Boy-Girl Friendships?

I have a lot of friends of the opposite sex that I'd never be attracted to like that and vice versa. I don't see the big deal because I see themnothing more than a friend.
Originally Posted by PhillyPG1

Originally Posted by I Skate Nikes

i have maybe 3 of these.
they dont last.
1. i usually have sex with most my female friends.
2. if i dont, i try to, they deny me and i break the "friendship" off.

the ones that i am good friends with, it's because we've been friends for awhile or i genuinely have no interest in them besides our friendship.

If u get denied sex with the friend....can u still be friends?...well soon im gonna find chick friend who's ex is one of my friends(i know) invited me to her parents house for New Years Eve...and Im hoping for a New Years Eve sex romp...i know she is attracted to me and she says she and her ex(my friend) are DEFINETLY over...should i go for it???I dont know how to feel.
You can, but those arent the kind of friendship im talking about. im talking about the kind that are just "friendships." the kind youbreak off after you smash or find out your not smashing.

i have a few females friends ive tried to smash but have denied me and we're still cool. it's possible but i'd rather have only like 3 femalefriends. they bring just as much drama to your life as they bring happiness to it.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

denied sex with a friend is the worse.
like its not even possible to be friends after that.................everything will just be weird from that point on........
I agree with OP. I never was with a chick unless I was a)hitting b)trying to hit. Once I realized that it wasn't happening, I rotated out the equation. Inhindsight, I wish I would have tried more because I see the benefits now that I'm older. I'm in a relationship, but I do have my ex from like 10 yearsago that I still talk to on a "friendly basis". I have let my girl know that the only male friend that I will validate is some gay guy she workswith. they're harmless. but any other dude, you already know what they on. try to hang around and wait for me to piss her off and throw salt in the game.

Platonic friendships between a man and a woman are possible but more often than not it seems like one of ya'll are interested in having more than that. I try to avoid those type of situations but they're inevitable sometimes.

When I'm in a relationship I make a conscious effort to distance myself from my male female friends out of respect for my man girl, though.
Fixed to rep how I feel and I think thats what the thread starter was trying to get at also. Like somebody said earlier in this post most femalefriends guys have they probably tried to get with them and they just got friend zoned instead.
So I'm really not understanding, as I've said a plenty of times general acquaintances people you see maybe once a week is cool(I have people that justkick it with that aren't friends that I see more then once a week) but true friends i.e someone you talk to all the time is what I mean. I just don'tunderstand how you can consider someone a "true friend" and never make a effort to talk to them. Like I said my homies and true friends I talk to ALLTHE TIME. And if my girl had a dude that she talked to and hung out with as much as I talk to and hang out with them I'd be kinda jealous sorry I would be.That is why I never date girls with exclusively guy friends I don't like thata, those girls seem the most nieve. trust I've seen a many a girl"slip-up" with their friends as I've said earlier in this thread, idk maybe I only know skeezers.

And like I've said before I like working in extremes either this or that because any other way is where things get blurred and people get hurt.
i have a female friend whom i am very good friends with. i would never do anything to ruin or jeopordize our friendship. there are things that i can talk toher about and there are things that i cant. she's cool *$@$ tho. so to answer your question, yes it is possible.
i would never do anything to ruin or jeopordize our friendship
I don't know you so I can't say your lying but I'll say alot of people(mainly guys) kicking this stuff only say that cause they'llnever have the chance to ruin or jeopordize the friendship.
I have as many female friends as I do male friends, maybe even slightly more. My girlfriend trusts me and I have self-control. It seems like a lot of catsdon't. Now, if I were single, I think that it would be inevitable to eventually start having feelings for a single female that you hang out with so much.If you didn't find a single good quality about them, you wouldn't be hanging out in the first place, so of course there's bound to be feelings ifboth are single.
bboy1827 wrote:
So I'm really not understanding, as I've said a plenty of times general acquaintances people you see maybe once a week is cool(I have people that just kick it with that aren't friends that I see more then once a week) but true friends i.e someone you talk to all the time is what I mean. I just don't understand how you can consider someone a "true friend" and never make a effort to talk to them. Like I said my homies and true friends I talk to ALL THE TIME. And if my girl had a dude that she talked to and hung out with as much as I talk to and hang out with them I'd be kinda jealous sorry I would be. That is why I never date girls with exclusively guy friends I don't like thata, those girls seem the most nieve. trust I've seen a many a girl "slip-up" with their friends as I've said earlier in this thread, idk maybe I only know skeezers.

And like I've said before I like working in extremes either this or that because any other way is where things get blurred and people get hurt.

as you get older you realize you don't have to see/speak to your friends all the time...people have things to do so you get up with them when you can...butthere may be some you still see everyday cuz your schedules fit...but hanging out everyday is not necessary to maintain being friends...
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