Bonjour! Vol. I'm bi-lingual

Originally Posted by FungusFoot85

Congratulations on learning a useless language bro, I took three years of french in high school and used it ummm -4 times. you should have learned mandarin, german or spanish LOL you got Rossetta STOWNED

debbie downer
Speaking French and a broken English with that French accent has gotten me so much play with women....  It's almost too easy.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

^ Moi je suis ne en Cote D'Ivoire!
Et j'ai vecu a Toulouse 12 ans de mes premieres annees avant de venir en Cali.

Oh and Toulouse is killin' the rugby game these days.

Love my city.... I represent the 31 to the fullest.
Cool. Je suis ne a New York, mais mon pere a eu du travail a Abidjan a la BAD, donc il a pris toute la famille pour y aller. I did junior high there then came back. Cool experience.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

^ Moi je suis ne en Cote D'Ivoire!
Et j'ai vecu a Toulouse 12 ans de mes premieres annees avant de venir en Cali.

Oh and Toulouse is killin' the rugby game these days.

Love my city.... I represent the 31 to the fullest.
Cool. Je suis ne a New York, mais mon pere a eu du travail a Abidjan a la BAD, donc il a pris toute la famille pour y aller. I did junior high there then came back. Cool experience.
Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

^ Moi je suis ne en Cote D'Ivoire!
Et j'ai vecu a Toulouse 12 ans de mes premieres annees avant de venir en Cali.

Oh and Toulouse is killin' the rugby game these days.

Love my city.... I represent the 31 to the fullest.
Cool. Je suis ne a New York, mais mon pere a eu du travail a Abidjan a la BAD, donc il a pris toute la famille pour y aller. I did junior high there then came back. Cool experience.

Very cool.  C'etait un tres beau pays mais en ce moment c'est vraiment la merde la bas.  C'est bien dommage....
Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

^ Moi je suis ne en Cote D'Ivoire!
Et j'ai vecu a Toulouse 12 ans de mes premieres annees avant de venir en Cali.

Oh and Toulouse is killin' the rugby game these days.

Love my city.... I represent the 31 to the fullest.
Cool. Je suis ne a New York, mais mon pere a eu du travail a Abidjan a la BAD, donc il a pris toute la famille pour y aller. I did junior high there then came back. Cool experience.

Very cool.  C'etait un tres beau pays mais en ce moment c'est vraiment la merde la bas.  C'est bien dommage....
Je ne parle pas francais

After it wasn't mandatory to take it after grade 9 I dropped it with the quickness, although sometimes I wish I continued
Je ne parle pas francais

After it wasn't mandatory to take it after grade 9 I dropped it with the quickness, although sometimes I wish I continued
Bonjour tout le monde..

Je suis American // Colombian, mais je parle un peu les Français pa tres bien. I speak fluent English and Spanish so decided to take my talents to the French language.

I'm only a couple lessons into Pimsleur French 1 but I'm hoping to get an understanding of basic conversational french before I take my talents to the FIAF later this summer. I don't think any language is useless. At the very least, you open up doors of communication that were once closed. You'll be able to travel and hold your own.

I've said it before, we should have a language type thread for aspiring students. It would be cool if those whom are already fluent could drop in and drop a little help/tip. This was one of my new year's resolutions and so far, I'm enjoying the process.
Bonjour tout le monde..

Je suis American // Colombian, mais je parle un peu les Français pa tres bien. I speak fluent English and Spanish so decided to take my talents to the French language.

I'm only a couple lessons into Pimsleur French 1 but I'm hoping to get an understanding of basic conversational french before I take my talents to the FIAF later this summer. I don't think any language is useless. At the very least, you open up doors of communication that were once closed. You'll be able to travel and hold your own.

I've said it before, we should have a language type thread for aspiring students. It would be cool if those whom are already fluent could drop in and drop a little help/tip. This was one of my new year's resolutions and so far, I'm enjoying the process.
Native Dutch speaker but I've been speaking English my entire life as well. I'm learning German now.

French is so difficult for me!

Qui, que, dont? Pendant or depuis? Contractions everywhere. Indirect and direct object pronouns. I just don't understand.

Native Dutch speaker but I've been speaking English my entire life as well. I'm learning German now.

French is so difficult for me!

Qui, que, dont? Pendant or depuis? Contractions everywhere. Indirect and direct object pronouns. I just don't understand.

Has anybody every tried to learn a language from Rosetta Stone or some program like that? Did it work?
Has anybody every tried to learn a language from Rosetta Stone or some program like that? Did it work?
spanglish, and sign language but only level 2
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