Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Jimmy is $@%#$%@ up so bad right now

I don't even know if he'll make it through the season anymore
Another great episode
. Jimmy has been acting extremely recklessly. He decides to take out Manny instead of paying him and of course Mannys badass self (
) wasn't gonna get taken out that easily so now Jimmy has another problem on his hands. 
He's not going to be the "King" for too long with all these mistakes he's making and Nucky's starting to make moves again by getting Chalky to start a strike and getting the liquor from Ireland. 

I also think that McGariggles death is gonna remind Nucky that once the war has begun,it can't be stopped until the bitter end. Gonna be interesting to see how Emilys' diagnosis is gonna act on Nucky seeing as he's already lost a child and his wife. Maybe he'll start taking the thought of retirement seriously.

I predict that Manny goes after Jimmy and takes out some of his people and with all the problems Jimmy's starting to have,Luciano and Lansky start to question if they can afford to stay partners with him. 

After seeing next weeks preview,it looks like there's gonna be a race war.Eli is gonna be in some deep $!*% and Jimmy's gonna try to ally himself with Chalky. Can't wait 
Hope Jimmy stays through the end of the show.. I love his character, even though he is an idiot for going at Nucky. Wasn't thrilled with tonights episode, was pretty meh aside from the Purnsley parts and the Manny scene.
Originally Posted by suge67

I have a feeling Harrow is gonna get capped by season's end.
Hope not, but either his less involvement for the past few weeks means he's getting the axe, or a buildup for him to get at someone
- I must've mised something because last I remember Jimmy threw Mickey of a balcony and Chalky had Purnsley beat up, but now they're are cool?

- I dont those girls at the movies were the ones who passed him the note.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

- I must've mised something because last I remember Jimmy threw Mickey of a balcony and Chalky had Purnsley beat up, but now they're are cool?

- I dont those girls at the movies were the ones who passed him the note.
Jimmy said he did that to Mickey to teach him a lesson.  and Chalky sonned that dude and now he's working for him.
-i do agree that the note probably came from someone else, but if it really did come from the girls Jimmy was still really shook.

3 more episodes, my prediction is Jimmy dies by the end of this season.  he's in over his head.
Surprised Nucky didn't notice Owen's reactions to two different dramatic circumstances at the end of the episode. Owen was very bland and generic after the death of a man that was leading his countries cause that's he had known since the age of 17. Then when learning of Emily's condition he was extremely taken aback and stunned.
Originally Posted by jayvee1220

3 more episodes, my prediction is Jimmy dies by the end of this season.  he's in over his head.
No way they write off Jimmy in just the second season. I think he's either going to remain in over his head and stay shook (as he appears to be now and in the previews for the final three episodes), or calm down and get righted by Nucky. I'm not saying he is going to side with Nucky, but instead Nucky is going to instill some fear into Jimmy and that's when Jimmy is going to know that's he getting too cocky in his work.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

- I must've mised something because last I remember Jimmy threw Mickey of a balcony and Chalky had Purnsley beat up, but now they're are cool?

- I dont those girls at the movies were the ones who passed him the note.

I think Mickey and Purnsley both see that Jimmy and Chalky are both the men in power (or at least Jimmy is giving the allusion that he's in power) so they have to fall in line or fall off the map completely, that's how I see it at least.
jimmy $#%#!+ up thinking he could get at manny like that, he knows better than anyone how manny gets down 
Originally Posted by DMoney82

I don't know how you guys believe that he missed on purpose. He aimed for Nucky's head, Nuck put his hand up and tried to block it and back away, the bullet hit him in the hand! He stood over Nucky and was about to finish him off until the Fed blew his brains out. Did you not see Jimmy's reaction to the man saying 'He's ok, he's Alive'


 I wasn't referring to the shooter but moreso the fact that Jimmy going up to Nucky and talking to him prior to the assasination attempt might've been a subtle way of warning him about what was coming. Jimmy and Nucky weren't on good terms at the time so Jimmy going up to him like that definitely would've put Nucky on alert.

Another great episode last night.

Be careful what you wish for Jimmy. You have all the power (sorta) but you also have all the problems that come with it. Not to mention the fact that you now have a crazy %%# butcher to contend with. The way Manny (?) killed his would be hitman was
. Dude is definitely not to be messed with. Interested in seeing if/how Jimmy handles all his problems.

Owen sweating bullets when he thought Nucky found out about him and Margaret.

Nucky still making moves.

Boardwalk Empire is my favorite show on TV right now.
Chalky is a BAWSE
planting SEEDS

at the FBI agent getting piped by her partner

Harrow is about to snap on somebody.

Jimmy is messing up having meetings at his house...what part of the game is that...about to get the crib sprayed.

at the stupid cop

Goddamn dude is raw. Age aint nothing to that dude. On another note...why to the assassins in here SUCK so much? I mean damn dude missed at point blank range

Nucky is so raw. Straight planted a bullet in dudes head on the way out though
You cant coach his sort of leadership

Margaret not understanding disease transmission
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Nucky is so raw. Straight planted a bullet in dudes head on the way out though
You cant coach his sort of leadership

From my understanding, Nucky had no insight nor seen that coming, Owen did thats why Nucky told him to stop it with the secrets towards the end. Owen and the dude that accompanied nucky had that set up.
Did anyone feel that the burning doll might have to do with a loss of innocence...from the preview it seems as though Nucky's "son" saw him doing something that he wants to keep on the dl
That's a definite possibility with the doll.

Solid episode, I wanted a bit more action but I won't complain. The Butcher with the knife to the skull
I knew he wouldn't go that easily.
My bad everyone for not updating the thread title, completely forgot to. But
at the ending of tonight's episode.

Next week looks absolutely epic.
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