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That Bad *** DVD was 
Just googled Max B as I've only heard of him via NT.

Did he have hands like Fat Joe?
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You know how many time I've heard he was released??
On a random note, I wonder how many people who were talkin about "justice for trayvon" (which their should've been) yet were talkin about free boosie and are cosigning a guy who had some teenage kids killing people he had problems with.

Its one thing to like his music but that's rediculous. Minus whale free the Boston marathon bomber while were at it.
On a random note, I wonder how many people who were talkin about "justice for trayvon" (which their should've been) yet were talkin about free boosie and are cosigning a guy who had some teenage kids killing people he had problems with.

Its one thing to like his music but that's rediculous. Minus whale free the Boston marathon bomber while were at it.

We have a logician on our hands people...
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Get out of here with what?

If that was your naive little cousin shooting people to try and impress a rapper they like who ended up having his life ruined because of it or it was one of your uncles boosie was beefin with that got killed I doubt you would still want him free.

Like I said, like his music all you want, but to deny the facts is just rediculous.
On a random note, I wonder how many people who were talkin about "justice for trayvon" (which their should've been) yet were talkin about free boosie and are cosigning a guy who had some teenage kids killing people he had problems with.

Its one thing to like his music but that's rediculous. Minus whale free the Boston marathon bomber while were at it.

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Anyway....moving on..
Boosie's daughter on instagram :stoneface: :smh: :rofl:
all at the same time.

Will be expecting a guest appearance at SXSW somewhere
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