Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Has it already been pointed out that Walt's interaction with Lydia in the Car Wash was just like Gus' interaction with Walt in Los Pollos? :lol:
what if the flash forward is not in regards to the end? what if vince is playing everyone and the flash forward actually takes place in episode 5 or 6? that leaving everyone not having a clue to the final 2 or 3 episodes. vince is trollin us.

Im under this impression myself.
what if the flash forward is not in regards to the end? what if vince is playing everyone and the flash forward actually takes place in episode 5 or 6? that leaving everyone not having a clue to the final 2 or 3 episodes. vince is trollin us.
You didn't think that already? I did
what if the flash forward is not in regards to the end? what if vince is playing everyone and the flash forward actually takes place in episode 5 or 6? that leaving everyone not having a clue to the final 2 or 3 episodes. vince is trollin us.

Im under this impression myself.
That would just mean the end would be stretched out longer. We all pretty much know that a year later when Walt's 52, hair and beard grown to that length, fake id, house rundown and abandoned, etc. that is wrapping up the show. Don't really matter what ep they pic that story up from.
Just a quick tangent, as far as ruthlessness and cunning who do you guys got? Walter White or Nucky Thompson?
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nucky for now just because of how he handled jimmy and maggie's husband

edit: and owen
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Damn, mad I missed this live today

And Jesse was supposed to be killed in season 1? I can't even imagine that.
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Gotta think that Walt uses that guy Saul knows that gives you a 'fresh start'

Walt probably gets backed into some kind of bad corner and is forced to disappear.

Just my 2 cents.
I love how this thread has exploded since the premiere. This show is the only one I've seen that sparks this many speculations and predictions. These seven day waiting periods seem more longer than waiting an entire year :lol:
Love this thread because it brings out the best of the NTers. Nice, solid intellectual discussions backed by evidence and details from previous episodes
Someone mentioned something in here that is interesting about Marie being a crook.

I can totally see all 3 of them talking about it (minus Walt) and Skylar admitted that Walt quit and is clean. Marie going from shocked to intrigued. Saying "We'll if Walt isn't selling drugs anymore, why break up the family? Lets enjoy the money, travel (I could be wrong but I feel like she mentioned her want to travel)." Marie just strikes me as the type to take advantage of a situation.
Gotta think that Walt uses that guy Saul knows that gives you a 'fresh start'

Walt probably gets backed into some kind of bad corner and is forced to disappear.

Just my 2 cents.
some combination of these two could work, maybe disappear the family minus hank?
Just a quick tangent, as far as ruthlessness and cunning who do you guys got? Walter White or Nucky Thompson?


Nucky. He seems more committed and although it hasn't been explored I don't think he was ever anywhere near where Walt started off. Nucky was born in the filth and continues to do dirt. His uneasiness about Jimmy and when he had to do what he had to do seemed like it had more to do with going in back to that life again than going to it for the first time.

So I'll say Nucky for now.

Now I want to see a series where Buscemi and Cranston are bad guys or Cranston showing up on Boardwalk.
Hypothetically speaking.... out of all the characters... who do you think would be best for a spinoff series ?

Ive heard rumors of a spinoff in the works starring Saul.... IMO a show revolving around his practice featuring stories about all kinds of different people he represents would be extremely entertaining.

I also really liked the idea someone mentioned about a prequel that shows in detail how Gus came to power.

A series from the perspective of the Salamanca family also seems like it would have lots of potential.

I can smell the fan-fiction already :smokin
I'd rather have a prequel about Gus past then a spinoff with Saul even though I love his character. Fring is one of the most captivating characters I've seen in television
A Gus Fring series would be GREAT but I would be just fine with a movie.
You won't see me get upset if we don't see neither one though.

His mysterious past adds a special element to the show, that I feel like we don't necessarily need to see

Edit: Some of these theories on Reddit are getting WILD. :lol:
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I'm completely overlooking all the theories. It takes away from it IMO. Just let it all unfold. Gives you something to look forward to and adds another reason to your list of why you hope you don't die in the next seven weeks.
gus spinoff would get real stale real quick ...he's too systematic

how many people can he son before it gets broing , he died at the right time
gus spinoff would get real stale real quick ...he's too systematic
how many people can he son before it gets broing , he died at the right time

I wanna see how he get to where we met him because its obvious from his flashback that he has a serious backstory in Chile. That moment where the Don offed his chemist but told him he only let him leave because of who he is couldn't have been for nothing. Definitely got the vibe that Gus was gay and that first chemist he went to the cartel with was his lover which is why his hate was so deep for the cartel.
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