Bonds indicted by federal grand jury




Fish liver and flaxseed oil.

That's what Bonds said.

Fish liver. And flaxseed oil.



*Runs to Publix and clears shelves of fish liver and flaxseed oil.
Kinda Crazy how this comes out the week free agency starts. Someone must really want Bonds out of Baseball for good. The witch hunt continues. SMH
I will not watch ESPN for the next few weeks, screw a day or two. Between the Patriots, Yankees, Red Sox, Brett Favre, and now this? Christ no.
I don't even want to see/hear: Barry Bonds*

He just needs to be erased out of all the records. This is 100 times worse than Pete Rose. Perma Ban Bonds from MLB!
Yes this means that all his records will be erased and Hank Aaron is still the Homerun King

Barry Bonds *
Hank Aaron 755
What is Bush doing commenting about this?!?! Isnt there more important stuff on his plate than worrying about a baseball player, like a war???
Originally Posted by JONFARR

I don't even want to see/hear: Barry Bonds*

He just needs to be erased out of all the records. This is 100 times worse than Pete Rose. Perma Ban Bonds from MLB!
You really that naive? They are getting Barry Bonds on a technicality, perjury.

If the real issue is steroids, they will need to erase an entire generation of MLB seasons, and record books. About 1980 to 2005. 25 years playaz
Breaking news, pres Bush is dissapointed and dissaproves! Lol! Wow, I bet good ol George W's Rangers were 100 % juice free! This is really gettingsickening now, this is why baseball is a complete joke.
f the real issue is steroids, they will need to erase an entire generation of MLB seasons, and record books. About 1980 to 2005. 25 years playaz


Its funny to hear Steve Phillips talkin bad when he has ADMITTED to knowing that players on the Mets were taking steroids, yet he turned his head in order tolet his team compete.
Holier then thou now huh
Why do you guys hate Barry so much? Because he was one of the best to ever play before steroids, and then became THE best to ever play after steroids? Give itup guys. Your favorite player = likely steroid user. I know you're not all that naive, you just pick and choose what you focus on.

Yeah Barry's a ****. Why is he a ****? Maybe because of how the media treated his father; something he unfortunately had to witness growing up.
%#%$ you Barry Bonds, you deserve it but I bet there will STILL be d riders who will say he didnt do steroids.
damn. it was only a matter of time though before this happened.
you guys knew that. ohh well.
Originally Posted by brunotattaglia

Originally Posted by JONFARR

I don't even want to see/hear: Barry Bonds*

He just needs to be erased out of all the records. This is 100 times worse than Pete Rose. Perma Ban Bonds from MLB!
You really that naive? They are getting Barry Bonds on a technicality, perjury.

If the real issue is steroids, they will need to erase an entire generation of MLB seasons, and record books. About 1980 to 2005. 25 years playaz
I think the real question is, are you that naive? Bonds is a single person, you can't wipe out the entire records until it has been proven. Bondsis going down, so therefore he = Banned.

I've stopped that bad?
Not surprising that someone doesn't know what indictment means.

Regardless, all glory and praise to Barry, no matter what happens in a court.
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