Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

sagolous wrote:
Eli suggested it...Jimmy had the final word and let it go thru

Exactly! Jimmy could have stopped it... He didn't so he got what he deserved... Like eli told him "my brother is smarter than you"  Only reason Eli is breathing is because Nucky need him to do that bid.
$$%! that! Who was sitting there ready to testify? Jimmy fixed that $$!# for him, Eli didn't give a $$%! until he saw that he was in over his head taking on Nucky. You forgive Eli to do a bid, but the person that fixed that whole situation is no good?! nah man..

My heart hurts right now, $$!# ain't right

 Its Ok homie I liked Jimmy too... He was a soilder R.I.P

But this why I @@$* with this show... Everybody is pretty much up to get killed... Except Nucky

Jimmy is a G... that is all

I knew it was gonna go down when he told harrow to stay. I aint been this upset since Bodie smh
I think Jimmy had to keeps the show moving..him and Nucky weren't gonna become a team after everything that went down. Regardless of how Nucky did it, it was in his best interest to kill Jimmy. IMO
^ But Eli gets a free pass? You know what woulda been a baller move. If he turned around and bodied Eli right after that.
Originally Posted by CreekShow

Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

sagolous wrote:
Eli suggested it...Jimmy had the final word and let it go thru

Exactly! Jimmy could have stopped it... He didn't so he got what he deserved... Like eli told him "my brother is smarter than you"  Only reason Eli is breathing is because Nucky need him to do that bid.
Jimmy was in over his head, we all understand that.  He was in a position of power, but never really acted on any of his own ideas.  He always had about 10 people in his ear, guiding any of his decisions.  Eli put the word in his ear, after that he really had no choice but to go at Nucky.  Nucky is a coward.  Set Jimmy up like that?  Thats a punk move IMO.  Good Ending i guess im just still upset they had to get rid of the best character.

 How was he supposed to do it??? Take on youger/stronger Jimmy in a fist fight??? He had his hands full wit Eli
  The fact that he even pulled the trigger is gangsta enough... Bosses don't have to get their hands dirty...

Everybody needs to calm down. Jimmy was a true gangsta and a great character... But once he turned on Nucky what did people think was going to happen??? You guys sound dumber than them dudes that actually thought Nucky was going to jail... NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU! That's not TV show, that's real life.
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

I need a hug bros

Just when I was starting to like/back Nucky, he has to go do that to Jimmy
I saw that @#%# coming, just didn't want it to go down like that..

Originally Posted by CreekShow

^ But Eli gets a free pass? You know what woulda been a baller move. If he turned around and bodied Eli right after that.
I would've felt so much better about the whole thing if this happened.. because it would've been justified to off everyone for what they did.
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

How was he supposed to do it??? Take on youger/stronger Jimmy in a fist fight??? He had his hands full wit Eli
  The fact that he even pulled the trigger is gangsta enough... Bosses don't have to get their hands dirty...

Everybody needs to calm down. Jimmy was a true gangsta and a great character... But once he turned on Nucky what did people think was going to happen??? You guys sound dumber than them dudes that actually thought Nucky was going to jail... NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU! That's not TV show, that's real life.
Yeah but everything was finally going right for Jimmy.  All his plans were actually falling into place.  For Nucky to let Jimmy settle all of his problems, make him a free man, then kill him in front of the person who offed his old lady and the person who put the idea in his ear in the first place is just messed up.  Im dumb for being mad my favorite character was killed extremely early in the series?  Ok, sounds like you need to hop off Nuckys D
At the end Jimmy was weak. Running back to Nucky thinking all would be forgiven. but the dude who plays Jimmy is a hell of an actor. He won't have trouble finding work.
Originally Posted by tyisny

This in fact had to happen to open the gates to Luchiano, Capone, Lansky etc.

Jimmy was a favorite of mine, but if anyone was going to die to end the season, it was him. I thought it was kind of obvious when he told Richard that he had to go alone and how his son was wearing his chain, that Jimmy wouldn't be coming back, but at the same time I didn't expect his death to go down the way it did.

-Where does this leave Richard and Jimmy's mom?
-Can Nucky really trust Eli from here on out?
-Nucky having Manny on his side
-Margaret is always a step ahead of Nucky.

The only thing I didn't like about the finale was the lack of Van Alden. He was on screen for less than a minute. I wonder how they're going to keep him relevant for season 3.

BE is easily one of my favorite shows of all time, can't wait for season 3. Sucks Jimmy is gone, but the show will move on and still be amazing without him.
CreekShow wrote:
How was he supposed to do it??? Take on youger/stronger Jimmy in a fist fight??? He had his hands full wit Eli
  The fact that he even pulled the trigger is gangsta enough... Bosses don't have to get their hands dirty...

Everybody needs to calm down. Jimmy was a true gangsta and a great character... But once he turned on Nucky what did people think was going to happen??? You guys sound dumber than them dudes that actually thought Nucky was going to jail... NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU! That's not TV show, that's real life.

Yeah but everything was finally going right for Jimmy.  All his plans were actually falling into place.  For Nucky to let Jimmy settle all of his problems, make him a free man, then kill him in front of the person who offed his old lady and the person who put the idea in his ear in the first place is just messed up.  Im dumb for being mad my favorite character was killed extremely early in the series?  Ok, sounds like you need to hop off Nuckys D

Here let me shed some tears for you

And I never said you were dumb I said you sound dumb... Like Seriouskly what did you think was going to happen??? Jimmy even Knew what was going to happen if he was Really going to put in work he would have took Richard with him... How can you not respect Nucky he played that @$*% smooth... Manny did nothing to him... And Eli doing that bid. Who's to say he don't have Eli hit soon as he walk out of that jail??? Eli is needed right now but don't think for a second all is forgiven.

Originally Posted by DaGreatJ

At the end Jimmy was weak. Running back to Nucky thinking all would be forgiven. but the dude who plays Jimmy is a hell of an actor. He won't have trouble finding work.

Actually I see it completely different in that Jimmy was fairly strong in the end. He messed things up and tried to make them as close to right as he possibly could have while tying up any loose ends. Jimmy has had his fair share of demons and issues, and this was his way of coming to peace with his life, all the decisions that he has made, his past issues and the consequences of his various dealings and choices. 
@ the finale. Can't lie,I was shocked when Jimmy got offed even though it made sense for Nucky. I thought Jimmy was gonna off Eli too right after. I really wonder what happens to Gillian and Harrow now. Nucky's a cold bastard. Guess we got to finally see his true ruthless self. A true boss and gangster which is where he differs from Jimmy. He made his choice when he decided to align himself with the Commodore and he was naive to think that all of it would disappear and all would be forgiven. Nucky never forgives which makes me wonder why he didn't take out Eli also or maybe he doesn't know yet. If he doesn't,I could see him regretting taking out Jimmy after he does find out. Margaret just sealed her fate,she's still using the church to ease her guilt.

Chalky finally got his justice
,hopefully we'll see more of him next season. Sadly I think that we've seen the last of Van Alden with him moving all the way to Illinois. Can't see how they'd write him back into the story. I'm thinking that some point later on in the show,Jimmys son will become a major character with the Commodores estate now being handed over to him after Jimmys death. That line Gillian said to him seemed be forshadowing that he's gonna end up following a similar path of his Dad. I feel bad for him,no more Mom or Dad
. Also feel bad for the deputy that got screwed.

It was fitting that the Jimmy scene was done at a WWI memorial. Think that Michael Pitt deserves at least an Emmy nod for his job this entire season,one of the best parts of this season. Buscemi also absolutely kills this role.

@ having to wait until September for the next season,can't wait though. Gonna be interesting to see Capone,Lansky and Luciano start to become the big bad bosses they became. One of my All Time fav shows after just 2 seasons
I wonder why Jimmy went to meet Manny without a weapon. I'm thinking deep down inside he wanted to make amends with everyone and wanted to get on with his life. But there was no where for him to go; he burned all of his bridges. favorite character too.
Just shows that if you're going in, go all in. knew it was a wrap when Jimmy started back pedaling.

September is too far away.
After i viewed the episode again it was pretty clear that Jimmy Knew his time was up
While discussing the Commodores estate he said "When I die"

While talking to Harrow for the first time in a long time he looks at peace. Hell he went to what was suppose to be a killing with no weapons at all, Jimmy knew he was going there to die and he was ok with it. Which is why he tells Harrow that he has to come home.... because in Jimmy's mind he's never did as he says when he's about to die "I died in the trenches"

Even when he's talking to Tommy and he's reflecting on his childhood, he sort of giving him guidance when he tells him "no it was just me, myself, & I" He has always felt like this with everything that he loves being corrupt or dying. I think it also hints that he doesn't want his son relying on Gilian because obviously she completely steered his life down the wrong path 

Also has anyone noticed just how much they alluded to the overwhelming heat in this episode. Just to give it that hellish like feeling,
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