bros, I'm a 22 year old man and I ran away from home vol: I wanna go home.

And there you go. Lessoned learned for YOUR situation. Glad you learned from it, and you know what? It doesn't stop man. It will continue. Part of being a man, or hell, an adult, is being responsible and knowing you messed up and rectifying it. It's a process man. Good luck bruh.

Thanks bro! Really appreciate it, REPPED.
^^^ lol, in not mad at all. I grew up in south east DC. Needless to say adversity was faced. The whole "bad parent thing" no, I was blessed with good loving parents. I don't use not having much growing upas an excuse to not succeed ( not saying you do). I get your point. Again being a man is not something you can just some up in a sentence or a paragraph. I didn't say you needed to be rich to be a man, I just said being able to support yourself and if need be your loved ones.
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^^^ lol, in not mad at all. I grew up in south east DC. Needless to say adversity was faced. The whole "bad parent thing" no, I was blessed with good loving parents. I don't use not having much growing upas an excuse to not succeed ( not saying you do). I get your point. Again being a man is not something you can just some up in a sentence or a paragraph. I didn't say you needed to be rich to be a man, I just said being able to support yourself and if need be your loved ones.
Understanding= It's all good,now!
Don't give up.

Sell you blood for $, sell your sperm for $ @ the local sperm bank (you'll get a good deal), if you're a risk taker gamble some of it, volunteer your body to science for some experimental trials, apply to be a house sitter for rich ppl going on prolonged vacations, find a desperate chick to shack up with, find an abandoned/storage building to stay at, get a job.

Only go back home to get your stuff. Probably gonna have to to do these tips backwards though :lol:
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I was 24 when I moved out and I still wasn't ready. Still making mistakes and such 4 years later. Its not that easy being on your own. If you have to live with your parents just abide by their rules and shut up until you get a better job and such.

All this you are not a man nonsense is BS. 22 or not if you not ready to leave home don't so many people make the mistake and rush out into the world because of pride. Get a decent paying job, save, and just follow your parents rules.
Go home, ask your parents for a year, and over the next 12 months make a plan and stick to it, then leave the nest Dec 31, 2013 only to return for weekends, holidays and to introduce your fiance.
Find a shelter, get a job...let the working middle class of America support your housing in better buildings than they can even

True story, sis's friend from college was staying with her because of a similar situation, this chick stood in her house for about 2 months, eventually they had to kick her *** out, apparently she went to a shelter, filled out some housing apps, next thing you know she qualified for some lottery apartment by Columbus Circle, paying like 350$ a month :lol:

I'm bout to quit my job, the hell is the point of working :rofl:


What Columbus circle you talkin' bout? Fancy midtown Columbus Circle? And paying $350/month?

Ducktales. That doesn't make ANY sense.

This post was well-timed for me. I'm in the process of leaving home and I know it's ultra-risky but if you're truly about that life, you'll have supreme faith in yourself that everything will work out and you will make it.

Being fearful of failure will only attract failure.

Put your hard hat on and work hard.

You CAN make it.
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:rofl: at the title of this thread. either man up and tell your parents you ****** up or play hard to get and tell your parents youre going to enlist in the army or something hoping they will try to talk you out of it and convince you to go back home
Go home and do your chores.

But seriously, go back home my man. No need in putting yourself in a bad situation just to prove a point or because you let your pride get in the way. When you go back home, understand that you are in your parents home, and remember this situation. In the next few weeks to couple months, GET A JOB, save up some money and begin to take the necessary steps to move out on your own and support yourself. Best of luck to you OP, and if need be hit my inbox if you want/need someone to talk to.
Wait, you're 22 and you still live at home? Where dey do dat at? You must get no yambs.
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