Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Wow...1 more episode left, fellas.

-RIP Gus Fring Sr. and Mickey. That entire exchange scene definitely had me on edge.
-Charlie and Meyer are not be to reckoned with. Both of them have truly evolved into formidable gangsters.
-Nucky giving it up all for family. I wonder if he's going to do same for Gillian. Now that we are given a more in-depth look into her past, it's sad to say her whole life is truly tragic and she was only trying to survive.
-Commodore :smh:. Conduct yourself with honor?
-Johnny Torrio. Still can't believe he sold Nucky out but then again, this is mafia/gangster warfare.
-The scene and line delivered by Eli and his son outside his work - "I told myself if he was doing okay, it was worth it. And here you are. The right side of the street," brought them feels.
-Upon further investigation, the-Voice quality song Benny so emphatically sang is real. Search 'Harry Roy & His Orchestra 1931'.
-Margaret stays scheming but this time alongside Nuck. Can't be mad about that.
-I wonder who Luciano is referring to when he mentioned he's got somebody on the inside. That Tommy kid?
-1 more episode. Fall Sunday nights are not going to be the same. Gentleman, it's been a pleasure.

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Best episode of the season so far imo...

Hope the Series Finale lives up to the rest of the series body of work....

Will miss this show... Dem feelz... :smh:
I really thought that Kid was going to kill Nucky, he had his hand in his pockets for awhile. Also Its funny how only 2 people got **** when Mickey and Nuckys bodyguard got kill, sounded like everyone was shooting 
Loved how Lansky made Nucky go on his knees so " he knew how it felt", referring to the episode Lansky was introduced when Darmody was going to shoot him.
Guess I'm the only one who didn't care for that episode. Everything seems so rushed.

Seems like people are dying just to kill them off...
I would have let the kid die. Collateral damage. Then killed Eli. That would have sent a clear message to Meyer and Lucky that Nuck is not to be ****** with on some Keyser Soze ****.
They're really just trying to finish this season :smh:. The flashbacks seem so out of place, they needed their own episode. Hate to see Gus and Mickey go. I'm sure the last episode will leave us wanting more :smh:.
Man that **** was weak. My cuban ***** deserved a scarface ending.

I mean all the good shows have trouble coming to an end. 
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Finally Mickey's mouth gets him killed. Few death scenes that make sense and that was one. Son heard Nucky about to give away everything right after giving him the club and he got antsy :lol:

Shame for the other guy. Coming at dudes with guns with a knife :smh:

I can see where the whole concept of the show is falling apart though. Nucky the corrupt politician turned semi-gangster somehow has to take the fall to the rising commission/5 families despite history that would say otherwise. I almost wanted him to just start letting everybody shoot and **** if Will dies since he gets hit once by a dude with a bullet wound in his leg that he can't push his way to the other side :smh:

Nice plea from Gillian in the end and really this ep with the flashbacks was more about them 2 than anything else.

Marazano's death was cool :lol: I wasn't expecting it so quickly though. Figured next ep. I can see how things are all screwed now since he can always get got and it could be even worse.

I figure the finale is Nuck getting Gillian out, possibly making it right and spending his days with her and Margaret after he makes a few mill off this stock market **** and can't be touched anymore so it doesn't matter that he loses AC.

Really hope Eli dies in the end though. In previews I was hoping one of the bullets were for him.
-I wonder who Luciano is referring to when he mentioned he's got somebody on the inside.

I thought he meant Nucky's nephew, William. I mean he is working for the US Attorney's office and can obviously be got at any time. What's Nucky gonna do? William has no choice but to play ball.
I would have let the kid die. Collateral damage. Then killed Eli. That would have sent a clear message to Meyer and Lucky that Nuck is not to be ****** with on some Keyser Soze ****.

That would've been the ultimate boss move. Shoot Will as he started to walk over and then put 2 in Eli's head before he knows it. Then Shoot Bugsy (but he survives). Then let them know it's war and open fire.
My how the mighty have fallen.

Good episode.

I remember when this first started with the ep. Scorsese directed and how in awe I was with how this show could be great, though in my personal opinion it tailed off after the Gyp season.. it still has been quality TV and I'm going to miss it. :pimp:

Still not over Jimmy's death :lol:
this ep was kinda weak, and definitely suffered the most, i guess in a rush to end it 

why did they untie sigels hand as the let him go again? and why not have two ppl walk them up and meet in the middle?

nucky aint eem ask about chalky 

next ep capone goes down, narcisse hopefully eats a bullet, and gillian and nucky live happily ever after

That would've been the ultimate boss move. Shoot Will as he started to walk over and then put 2 in Eli's head before he knows it. Then Shoot Bugsy (but he survives). Then let them know it's war and open fire.

Man, Nucky had like four cars with him and mickey Doyle with a revolver. He wasn't about to do **** :lol:
Glad Doyle caught it in the throat. Made my night.
Nxt ep, Gillian survives like she always does.
Nucky is dead. Whose takin my bet?
My theory Gillian gets out tries to kill Nucky and then Tom Sawyer sees this happening so he stabs Gillian to a slow death and they both realize who each other are. The end.
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