Book Club...What are you reading?


almost finished this. I really enjoyed the book, although most of the topics he discussed weren't really new to me, the way he discusses various issues on race were pretty interesting.

I'm probably gonna start Girl With A Dragon Tattoo next, it's been sitting on my bookshelf for a few months now
Can yall suggest a bunch of your fav and/or classic books that are out there as ebooks? I just got this hook up on the deepweb and am looking to get a gang load of books while I can.

Trying not to make a thread for this request just for ebooks.
I recently finished reading Born to Run, great read for anybody who is into running/keeping fit. I started re-reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X, which I haven't read since middle school 16 years ago. Saw some recommendations on one of Richard Branson's books in another thread, so I'll probably look into that when I get a little deeper back into the X book.
U was good.

Dude was sick...I found it interesting that he was able to get away with so many murders and not one brow was raised for some time. Especially with the World's Fair so close by.

I heard Leonardo DiCaprio purchased the rights to the book so I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do with it...seems like it will be in the same vein as Catch Me If You Can...because that Holmes guy was a guy with some serious personality issues.

At least I found the book to be be a great read. Finished it up sometime last fall when I found out DiCaprio would be looking to do a movie adaptation.
I found out about the book after having watched bits of a documentary about Holmes. Dude was a certified sociopath. The book to me was interesting because I've long had an interest in architecture dating back to high school, and also because I'm fascinated with real life more than fiction books. I decided to read it after finding out that DiCaprio is going to be doing a movie based on this book. I can see how some would find it boring, since it's mean to be more or less historically accurate, and since very few of Holmes' murders could actually be verified, most of the scenarios in the book were constructed using the author's own research. Doesn't make for the most thrilling of situations.
Reading The Hobbit, which possibly will lead to me reading the LOTR Trilogy. 
I'm reading this book called "The Miracle of St. Anthony" A Season with Coach Bob Hurley an Basketball's Most Improbable Dynasty. Written by Adrian Wojnarowski.

So far this book has really grabbed my attention and gave me some insight about how Coach Bob Hurley runs that St. Anthony Friars program. Being a young college coach its a reading to get some insight about one of the greatest HS Coaches ever. Also, it talks about how the philosophy he takes with each and every one of his players.

Hey fellas,

Just finished this ...


The pace of murakami's book was awesome. It captured almost perfectly the different random thoughts you have during a long run.. about mind over matter, about busines or about life. It's relatively short too, so not a big investment of time.

Common's book is dope if you've followed his music. Every Chapter has an excerpt from his mother which gives the book a 3rd perspective which is very interesting, especially in a memoir format. Some of the details about his time jamming with Dilla and Badu are dope.

I'm completely in love with memoirs right now. Could any of you recommend me any others? I plan on picking up, Eddie Huang's Fresh off the boat (youtube the name Eddie Huang if you don't know) coming out January but could use something else for now.
i finished 1Q84 a couple of days ago.

now reading milan kundera's the joke
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All the interviews I've heard from the author lately made me bump up The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz and then I'll check out his collection of short stories This is How You Lose Her

oscar wao is an amazing book only because it reminded of me a lot and i was just pissed and fascinated by the storytelling.
Just subscribed to this post. I'm a pretty avid reader, I try to read at least a book per week.

Does anyone else in here use the Goodreads app/site?


Here are the last five books I've read:


Tucker Max's second book - definitely worse than the first, he used all his best stories in his first book.


Sepinwall is a pretty well-known TV critic - he wrote 12 essays about 12 recent TV dramas. Excellent read, I went through it on Thanksgiving vacation.


The 538/NYT statistician - this book was alright. I wasn't impressed honesty - his writing style is very collegiate and wordy, and the subject matter is statistics and prediction, which I found more interesting in some chapters (poker, sports betting) than others (hurricanes, earthquakes, weather).


First Woodward book I've ever read, and I enjoyed it for the most part. I am a bit of a political news junkie, so this book was right up my alley.


Great read on the search for bin Laden since 9/11 and how he was eventually found. Really liked this.

I recommend Bergen's and Sepinwall's books the most out of these five.


I'm going to start reading the ESPN oral history book tonight - Those Guys Have All the Fun.
Didn't someone at one time start up a group on goodreads or something here on NT. I was trying to find it the other night. I always mean to post in these threads but always forget. Right now just reading The Magician King. Have way to many books backlogged to read right now and not much spare time.
anyone here read World War Z
i'm thinking about reading it before the movie comes out (i've already read online that book>>movie) :lol: :smh:
Finished this last week. Gotta figure out what to get into next. Maybe Junot Díaz's "This is How You Lose Her."

just started re reading "******** finish first" by tucker max... cant recommend the book enough, all about him having sex anyone from fat girls to midgets, or stories when he was too broke to buy new condoms so he reused one of his old ones..anyone thats read anything by him already knows the dude is jokes
Lords of Corruption- Kyle Mills
Started off kinda slow but it's more of a reflective piece thats had me thinking about it when ever im not reading it, Directly ties into todays society and the co-existance of charities and their dark sides. Also touched on the whole moon shine epidimic in africa which is just now coming to light even though this book was published in 2009 :wow:
Yes world war z is awesome.
Just started reading earth abides...bout 10 chapters deep pretty good read so far. Post apocalyptia for the win
I'm a sucker for science fiction . . . military science fiction with a video game tie-in even more . . .

Gears of War: Aspho Fields by Karen Traviss


I barely played the video game, but I can't put the book down.
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