Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

"I can't be about all that reading and ...."

"Are you a police officer?"

"Stay out of my territory."

"Don't ........ a ........."

"I ain't no skank!"

Strong possibility is Walt uses the ricin on Lydia. Remember how she brought her own stevia to the coffee shop to make her tea? Walt could probably replace it with the ricin. However, I don't know if that's a wise move and it could end up hurting Jesse and Walt if/when he uses it. Last season, when Jesse suggested that ricin may have been the cause for Brock's poisoning, it got the attention of some FBI agents who came in and questioned him. If the hospital reports that Lydia's (or whoever the ricin is used on) death was caused by ricin, then they can probably put two and two together given that ricin isn't really a common cause of death...unless somehow ricin is untraceable, in which case, you can ignore the second half of my post. :lol:
Isn't it obvious? It's probably gonna come into play later in the season. No reason they would leave a loose end hanging.
Of course, but you're talking about from a TV show entertainment point of view. But why would Walt do it? Why would a man who normally covers most eventualities make such a rookie mistake as leaving evidence?
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I feel like Walt is just keeping the Ricin around as a security measure. He's needed it for Tuco and Gus. He never ended up using it on them, but it doesn't hurt to have it on deck in case someone becomes a problem for him again.
don't know if this was posted before, but Blue Sky made a cameo on The Walking Dead lmao.
product was moving all the way to Georgia!
I think Jesse's RV shows up in the show too, even though it got destroyed.
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Isn't it obvious? It's probably gonna come into play later in the season. No reason they would leave a loose end hanging.
Of course, but you're talking about from a TV show entertainment point of view. But why would Walt do it? Why would a man who normally covers most eventualities make such a rookie mistake as leaving evidence?
I feel like Walt is just keeping the Ricin around as a security measure. He's needed it for Tuco and Gus. He never ended up using it on them, but it doesn't hurt to have it on deck in case someone becomes a problem for him again.
Correct. It's not as if ricin is something Walt can just pick up at Walmart if he needs it again. It's very valuable to have a poison readily available that's hidden in a place no one would ever find it.

And Walt might not be a rookie anymore, but he can still be sloppy.
Yo did anyone notice this

Did anyone notice when the chief of police was talking to Hank and his partner in the office about how Gus was at his party laughing together and having a good time. Then he says and this whole time he was a completely different person and he was right under my nose the entire time...Then they put the camera on Hank for like 10 seconds and he made a facial expression then it cut to the commercial. I got a feeling it was a little foreshadowing to Hank finding out who Walt really is. Because Walt is a completely different person right under Hanks nose this entire time. He's not even a friend, he's family. They gotta end the series w/ Hank finding out who Walt is.
Yo did anyone notice this

Did anyone notice when the chief of police was talking to Hank and his partner in the office about how Gus was at his party laughing together and having a good time. Then he says and this whole time he was a completely different person and he was right under my nose the entire time...Then they put the camera on Hank for like 10 seconds and he made a facial expression then it cut to the commercial. I got a feeling it was a little foreshadowing to Hank finding out who Walt really is. Because Walt is a completely different person right under Hanks nose this entire time. He's not even a friend, he's family. They gotta end the series w/ Hank finding out who Walt is.

yep just like the scene with gus in the elevator with the nervous finger twitch & the bell in the background was foreshadowing to hector blowing him up
Why wouldn't Walt just destroy the ricin cigarette, rather than hide it?

Jesus do you people not think for yourselves when watching these shows?

maybe he didn't destroy it because he wanted it to be used later in the season... I don't just a hunch. :rolleyes

Of course, but you're talking about from a TV show entertainment point of view. But why would Walt do it? Why would a man who normally covers most eventualities make such a rookie mistake as leaving evidence?

So you don't think stashing it behind an electrical faceplate, behind a dresser, in his house is a safe enough spot? You still think that's a loose end? really?

Yo did anyone notice this
Did anyone notice when the chief of police was talking to Hank and his partner in the office about how Gus was at his party laughing together and having a good time. Then he says and this whole time he was a completely different person and he was right under my nose the entire time...Then they put the camera on Hank for like 10 seconds and he made a facial expression then it cut to the commercial. I got a feeling it was a little foreshadowing to Hank finding out who Walt really is. Because Walt is a completely different person right under Hanks nose this entire time. He's not even a friend, he's family. They gotta end the series w/ Hank finding out who Walt is.

BRILLIANT!!!!!! /sarcasm

The forshadowing is painfully obvious to anyone with a clue. They even used this scene to tease this episode in a trailer. Come on people...
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Yo did anyone notice this
Did anyone notice when the chief of police was talking to Hank and his partner in the office about how Gus was at his party laughing together and having a good time. Then he says and this whole time he was a completely different person and he was right under my nose the entire time...Then they put the camera on Hank for like 10 seconds and he made a facial expression then it cut to the commercial. I got a feeling it was a little foreshadowing to Hank finding out who Walt really is. Because Walt is a completely different person right under Hanks nose this entire time. He's not even a friend, he's family. They gotta end the series w/ Hank finding out who Walt is.

Lol, I'm surprised that there are people that didn't notice was extremely obvious.
Not sure if I even call that foreshadowing...more like irony to the viewer that Hank continues to be oblivious to his brother-in-law being the guy he's been chasing for a year
Lol, I'm surprised that there are people that didn't notice was extremely obvious.

I mean i wasnt trying to blow anyones mind. Just raising a point for discussion because ive been reading peoples stuff about whether Walt will live or die but I think Hank finding out or not is more important. Anywhoo, carry on I guess..
rewatching the Don's poisining (s4 ) Jesses swag in that whole ep was nuts & im pretty sure its when mike & gus both realize hes more than a meth head & he can hold his own .......
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I might be color blind or something, but I think I remember Walt putting something white (obviously not ricin) in a small container behind the wall socket. I was confused when I first saw this and I just watched the episode yesterday so it's still fresh in my brain. I was like, why is he putting salt behind a wall socket? I came to the conclusion that Walt hid some Lily of the Valley berries that were mashed up to use later on...

*Looking for the episode on Netflix that included the scene (could be wrong though)...
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