc. and think what they have to share is worth reading.
I understand those types of blogs---usually started by professionals with some sort of expertise. But its the other people that I don'treally get

I rarely write on my blog, and if I do it's something random like "I saw a possum running from a squirrel".
stuff like this
I don't have one, but I need one. Every so often I have a sudden urge to write about randomness. Sometimes its a very accurate, and relevant point.Sometimes its just empty text. But if anyone blogs with the random passion of just writing as I, I totally understand their rationale.
I do it mostly to vent but to also keep memories in my life. Even the small things that don't mean much now really make me think later on.. In fact 3 daysago I found my Xanga page from when I was in High School... It's a cool thing to have because began to remember things easier when my memory was jogged.. Idon't even tell people I have a blog it's basically just for me.
Originally Posted by A Stunting GoTRILLa

Originally Posted by yamakazi18

i don't have one, but i think it's a good idea to start one. it'd be interesting to read it, 30 years down the line, and see how you've grown. this is one of the primary reasons i take my camera everywhere, so i can basically document my life. i love looking through old newspapers and contrasting differences even just 10 years ago, and to compare my own life 10 years down the road and how i've changed would be immensely satisfying.

Why not start a running Word doc then? Why does it have to be on the internet for everyone to see.

true. however, since i personally like to look at what others' lives are like, i think there are also others out there with an interest like mine,which is where the internet would come into play. have you ever talked to a senior citizen? stories that they have are simply amazing. when i get a bit older,one of my goals is to compile a book of all the crazy stories i hear from old folks

and plus, a blog looks *much* better than a .doc!
I started blogging the summer before my freshman year in college just cause I wanted to stop being a lurker/commenter to all the blogs I read. It's fun forme and therapeutic just recapping my day/week or whatever random thoughts I had. It's become a monthly/semi weekly habit.
Originally Posted by A Stunting GoTRILLa

I notice a couple of NT'ers have blogs....and I never really understood why people would start them. Basically its like keeping a personal diary/journal---but why? Not to sound mean, but why do you think anybody cares what you have to say or what you do? Did you get wit' comments like "dang, man, your life is interesting---you should start a blog"

Is it therapeutic or something? Are you going it to get noticed for professional reasons, i.e get your "name" out there?

Yes it is therapeutic, and it keeps me sane. There are things that I can't blurt out to just anybody so blogging about it is my outlet. I neveradvertised my blog so I was pleasantly surprised at how many people actually read and visit it regularly.

At the end of the day, to each his own.
I didnt read any responses, so im sure what im going to say has already been said.
I blog because i get to share things that i enjoy publicly with those who care and want to read. Its more so like a journal, but something that not only myselfcan look back on, but my friends and family too. I like the idea that it is always going to be there... i always look back on my old pics and things i used todo, doing it on a computer with a blog is just way more efficient and organized for me. ive grown up with a computer in my home all the time.. its beensomething consistent in my life since the 90's. ive learned a lot on the internet that has definitely had an impact on who i am today, so much that i (we)do revolves around the webz. we live in a decade where technology is expanding and advancing at a fast pace. i recognize it as both a positive and negativething, but im using it to my advantage to document my life. i know it sounds stupid, but its true. the last few months ive been heavily getting intodocumenting my life via photos, writing, journals etc., i want to have things for my kids to look back on and see who i was at this age. when my parents wereyoung they didnt have the advantages that we do today to bring people together through technology. blogging is just another great way for people to expressthemselves, document it, and look back. its going to be fun in a few years time when i read back on things ive liked, purchased, the kind of music i waslistening to, the clothes i wore, etc., .... my blog is basically a bunch of junk i like thrown onto an html page. also, its a good way to keep up with people.since i started my blog, a few friends of mine around the world also made their own. even though i dont speak with them 24/7, i get a few moments each week toread their blogs, see their pics, and know what theyre up to even though im not with them and speaking with them every second.

since i started blogging ive began to save up for a canon rebel xti, which ill be purchasing within a couple weeks- im stoked!!! my computer has become one ofmy memory boxes.
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