Boondocks Season 3 - Sun. May 2nd, 11:30pm Adult Swim

not feeling it at all  10mins left                                                           * reporting live from my motorola cliq* 
"I'm calling all my %*#@$+ 'Obamas' ... and all my %*%+%%@ 'Michelles'."
Aaron put a lot of stuff out there tonight... I was surprised he went as far as he did with his depiction. Maybe cause he knows its the last season?
I will start callin all my N's Obamas and all my @#$%^&* Michelles. I mean if you were a @#$%^ would you rather be called a @#$%^ or Michelle?

It felt wayyyyyy to short. But it was full of quotables as expected. Im watching again at 3:30
Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

damn if only the show was out when all the obama threads was up but i still see this getting used alot

dont know what got be
the obama girl or the dont taze me bro it just makes it that much more
  cuz i know where they got that stuff from
The show was good, but as a Poli Sci major, I feel like they could have done more, and kind of understated Obama's early presidency.  But don't get me wrong, the show was very on point.  Take a segment of the population that has pretty much been apathetic about politics, and spark their interest over night?  Yeah, you're going to see some ignorant people. 

@ Jeremiah Wright saying that America can eat a $@%$. 
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

The show was good, but as a Poli Sci major, I feel like they could have done more, and kind of understated Obama's early presidency.  But don't get me wrong, the show was very on point.  Take a segment of the population that has pretty much been apathetic about politics, and spark their interest over night?  Yeah, you're going to see some ignorant people. 

@ Jeremiah Wright saying that America can eat a $@%$. 

I think he perfectly stated what happened in Obama's early presidency. Ignorant people went back to acting ignorant.
The media did what it does best. Got people in a frenzy about having a black president, and because they didnt know where the man stood on his politics, and dont know how to express the lack of freedom they have, or at least feel they have.

One thing I peeped was Riley calling Huey a real !*%@%.
That surprised me, and im curious to see if Riley becomes more like Huey. Cause they arent that much different.
Appreciate that.

Did you all see where Aaron was getting at with Tom and his wife? I know I'm not reaching, and I wouldn't be surprised if some toes got stepped on.

Tom was the man, fancy smancy lawyer, yet when there's a "new" powerful black man available, Tom isn't worth a damn to his wife, and she's ready to dip.
man...theres something I just never find funny about the show. Like ever. I understand all the themes and I damn near agree with all of the satire, but it never genuinely makes me laugh.

For instance, I was kinda like I knew stuff wasn't going to change and I just looked at all the black people in my community jumping up and down during the election like...what do you all think is going to happen within a few months?

However it is appreciated and I think its important to have a vehicle to represent these motives in society and to shed a light on things that relatively few people think about and/or are exposed to.
Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Appreciate that.

Did you all see where Aaron was getting at with Tom and his wife? I know I'm not reaching, and I wouldn't be surprised if some toes got stepped on.

Tom was the man, fancy smancy lawyer, yet when there's a "new" powerful black man available, Tom isn't worth a damn to his wife, and she's ready to dip.
I think I could look at it further.
Barack is pretty close to being an uncle tom personality wise. The only difference in their personalities is that Barack isn't as corny.
Tom wasn't ever worth a damn to Sarah. That's why she was all over Usher. She likes black men, and she will jump to any black man that presents himself as being more sensual than Tom. She wants her needs fulfilled and Tom either cant (its not clear to me) or is career focused.

But as far as Barack and his presidency It's weird. I have not expressed it here but as a black man I would prefer a white president especially now that we know America would elect a black one, cause I would prefer to have black people not being lulled to sleep. I mean lets look at the reality of George Bush as a president. Half of the agenda he pushed was "Republican" in nature meaning that it would be pushed by any Republican president. Now who's to say that Iraq wouldn't be pushed by a black man? Afghanistan ( as mentioned) has been infused with more troops and more money so its not like the man is totally against war.

I find myself  laughing at the ignorance. To watch this and actually analyze the show though I have to almost transform myself to my real state of mind.
Don't get me wrong I love what Huey represents as a character, but he has got to learn to lighten up a bit.
Its something I have personally went through and its like you have got to change your surroundings. People who are unwilling to learn are pretty much always going to be that way.
I feel like this seasons tone is going to be a lot more serious as opposed to the last one.
Gangstarevolution207. I see what you're saying but to the people saying he must enjoy war or w.e, are the u.s. troops supposed to just leave like that. That's not possible. If anything it will make things faster.
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

Gangstarevolution207. I see what you're saying but to the people saying he must enjoy war or w.e, are the u.s. troops supposed to just leave like that. That's not possible. If anything it will make things faster.

Huey and people like him are despondent in their disposition because they believe there is a system  (Illuminati or whatever you want to call it) that perpetuates the way the world is.
In their opinion there is a truth untold and no president has told it since JFK.  I believe JFK has been referenced within the show, as being one of Huey's hero's or something like that.
At this point it makes no sense ( cause i cant predict what would happen) to leave Iraq or Afghanistan. This situation has no right or wrong action unless you are going to tell what in my opinion is the truth.

Just in curious nature I AM Knowledge. Is there something more I can understand about the politics of the situation?
I'm always looking to learn.
And say what you want, but all the celebrating done by the black community was indeed warranted. And while a lot of it was fueled by hype and opportunism, what happened in 2008 was the best symbolic moment of many people's lives.
I'm in a place mentally where I do not understand that train of thought. So do you mind explaining?

I do believe that for many people Barack represents their ideals. But they don't understand that the President is a puppet. And Barack knows he cant push whatever his ideals are for the nation if public opinion causes congress to not vote his way.
I don't say this to insult anyone's intelligence, but people really don't understand politics.

And say what you want, but all the celebrating done by the black community was indeed warranted. And while a lot of it was fueled by hype and opportunism, what happened in 2008 was the best symbolic moment of many people's lives.
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