Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

I told my fiance' that Eddie was going to be that weak link and I was right. I just kept thinking, "Eddie, you hand ONE job."
I'm wondering about Narcisse. He's mad creepy. And we all know he put that girl in Chalky's club b/c he knew Chalky would be interested.

Chalky is a smart guy, he knows what's up with that girl.

Part of me wants to say that Chalky sent Purnsley right back at Narcisse but who knows.
Finally watched episode 4.

Dr. Narcisse is an intriguing character, but he's also full of ****.
Talking about the advancement of the Libyan people and all that, but has no qualms about selling heroine to black people.

I'm enjoying the extra screen time Eddie Kessler is getting this season.
Dude was having the time of life with Ralph Capone only to get caught up with Knox at the end.

Kessler's no weak link though. He's proven time and time again that he's ride or die for Nucky. Like when he single handedly stopped that assassination attempt on Nucky in season 1 (I still remember that scene of him chasing the shooter down the boardwalk while he's licking off shoots at him
) or when he helped Nucky when Gyp's people attacked the house last season. Knox might as well kill Kessler no because there's no way he's getting anything out of him.

If anyone is the weak link in Nucky's crew it's Mickey.

Nucky exposed a ***** in Rothstein's calm and collected facade; his inability to accept losses. Made him look like a fool.
Seems like Narcisse is setting him up on two fronts. One with Purnsley and the other with that singing chick...
Agree with this. There seems to be some underlying sexual tension between Chalky and Daughter Maitland. I could see her getting Chalky caught up, allowing Narcisse to swoop in and possibly take over the club.

BTW, the actress who plays Daughter Maitland (Margot Bingham) is a problem.

Rothstein took losing hard. He usually is so calm and collected, but Nucky took his money like it was nothin

Meyer sneaking in and making the deal with Nucky :smokin
:lol: and even though there are some comedic elements sometimes why would you be dissapointed by the season because there aren't funny know its a drama right? This season has been ill
:lol: and even though there are some comedic elements sometimes why would you be dissapointed by the season because there aren't funny know its a drama right? This season has been ill

Honestly, I thought the convos between Eddie and Nucky in episode 2 were pretty funny (in an intelligent way).

"I am perfectly capable of preparing your shoes, and delicate undergarments, as challenging as that may appear."

"I shall endeavor to not crash the car then."

Yea when eddie said nucky is in the dreams of children and he is everything was mad funny...esp nuckys face when he was sayin all I said there are funny lines here n there but to be dissapointed by the show because you don't think its funny is like watchin a comedy with will ferrell/stiller or someone like that and being mad that there is no depth to it
Rothstein took losing hard. He usually is so calm and collected, but Nucky took his money like it was nothin

Meyer sneaking in and making the deal with Nucky :smokin

Rothstein in real life basically self-destructed due to his gambling habits. This season and next will probably focus on his downfall due to his gambling habits.
I hope not but something seems off with Eddie, but then again I think Eddie being the weak link would almost be too obvious of a plot line. Then again maybe the that inspector really is down with Nucky and is just playing J. Edgar right now. Im so confused and excited at the same damn time cant wait to see what comes next.
I hope not but something seems off with Eddie, but then again I think Eddie being the weak link would almost be too obvious of a plot line. Then again maybe the that inspector really is down with Nucky and is just playing J. Edgar right now. Im so confused and excited at the same damn time cant wait to see what comes next.

How could you possibly deduce that Knox is "down" with Nucky and playing Hoover? :lol:
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Plenty cool **** has happened so far but keep in mind they're building up a new antagonist (along with a new plot/theme about expansion) and he's a cerebral type unlike Rosetti.
:lol: and even though there are some comedic elements sometimes why would you be dissapointed by the season because there aren't funny know its a drama right? This season has been ill

Honestly, I thought the convos between Eddie and Nucky in episode 2 were pretty funny (in an intelligent way).

"I am perfectly capable of preparing your shoes, and delicate undergarments, as challenging as that may appear."

"I shall endeavor to not crash the car then."

Eddie stays with lines this season :lol:

Add that to what Rothstein has consistently brought to the table along with Narcisse's shady underhanded disrespect the lulz are definitely there if you pay attention. Most are presented in a dry setting and then there's the moments of pure sarcasm.

Plus there's always Mickey :lol: His voice alone.
Plenty cool **** has happened so far but keep in mind they're building up a new antagonist (along with a new plot/theme about expansion) and he's a cerebral type unlike Rosetti.
:lol: and even though there are some comedic elements sometimes why would you be dissapointed by the season because there aren't funny know its a drama right? This season has been ill

Honestly, I thought the convos between Eddie and Nucky in episode 2 were pretty funny (in an intelligent way).

"I am perfectly capable of preparing your shoes, and delicate undergarments, as challenging as that may appear."

"I shall endeavor to not crash the car then."

Eddie stays with lines this season :lol:

Add that to what Rothstein has consistently brought to the table along with Narcisse's shady underhanded disrespect the lulz are definitely there if you pay attention. Most are presented in a dry setting and then there's the moments of pure sarcasm.

Plus there's always Mickey :lol: His voice alone.

The amount of disrespect Narcisse shows Chalky alone is :x :smh: :lol:

I really like the role that Eli has taken since his betrayal of Nucky. Dude is like, the most loyal ************ I've ever seen now :lol:
If they're trying to make Eli's son the new Jimmy, they are failing miserably. I don't give a **** bout homeboy's sorry

What? :lol:

Jimmy was a main character, Eli's son is.... Eli's son.

Dude has like 90 seconds of total screen time in the series, :lol:
What? :lol:

Jimmy was a main character, Eli's son is.... Eli's son.

Dude has like 90 seconds of total screen time in the series, :lol:

He's suggesting that this last episode is the beginning of Eli's son's coming of age into the dark side ala Jimmy's rise under Nucky.
Ok, but then how have they failed miserably exactly?

Dude has no screen time, he's a nobody in the series right now.

We would have to see his story unfold before saying anything about it, no?

Up until this point he's stolen some booze and just unintentionally caught a body, he's no Jimmy.

For all we know, Eli will whoop him into a coma the next episode and we'll never see him again, :lol:.
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this has been the best season , and i think it can continue strong

I don't know if it's the best but it's pretty damn strong so far

Edit: rethought it and as of now it is the best 4 episodes in...hopefully it continues at this rate....the doc character is so appreciated...dialog from him and rothstein is :pimp:
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Ok, but then how have they failed miserably exactly?

Dude has no screen time, he's a nobody in the series right now.

We would have to see his story unfold before saying anything about it, no?

Up until this point he's stolen some booze and just unintentionally caught a body, he's no Jimmy.

For all we know, Eli will whoop him into a coma the next episode and we'll never see him again, :lol:.

Not that I agree with dude who said that, or anything.

Just saying, it could be the start of the rise of another character.
Yea, I get what you were saying.

I sure hope that's not the case, though.

I don't want this variant Jesse Eisenberg becoming anything on this show, :lol:.
Yea, I get what you were saying.

I sure hope that's not the case, though.

I don't want this variant Jesse Eisenberg becoming anything on this show, :lol:.

He's definitely no Jimmy.

In fact, even though Eli is all loyal and **** now, I will never forget how much of a ***** he was when he turned on Nuck.

Fruit can't fall far from da tree. :lol:
Yea, I get what you were saying.

I sure hope that's not the case, though.

I don't want this variant Jesse Eisenberg becoming anything on this show, :lol:.

He's definitely no Jimmy.

In fact, even though Eli is all loyal and **** now, I will never forget how much of a ***** he was when he turned on Nuck.

Fruit can't fall far from da tree. :lol:

I mean, Eli was the one who said they should kill the guy :lol:
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