Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

the chick that jimmy was with in the brothel(i think it was a brothel) who got her face cut up was pretty bad.
Jimmys wife's girlfriend
Chalky. White.

So many great characters in this show. The character development is unreal.
I think in the end Nucky is going to realize he is losing power in the city and sees that Jimmy along with Harrow have the ambition and hunger to be "bosses" and make money. He will bring them in and make them a BIG part of the business and ultimately will stop treating Jimmy like a little boy.

Chalky better come to play this season.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

Is it me or did anyone else catch Jimmy's mom sayin that she used to kiss his pecker when he was a baby? 
 I caught that too. This in addition to the way she jump on him last season when he came back home from the war and the fact they kiss on the lips, that relationship is really really suspect. 
I came here to post both of these. At first I had no idea that was his mom the way she jumped on him. I think  they might reveal them having some type of weird $++ going on. Remember she was young as hell when she had him. No telling what she used to do.
The writers certainly want to hint or draw attention to their very close relationship between Jimmy and his mom... but I don't think they were routinely participating in incest. The initial appearance of the mom made it seem like she was a mistress or old love, the kiss on the lips, and her comment about kissing his pecker as a baby... all odd but not necessarily proof of incest. She was 13 when she had him, so it's not as if she was a rational and well-adjusted adult mother, so her kissing his pecker
could have just been something weird she did OR she could have just been trying to piss off Jimmy's wife. The kiss on the lips isn't that strange, I know adults who might kiss their parent on the lips with a small peck... but certainly if she did what she said as a baby, that's bizarre. It's been mentioned, I believe by Nucky, how the mother wasn't around that often so he raised Jimmy mostly, I figure we would have seen some concern or worry from Nucky or at least implied if there was anything going on with incest.

I caught up on the whole series this past week, for whatever reason I just put it off last year but I've really enjoyed the series. It's a little too on the nose or obvious.. Richard saying "how does it feel to have everything" for example. I do love his character, and how quickly he and Jimmy bonded and accepted each other. He's a great foil to Jimmy, both went to war but Jimmy came back to so much more than Richard yet doesn't appreciate it. Even their business dealings, Richard is more calculated and cold, thus he's more effective.

It appears that Chalky will play a bigger role this season, which is great not just because I like Michael K. Williams, but there needs to be a racial story going on during this time, so hopefully that is developed throughout the season.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

It appears that Chalky will play a bigger role this season, which is great not just because I like Michael K. Williams, but there needs to be a racial story going on during this time, so hopefully that is developed throughout the season.

If the first episode is any indication, race is going to play a HUGE roll this season. 
Looks very interesting. 
Harrow to Jimmy - "What's it like to have everything?" great quote which shows that everything is relative. Jimmy, moving up the ranks of the mob world, wants that all consuming power. Harrow probably wishes, deep down inside, to have the normalcy of life he thinks he could have had before his face was blown off - something he perceives Jimmy as having.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Harrow to Jimmy - "What's it like to have everything?" great quote which shows that everything is relative. Jimmy, moving up the ranks of the mob world, wants that all consuming power. Harrow probably wishes, deep down inside, to have the normalcy of life he thinks he could have had before his face was blown off - something he perceives Jimmy as having.
Dy, he was also cutting out pictures of "perfect" families...makes you wonder.  Harrow is a good company dude, but I think there are going to be some serious envy issues surrounding him and how he views Jimmy.  Loyalty only goes so far in Atlantic City. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by dyyhard

Harrow to Jimmy - "What's it like to have everything?" great quote which shows that everything is relative. Jimmy, moving up the ranks of the mob world, wants that all consuming power. Harrow probably wishes, deep down inside, to have the normalcy of life he thinks he could have had before his face was blown off - something he perceives Jimmy as having.
Dy, he was also cutting out pictures of "perfect" families...makes you wonder.  Harrow is a good company dude, but I think there are going to be some serious envy issues surrounding him and how he views Jimmy.  Loyalty only goes so far in Atlantic City. 
should be interesting to see if your prediction holds true. it's always the quiet ones with deep unresolved issues who also do not hold any allegiances. We'll see if somehow he crosses up Jimmy in the future.
The thing that is getting me about Jimmy siding with his father, is that he has too know hes just as manipulative if not more than Nucky.... I think the writers of this show Always reveal Nucky in some act of kindness for a reason, while he uses money to manipulate he's not a cold hearted leader and has emotion at times.

Meanwhile, the commadore is ruthless and simply power hungry. The dude has NEVER cared for jimmy, Got a 13 yr old girl pregnant, to his death bed he was filled with envy at the success Nucky had amounted coming out of his shadow. Most importantly i think that's what the scene about him killing the animals conveyed the most, unlkie Nucky he isnt that much of an intricate thinker, Everything is all bets off in the way he handles business & he will spare nobody to get his way (Look how he did Nucky's people)
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What grown man do you know that kisses his "mom" on the lips? On top of it all....she said she kissed his junk when he was a baby
Something ain't adding up in that relationship. She looks younger than his wife
Some of Jimmy's issues might not be from the war. Incest or some #$!$...

With a big smile on her face to. That had me like "
".   His mama would GET IT though.

Great episode they had me after that scene with Chucky.
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What grown man do you know that kisses his "mom" on the lips? On top of it all....she said she kissed his junk when he was a baby
Something ain't adding up in that relationship. She looks younger than his wife
Some of Jimmy's issues might not be from the war. Incest or some #$!$...

With a big smile on her face to. That had me like "
".   His mama would GET IT though.

Great episode they had me after that scene with Chucky.
Another weird thing I picked. After Jimmy and Gillian (his mom) talk Angela (the wife) into letting him take Tommy to go shoot seagulls the wife storms into the kitchen after Jimmy's mom. After she confronts the mother about butting in, Gillian thinks Angela is upset because she Gillian was acting like she is Jimmy's wife. But Angela corrects here and says she's upset because she thought Gillian was acting like Tommy's mom. Real subtle
I saw on wikipedia the names of the next few episodes. Episode 3 has "maid" in the title. I am hoping it is revealed what was in that book the Commodore's maid gave Nucky when he got her off the hook for trying to kill the old man. The reaction Nucky had when he got the book was definitely telling.
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

What grown man do you know that kisses his "mom" on the lips? On top of it all....she said she kissed his junk when he was a baby
Something ain't adding up in that relationship. She looks younger than his wife
Some of Jimmy's issues might not be from the war. Incest or some #$!$...

With a big smile on her face to. That had me like "
".   His mama would GET IT though.

Great episode they had me after that scene with Chucky.
googled it cus i thought there might be some historical reference, but there is one group that i just read about that practices it as a cultural norm.

[table][tr][td][font=Arial, Arial, Helvetica][h2][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Transcultural Development Sexology: Genital Greeting Versus Child Molestation[/font][/h2]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font][/td][/tr][/table]Child rearing practices in the the Telugu-speaking people of India include behaviors of touching and kissing the penis.

odd world we live in.

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Trying to figure out how I can watch Dexter, Breaking Bad, How to Make it in America, Boardwalk Empire and Homeland all one after the other while keeping up with SNF
Really liked tonight's episode. The scenes in the jail with Chalky were my favorite. I knew he was going to handle dude that was running his mouth, but wasn't sure how. And Schroeder showed tonight why Nucky picked her. He knew she had something to offer.

And Jimmy. Damn.

This show is really on another level than most other stuff on T.V.
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