Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

I had no clue Season 5 started until a few days ago...thank goodness for on demand :lol: Got caught up over the long weekend.

Chalky's death, man. :smh: At least he went out at peace w/ himself. Slight smile before getting capped.

And not for nothing, but Van Alden put the fear of God in Capone before he got killed.
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Theory I read....

Nucky dies at the hands of Doyle's new sidekick...who happens to be Jimmy Darmody's son.

Seems to be WAAAAY out there for a couple of reasons.

1. The age. I know 7 years have passed, but he'd be much to old to be his son.

2. How would he find out that Nucky killed his dad in the first place?


Forget started in's now 1931. Darmody's son was about 5 when the show began. Timeline DOES add up....I'm starting to believe this theory a bit.
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Micky Doyle damn near confirmed that the kid is Darmody's. But what did Doyle mean he said "Your father set me up with your mother" ??

Gillian pretty much being sold to the Commodore is creepy. And seeing that first girl being offered to him is just as bad.

Not sure why those 2 women clubbed Nucky over the head and then left him there. What's the point in that? They didnt even rob him. He seems to like his women tougher than him
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I think Doyle was just being Doyle and cracked a joke. But Joe Harper's look of shock was very telling and I don't think it was just a throwaway reaction.
Doyle didn't really come out with it but like dude said Harper's look after he said is making me believe it
I think Doyle was just being Doyle and cracked a joke. But Joe Harper's look of shock was very telling and I don't think it was just a throwaway reaction.

That's exactly what I got out of it.

Also, if that theory does prove to be true, I'd be very curious to know how he found out Nucky was behind his father's death.
Micky Doyle damn near confirmed that the kid is Darmody's. But what did Doyle mean he said "Your father set me up with your mother" ??
He was just dissing him like he always does to ppl. The kid was too slow to catch on :lol:

When did he confirm the kid is Jimmy's son though?

Not sure why those 2 women clubbed Nucky over the head and then left him there. What's the point in that? They didnt even rob him. He seems to like his women tougher than him
:lol: They did rob him.

Otherwise none of it makes sense unless they just like beating up drunk men they solicit.
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it would be sweet if nucky actually merked lucky luchiano and myer lansky. I mean if they are going to fabricate nuckys life they minus whale let him merc the gangsters and remain on top. but history would have it that lucky lucanio doesn't die till hes a old man so I think I already know how this will play out.


These two together were comedy gold all season. It was like throwing Laurel and Hardy into the show. Doyle brings the :lol: too. Dude should win an award for his laugh alone. :lol:
Wasn't a big fan of the Nucky flashbacks all season until we see him catching Gillian in the act. Sets up how he brings her to the Commodore and whatnot.
it would be sweet if nucky actually merked lucky luchiano and myer lansky. I mean if they are going to fabricate nuckys life they minus whale let him merc the gangsters and remain on top. but history would have it that lucky lucanio doesn't die till hes a old man so I think I already know how this will play out.
I'll call bull **** if Nucky dies in a dispute with Lucky and Meyer or if he dies at all really.

Want to kill wild fictional characters fine, but you can't save dudes like Lucky and then pull this Johnson/Thompson crap when we all know Nucky aint really do any real time until some petty Al Capone like tax evasion charges around WW2. After that he died of old age too.

I mean unless they're going to end this with Nucky Thompson "dying" and then a Nucky Johnson rising to power that looks identical to Nucky :lol: I'm already prepared to call bull **** on the finale.
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That's exactly what I got out of it.

Also, if that theory does prove to be true, I'd be very curious to know how he found out Nucky was behind his father's death.

If Mickey knew that was Darmody's kid, he would have told Nucky already. There was nobody around to tell TOmmy about Jimmy. Harrow and his wife wouldn't mention anything like that. Gillian was too busy playing Mommy to even bring that up to Tommy. She was slowly removing his memory of his mom Ang.


These two together were comedy gold all season. It was like throwing Laurel and Hardy into the show. Doyle brings the :lol: too. Dude should win an award for his laugh alone. :lol:


Mickey's laugh is one in a million.

Wasn't a big fan of the Nucky flashbacks all season until we see him catching Gillian in the act. Sets up how he brings her to the Commodore and whatnot.

I remember Gillian telling this story about paticipating in kind of pageant or event, and the Commordore saw her and asked Nucky to bring her to him. Seeing how desperate Nucky is to be recognized by the Commodore, I'm wondering if he took it upon himself to bring Gillian to the Commodore to garner favor.

it would be sweet if nucky actually merked lucky luchiano and myer lansky. I mean if they are going to fabricate nuckys life they minus whale let him merc the gangsters and remain on top. but history would have it that lucky lucanio doesn't die till hes a old man so I think I already know how this will play out.

The creator already said he isn't going to change history. He can take liberty with Nucky because he is "loosely based" on the real Nucky Johnson.
If Mickey knew that was Darmody's kid, he would have told Nucky already. There was nobody around to tell TOmmy about Jimmy. Harrow and his wife wouldn't mention anything like that. Gillian was too busy playing Mommy to even bring that up to Tommy. She was slowly removing his memory of his mom Ang.

Mickey's laugh is one in a million.
I remember Gillian telling this story about paticipating in kind of pageant or event, and the Commordore saw her and asked Nucky to bring her to him. Seeing how desperate Nucky is to be recognized by the Commodore, I'm wondering if he took it upon himself to bring Gillian to the Commodore to garner favor.
The creator already said he isn't going to change history. He can take liberty with Nucky because he is "loosely based" on the real Nucky Johnson.

You know that Harrow is dead right?
I really didn't expect to love Van Alden and Eli together as much as I did. They were BRILLIANT all season long. I could have used another season of them.
Yall should know that Harrow didn't have time to divulge that kind of info to anybody. He just let his girl he wanted to keep Tommy and away from Gillian.
My guess is the drunk Grandfather had a slip of the tongue. That's my theory.
He didn't know **** though. Who would've told him all of that info? The old man really didn't know much.

Then Harrow never returned home.

I mean hell it'd make more sense if this kid was Tommy and he was mad that Harrow died due to working for Nucky (mostly Chalky) than being mad about Jimmy.
I feel like Van Alden went out the right way. He'll be known as the fed who helped get Al since D'Angelo got out with the ledger and he basically save his only friend's life. 

Still a little sad about Chalky 
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