Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

season is going to be good
@ that scene at Chalkys

@ Nuckys speeches connecting like that. well done.

so hyped the shows back. got a damn wedding next sunday. ill have to catch ep 2 during the week.
Fantastic first episode! I gotta feeling this show will keep getting better and better, the only true heir to The Sopranos' throne
Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Definitely something incestual between Jimmy and Gillian.

 bkmac wrote:
When Harrow was gluing the pictures into the diary/whatever that was, what point was that getting across? That he feels bad for himself because of his condition (because he happened a scene after he asked Jimmy "How does it feel to have everything?".) I legit felt bad for him at that point 
The point that was being made with Harrow's character is "greed", Jimmy has had EVERYTHING handed to him his whole life and yet he wants Nucky's power.
It's interesting how both Harrow and Jimmy fought in the same war but Jimmy's only reason was to "prove something".

The scene where he has a beautiful wife cooking breakfast, gifts from Nucky symbolizing people who love him and because of Harrow's disfigurement 
he appreciates what Jimmy cannot see. Even that comment went over Jimmy's head. Jimmy is gonna throw it all away cause he's drunk with ambition.
The scrapbooking scene showed that Harrow longs for a wife/family of his own.  Someone that can he can love and that can love him but because of his disfigurement he will always be alone.  He is still struggling being comfortable in his own skin enough to even eat without his mask. 
Bet Jimmy get his moms to smash Harrow so he can feel better.
Don't have HBO so I have to wait til the episodes get uploaded so I can d/l em. Great start to the season. Can't wait to see how Bugsy ties in to all of this. I don't see why Jimmy, Commodore, and Eli tryin to get rid of Chalky instead of gettin him to work w/ em. (at least that's what I read, could be wrong) Only a matter of time before Al goes off and what's to be the big dog.
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Definitely something incestual between Jimmy and Gillian.

 bkmac wrote:
When Harrow was gluing the pictures into the diary/whatever that was, what point was that getting across? That he feels bad for himself because of his condition (because he happened a scene after he asked Jimmy "How does it feel to have everything?".) I legit felt bad for him at that point 
The point that was being made with Harrow's character is "greed", Jimmy has had EVERYTHING handed to him his whole life and yet he wants Nucky's power.
It's interesting how both Harrow and Jimmy fought in the same war but Jimmy's only reason was to "prove something".

The scene where he has a beautiful wife cooking breakfast, gifts from Nucky symbolizing people who love him and because of Harrow's disfigurement 
he appreciates what Jimmy cannot see. Even that comment went over Jimmy's head. Jimmy is gonna throw it all away cause he's drunk with ambition.
The scrapbooking scene showed that Harrow longs for a wife/family of his own.  Someone that can he can love and that can love him but because of his disfigurement he will always be alone.  He is still struggling being comfortable in his own skin enough to even eat without his mask. 

I can't wait for Harrow to PUT. IN. WORK
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Is it me or did anyone else catch Jimmy's mom sayin that she used to kiss his pecker when he was a baby? 

When she said that I was just like
.  I thought Jimmy's wife was gonna back hand her.  Good first episode, can't wait for next weeks
What grown man do you know that kisses his "mom" on the lips? On top of it all....she said she kissed his junk when he was a baby
Something ain't adding up in that relationship. She looks younger than his wife
Some of Jimmy's issues might not be from the war. Incest or some #$!$...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What grown man do you know that kisses his "mom" on the lips? On top of it all....she said she kissed his junk when he was a baby
Something ain't adding up in that relationship. She looks younger than his wife
Some of Jimmy's issues might not be from the war. Incest or some #$!$...

I knew something was up when he intially came back, the way she acted..she acted like a past flame running into you
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

have we seen harrow without his mask yet? I can't remember
For a quick moment last season when he woke up from sleeping on the couch and Mrs. Schroeders daughter saw him and started screaming. If I recall correctly, where his skin/eye should be is a black hole.

Once again, I can't wait for Harrow to PUT. IN. WORK. He's more boss than anyone on the show. Who's co-signing that with me?
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Definitely something incestual between Jimmy and Gillian.

The point that was being made with Harrow's character is "greed", Jimmy has had EVERYTHING handed to him his whole life and yet he wants Nucky's power.
It's interesting how both Harrow and Jimmy fought in the same war but Jimmy's only reason was to "prove something".

The scene where he has a beautiful wife cooking breakfast, gifts from Nucky symbolizing people who love him and because of Harrow's disfigurement 
he appreciates what Jimmy cannot see. Even that comment went over Jimmy's head. Jimmy is gonna throw it all away cause he's drunk with ambition.
The scrapbooking scene showed that Harrow longs for a wife/family of his own.  Someone that can he can love and that can love him but because of his disfigurement he will always be alone.  He is still struggling being comfortable in his own skin enough to even eat without his mask. 
I can't wait for Harrow to PUT. IN. WORK
Harrow is definitely my favorite character.  He doesn't say much, but when he does it's 
First episode was great.. had put my whole family on it so we all watching it on Sunday's.. I dont wanna hear #@%* from them about what's on TV

I realized last year that when I watched the first season, I was smoking cigarrettes at a all time high.
Harrow the most compelling character on TV in a long while. I hope they don't push him on screen as much since he's a regular character now, taking away from his mysteriousness, which makes him such a great character. Either way, great start to a new season.. My fav characters are: Harrow, Jimmy, and Nucky.. gonna be an interesting season. I think Jimmy will side with Nucky at the end.. he's already showing signs of a bit of withdrawal. Jimmy's wife and mom
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