Bobby Jindal. What are your thoughts NT?

Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

I want to know why he converted his religion from Hinduism to Catholicism.

did he really?
he's not getting my vote

not being proud of who you are FTL
^ That's what I read on Wikipedia but I don't know how reliable that is.

Yeah I'm Indian and my parents really supported Jindal but once they learned that he converted religions, it made them back off because it shows weaknessin a way.
MY thoughts..i like jindal..but right now i dont give a damn about him. im concerned about what kinda job obama is going to do
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

I want to know why he converted his religion from Hinduism to Catholicism.

did he really?
he's not getting my vote

not being proud of who you are FTL
What do you mean not being proud of who you are FTL? Indian social society is far from the best (Indian BTW). If he doesn't want to be a Hinduand finds solace in Catholicism then kudos to him.

Yeah I'm Indian and my parents really supported Jindal but once they learned that he converted religions, it made them back off because it shows weakness in a way.
How does that show weakness? It was a choice he made.
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

I want to know why he converted his religion from Hinduism to Catholicism.
To boost his resume as a candidate in the future.
dont know much about Jindal's record but from his handling of the Hurricane this year he seems like a capable politican. But republicans are so resistantto change i dont seem them backing him especially with his Hindu background.

btw people keep talking about 2012 theres a high probabilty Obama will be a 2 term president especially if he conquers the current economic crisissuccessfully. Obama will have to screw up royally like Carter to not be reelected
Originally Posted by Quasimuerto

Amend the constitution, lets get this man in office!
How does converting religions make him a less qualified/worse off person? It could have been for political reasons...BUT NONE OF YOU KNOW. He could have chosento be a Protestant...but he chose to be a Catholic, when statistics show Protestants have been more dominant in political offices. Second, how do you know hereally didn't do this for legitimate spiritual reasons? If anything, this could show his STRENGTH in that he believes what he feels is the truth.
He converted to Catholicism early in his life, not to prepare for being president, so maybe you guys should read up on the facts before considering why hechanged his faith. There was a great feature on him in the 75th Anniversary issue of Esquire,so if you want to know more, read that.

The guy is incredibly smart (Rhodes Scholar), very well-spoken, charismatic, etc. Republicans are going to need him because he's young, vibrant, and willre-energize the party. They can't parade another middle-aged to old white man because it's not ever going to work again.
he converted in high school. I did some research and he is most likely a Sikh, not a Hindu: seeing that his home village in India is mostly comprised of Sikhs,75 percent plus. I read his Wikipedia page(could be completely wrong)... but he had no intentions of becoming a politician, he went to brown then wassupposedly accepted into Harvard medical and Yale law school.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! I'd love to see Southern Republicans back him... I'd get quite the laugh out of it. DF!!!
i know about contradicting yourself (southern repubs if they do support him) lol
Originally Posted by bjm5295

It'll be interesting to see how he's supported.

I don't see the average Republican supporting him. He obviously isn't fitting of the 'old white man' stereotype. I personally like him though. (I'm a Democrat)
it boggles the mind that this can be the new wave of politics in general. a true reflection of our country's progress.

this is why i hope obama does well. bc ppl will crucify...wait...lynch him if he fails.

if this goes well, the trend of diversity continues. let's have the most qualified ppl run, wht blk infrared, whatever.
He doesn't stand a chance. Americans accepting an African-American as president shouldn't be confused with accepting any minority as president.Although his chances are higher than a Muslim Arab-American president, he is WELL below a white, black, latino, Italian, Jewish and Native American presidents.

And as much as I like Obama, I have to admit that a lot of factors helped him become president that he wouldn't have had in any random election. It took acombination of a HORRIBLE 8-year Bush presidency for him to take advantage of and use against a candidate from the same party as Bush, a HORRIBLE vicepresidential pick on the part of McCain, the state of the economy to shift the focus away from Iraq and terrorism.. and then of course a perfectly executedcampaign by his own people, helped by a lot of money, a lot more than republicans had. I am positive that this guy Jindal won't have as many advantagesif/when he runs for President. Not to mention the first thing that I mentioned, that Americans would rather accept a black president than a Hindu.
For everyone saying it won't happen.

Everyone who said the same thing about civil rights, are now in the wrong several decades later. After last night and seeing Obama win the presidency, itrenewed a bit of faith in the progress of politics and ethnic acceptance. Hopefully this momentum will continue in the later years to come.
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

Palin/Jindal Ticket in 2012
Slap yourself. Palin doesn't get past the primaries if she's stupid enough to run.
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