Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Q: Would a grown-up Malcolm from Malcolm in the Middle be an adversary to Walt? -- TVisms

A: No I'm thinking that Frankie Muniz would make a guest appearance and we form a father and son type of bond where we appreciate each other's level of intelligence and we make beautiful meth together

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i rewatched the closing scene, and it's 100% about Mike getting too close to the operation and being in jeopardy of his life being taken by Walt. He doesn't want a "victor-like" situation happening to him and his cooking.
Mike is going to die.

I agree. Walt spent the whole episode buttering Jesse up. No way he was threatening him at the end.





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Interesting to see how Todd and Vamanos Pest factor into the operation. Could they be major players in Walt/Jesse's downfall? If you notice, the scene where Walt and Jesse arrive at the house to cook and walk up the front yard is very similar to the end season 4 when they walk away from the lab as it starts to catch fire. They both look powerful/in charge but this time, they get stopped (by Todd). And if you're into that potential foreshadowing dialogue, when the home owner asks the one with the beard if they'll "get them all" (referring to the bugs in his home), the guy replies "We'll kill them all...dead." Then the scene shifts after that line.

Doesn't necessarily mean to kill them as in murder but someone from this group could screw up and bring down everything.
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Seems like the inevitable is going to happen.. Jesse some how finds out about Brock being poisoned by walt, Jesse kills one of walts family members. By this time I'm sure walt is going to be flying solo (his power trip caused his isolation from everyone), while jesse is in with either the pest crew or other big people... Walt wants revenge (buys the chopper), and has an epic showdown with jesse and his people.

Oh man, a Frankie Muniz cameo would've been too funny. He's been looking rough recently so he could've played a meth buyer.
Everyone keeps mentioning the foreshadowing of Scarface scene but the thing that caught me was Walt saying, "Everyone dies in this movie, don't they?"
I thought it was pretty obvious that Walt was referring to Mike and not Jesse. Why would he threaten Jesse like that? Jesse has been on his best behavior this season. He's been quiet and staying in his place lately and does everyhting that Walt and Mike tell him to do. Jesse knows his role now, and he's sticking to it. For now at least. The only way I can see Jesse turning on Walt is if he somehow finds out that Walt was the one that poisoned Brock
I started Prison Break today and I'm already on episode 8.

This show could potentially be as good as Breaking Bad.

BB is the most recent show that I've watched at this speed.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm always making jokes about Cranston and Malcolm in the Middle when watching BB with my ppl. On some Cranston had some Oscar worthy performances.... in Malcolm in the Middle.

:lol: If Muniz made a cameo or if somebody creates a reasonable connection to the two shows.
Love Season 5 so far. Not entirely sure who Walt was aiming those Victor comments to, but you better believe he's going to make an example out of someone very soon.

Only a matter of time before Skyler implodes and draws even more attention.

Got chills seeing the family watching Scarface.

Especially when Walt Jr. asks Walt something along the lines of 'Does everyone die in this movie?'

I started Prison Break today and I'm already on episode 8.
This show could potentially be as good as Breaking Bad.
BB is the most recent show that I've watched at this speed.

not sure if you are serious...i watched prison break from the first time it aired, all the way through and BB is far beyond PB in terms of acting and story'll see what i mean
why would walt be talking about killing mike? he just spent the last episode trying to recruit him!
season 5 has been amazing so far!!

i am glad when tv shows end on a high note

i hate it when shows drag on and squeeze out every last penny

do it until you have enough for syndication and end of a high note
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I'm always making jokes about Cranston and Malcolm in the Middle when watching BB with my ppl. On some Cranston had some Oscar worthy performances.... in Malcolm in the Middle.
:lol: If Muniz made a cameo or if somebody creates a reasonable connection to the two shows.

From another Forum

Malcolm in the Middle takes place after Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad will end with Walt faking his death and going into hiding, eventually starting a new life as Hal. The events of Breaking Bad drive him to the point of insanity, which explains Hal's spastic and over the top behavior.

Walt it is over his head and his condition in the episode 1 opener shows that.

Notice how he keeps calling Gustavo "Gus", like they were that cool or familiar and Mike always responds using his full name Gustavo Fring.

Walt's ego is clouding his judgement, he really thinks he's Gustavo now but he's not built like that. He can't slice someones throat without flinching like Fring did...he'll think up some elaborate scheme to kill you instead. The only time he really put in work was when he killed those thugs for Jessie and that was impersonal.

He can't do the dirty work like Mike can. Dude was in jail totally comfortable, screaming at the cops to open up and having inmates shook.

Walt's not about that life and he's gonna realize it soon if he keeps clashing with Mike.

He was shook just to see that rifle in the back of his trunk.

"Just because you shot Jessie James, does not make you Jessie James."
As much as Walt/Mike are having a power-struggle, both of them need each other.  Jesse is the expendable one in the trio.  EASILY replaceable. 

Heisenberg doesn't care about Jesse.  And that is who Walt is now.  This was evident when he completely brushed off Jesse when dude was trying to talk to him about the break up. 

The mention of Victor was a reminder that no matter how good your are at your job and how "close" you are with your boss, you can easily get offed.  Walter has a heart.  Heisenberg does not. 
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