bros, I'm a 22 year old man and I ran away from home vol: I wanna go home.

Lol @ it not even being 24hrs. Go back, since you have 0 game prep. Work, save, leave.
Famb said the upfake though... :lol:

I say you stick it out bruh... All nters have different views when it comes to leaving the nest...

I'm along the lines of craigs daddy when it comes to staying at home... "you either work... Or go to school"

but around 25, its time to bounce...

like someone said, yall gonna be arguing next week about the same thing... And they know your not going anywhere so human nature is to let that argument get more and more intense...

I say you find a cheap little wack apt... Or get a roommate...

in the end, cats act like a little struggle doesn't go a long way in life... Might be a life lesson to you in the future because you don't have momb and fad to fall back on and will make you grind harder...
I would suggest you go stay with a family member or friend for the night. Chill and get your thoughts together. You need to determine if what you're fighting over is that important in the bigger scheme of things. Most of us older dudes have been through it with their folks.

You simply need to make it work at home, THEIR HOME, and stack up for your own place. Just make sure you are aware of all the cost of living on your own.

and first thing you should do is apologize, that will let them you know you have given some thought before you begin to speak.
OP, the good thing is that everyone took a step back, hopefully calmed down and you were able to come to some sort of resolution (whether it's a short term or long term fix). Sometimes just getting out of the house for a few minutes or few hours or few days or few months gives you a little time to calm down and reflect on what's happened and give you a little breathing room to plan what you want to do next.

if moving out now is the best decision you can make right now, then so be it. Making the best choice for yourself is one of the last few freedoms we really have.

Now that you're out of the house, you have immediate concerns like rent and bills and finding work (or better work) to help you pay those bills on your own and on time.

Can you go to school? Can you go to school part time and still work? Would you parents help you out if you wanted to go to school? Even if you went away to school and your folks help pay or got loans / scholarships, you'd still be out of the house.

You have a stable job now? Or do you have to find another job or higher paying job to pay rent and bills? Do you need further schooling (or self-study) to get another or higher paying job?

Can you / do you want to go into the military?
Yea I already apologized to them a while ago, they let me know that I'm always welcome back and that I'm no burden to them, but I just wanted to see if I could do it. And you know what? I realized that I'm gonna fail..HARD. But I think that's part of being a man, Atleast I tried, and in the future if try to leave again and fail again, then hey..o well

I have a decent job and just got my associates, I spend most of my time at work or with my lady, I was home only to sleep. It just all kinda set in yesterday when I realized that it's the holidays, and that I'm by myself, and that this "man move" is gonna be pretty expensive, I'm most likely gonna move back..I just wanna wait like a month or two so my parents don't think I'm a complete punk lol
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This is stupid!!!!!! You post alot of BS. OP take this as a lesson in what you need to do to prepare yourself for the future. I was just contemplating starting a post to ask guys how they buy every release and function as adults, with a mortgage, retirement, savings and bills but i see that some are just coasting.

Explain yourself. You talk about posting BS yet you dont back what you say up. If you can't live without depending on others to financially support yourself let alone a family, you're not a man. 14 year old boys live being supported by their parents. 40 year old guys with no, or worthless jobs that live in their parents basement do that. That's not opinion, that's fact. Now what do you have to say about that.... ?

Part of being a man is the ability to support yourself in every way necessary. If that sounds like BS to you mama must still take you to school in the morning.

How do we get almost every release? Easy, we have jobs, pay our bills, and have money left over. If your pay check for 2 weeks of work is just enough for a pair of shoes and a pack of hot pockets priorities need to be set, this ain't for you. Not you personally, just a general statement.

OP, do what you gotta do. If that mean to sick your head up your @ss and try again later, so be it
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Not even gonna front, this advice sounds pretty badass.

I agree with Jordan23 though. Definitions of what a man is are numerous and vary between people. But to me, you need to be self-sufficient in many domains as well as taking care of another....child, wife....

Your just a young adult right now gotta swallow your pride and be strategic with your decisions. I know that feel of butting heads with moms but you gotta see the lesson in all of it. Make your moves towards being independent, make it reliable and then move out. By then your beef with the 'rents will be over and you'll be at a better place.

Find a shelter, get a job...let the working middle class of America support your housing in better buildings than they can even

True story, sis's friend from college was staying with her because of a similar situation, this chick stood in her house for about 2 months, eventually they had to kick her *** out, apparently she went to a shelter, filled out some housing apps, next thing you know she qualified for some lottery apartment by Columbus Circle, paying like 350$ a month :lol:

I'm bout to quit my job, the hell is the point of working :rofl:
Lol yea that's a come up, I dont know if I would be comfortable with all that assistance, I beleive a little struggle is good for you, just to keep some pressure on you, being lazy is bad.
Explain yourself. You talk about posting BS yet you dont back what you say up. If you can't live without depending on others to financially support yourself let alone a family, you're not a man. 14 year old boys live being supported by their parents. 40 year old guys with no, or worthless jobs that live in their parents basement do that. That's not opinion, that's fact. Now what do you have to say about that.... ?
Part of being a man is the ability to support yourself in every way necessary. If that sounds like BS to you mama must still take you to school in the morning.
How do we get almost every release? Easy, we have jobs, pay our bills, and have money left over. If your pay check for 2 weeks of work is just enough for a pair of shoes and a pack of hot pockets priorities need to be set, this ain't for you. Not you personally, just a general statement.
OP, do what you gotta do. If that mean to sick your head up your @ss and try again later, so be it
So, if a man fall on his a**, he's not a man anymore? Worthless Job? Explain, that, I have the same amount of respect for the guy in McDonald's as the guy who signs his check, anything else is female type stuff. As far as mama dropping off at school, son I bought a house at 19 and have had to go home more than once, due to life, not the other BS that you are talking about. And also, if you only have a job and you been copping at the rate Jordan Brand has been dropping then your priorities are not straight, you need a career for that, which assumes and assures a certain amount of stability. 
Yea I already apologized to them a while ago, they let me know that I'm always welcome back and that I'm no burden to them, but I just wanted to see if I could do it. And you know what? I realized that I'm gonna fail..HARD. But I think that's part of being a man, Atleast I tried, and in the future if try to leave again and fail again, then hey..o well

I have a decent job and just got my associates, I spend most of my time at work or with my lady, I was home only to sleep. It just all kinda set in yesterday when I realized that it's the holidays, and that I'm by myself, and that this "man move" is gonna be pretty expensive, I'm most likely gonna move back..I just wanna wait like a month or two so my parents don't think I'm a complete punk lol

And there you go. Lessoned learned for YOUR situation. Glad you learned from it, and you know what? It doesn't stop man. It will continue. Part of being a man, or hell, an adult, is being responsible and knowing you messed up and rectifying it. It's a process man. Good luck bruh.
So, if a man fall on his a**, he's not a man anymore? Worthless Job? Explain, that, I have the same amount of respect for the guy in McDonald's as the guy who signs his check, anything else is female type stuff. As far as mama dropping off at school, son I bought a house at 19 and have had to go home more than once, due to life, not the other BS that you are talking about. And also, if you only have a job and you been copping at the rate Jordan Brand has been dropping then your priorities are not straight, you need a career for that, which assumes and assures a certain amount of stability. 

1. A worthless job is one that doesn't even pay you enough for the basic cost of living. If you owe 1000 a month for bills and only bring in 400 working at McD's, to you, that job is worthless. And it's time to look for a better one

2. You bought a house at 19, cool. Yes things happen but you don't save up just enough for the next couple months before you move out. When I bought my house I had a years worth of bills money already in the bank just incase thing did happen.

3. Correct me of I'm wrong but isn't a career just another word for a job that's worth keeping? Aka not worthless?

I'm not here to argue what the definition of a man is because that's all up to you. I have my idea of what it should be and being broke, no plans for the future, and not being able to support yourself are not it.
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1. A worthless job is one that doesn't even pay you enough for the basic cost of living. If you owe 1000 a month for bills and only bring in 400 working at McD's, to you, that job is worthless. And it's time to look for a better one
2. You bought a house at 19, cool. Yes things happen but you don't save up just enough for the next couple months before you move out. When I bought my house I had a years worth of bills money already in the bank just incase thing did happen.
3. Correct me of I'm wrong but isn't a career just another word for a job that's worth keeping? Aka not worthless?
I'm not here to argue what the definition of a man is because that's all up to you. I have my idea of what it should be and being broke, no plans for the future, and not being able to support yourself are not it.
Some that is worthless has no value, so any paying job has value, he may need 2 but all the same don't play it like that. And besides if you understand economics we need the 400.00 a weekers just as much if not more than the people who are "worthy." A lot of people are not in a situation to save, point blank, tax rates change, mortgages adjust, stuff happens and a fair share of people have no one to call. The definition of a man is why I call you out, read your initial response to this post and it's very obvious the type of person you are. I know some real men that don't have s**t, but life, love, and family.Being a man is far more than what you are trying to pass it off for. Your definition of a man sounds like the same thing a woman would say, just being real.
Being a man in America in 2012 encompasses many things, yes. Support of yourself is among the top of that list. What else can you say about that?
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jordan you sound stupid. you hae the macho close mindedness of what it means to be a man.

Quit throwing hate at everyone. everyone grows at different rates and has different circumstances.

If he's out there trying, not being a bum, getting his education, moving forward he has every right to call himself a man and continue growing as a man.

that's a lot different than a bum living with their parents, not working, hanging out with friends, and going out every weekend.

and no, a career is not another word for a job :lol:

im curious what you do for a living, what neighbor you living in, and where you see yourself in 10 years.

you want to live in the worst neighborhood for cheap rent just so you can claim independence? you eating from the dollar menu every night to save money and call yourself a man? *****wtbs

same kids you clowning now will probably be blowing past you in 5 years.
1. A worthless job is one that doesn't even pay you enough for the basic cost of living. If you owe 1000 a month for bills and only bring in 400 working at McD's, to you, that job is worthless. And it's time to look for a better one
2. You bought a house at 19, cool. Yes things happen but you don't save up just enough for the next couple months before you move out. When I bought my house I had a years worth of bills money already in the bank just incase thing did happen.
3. Correct me of I'm wrong but isn't a career just another word for a job that's worth keeping? Aka not worthless?
I'm not here to argue what the definition of a man is because that's all up to you. I have my idea of what it should be and being broke, no plans for the future, and not being able to support yourself are not it.

Career=Plumber, Electrician Basketball Player

Job= joes Plumbing, Tommys wires and things, Lakers

A career is what you say when people ask what you do for work. A job is where you work. Now if you are comfortable telling people you are a burger technician then be my guest. To some that is a career and thats more than enough for them but others need more in life.
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Jordan23dotcom.....go have a nice eggnog and enjoy some xmas tunes. You sound too hostile.
^^ where's the hate that I'm throwing? Nobody here has caught feelings but you for whatever reason. Ole boy and I are have a discussion, period. Are we not allowed to?

O yeah.... This is NT... Guess not
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^^ sure thing bud. Said my part and you caught feelings. All good.
I told you I know your type. I caught feeling, huh. Yep, I knew it. LOL. Catching feeling would mean getting off topic and swinging below the belt but i only addressed what you said and how it was totally off base. Man, Like I said "I know your type." This guy acted on emotion and walked into a situation that he was not ready for, either way he goes is the man way, as long as he holds up for his decision and prepared to stay the course. You questioned a man's manliness based on financial stuff. He never said that a child was involved and not being cared for or that he cursed or hit his parents, he only stated that he wanted advice on rectifying a situation. I repeat again your analysis of manliness was of a female point of view and of the point of view of someone who hasn't faced much adversity. never been in his shoes as far as the parents thing but life is full of curveballs and having money is only part of the equation in terms of being a real man and bouncing back. Fake men hide behind money and the cloak of being a man. Men rise, fall, crawl, walk, but most important they keep trying, evolving, exercising altruism, and striving to get better through experience. And lastly it's not all good without understanding.
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