Bruh...Tyga....Hair Gains....Vol. Jamie Would Be Proud

Yea you have to take it indefinitely or else the DHT will begin to form again and cause hair loss. I think the point is to maintain it while you are young and it matters more. I don't plan on taking it until I die, but I'm in my 20's and I'm not trying to deal with the stress of hair loss right now. My head is too big and weird shaped for me to go bald :lol:

Not sure why you want 2000 grafts if your hairline isn't bad. Don't get greedy with it. If you want to go the transplant route I would preserve your donor area as long as possible.

I got a weird shape head too. Can't do the kobe low or anything really short. Starting young makes sense in slowing things down.

I would probably need 1700 to fill in some blank or thinning space, just rounded up. lol What do you mean by preserving donor area? Doesn't it just grow back?
You could also take finasteride to keep what you have. But do your research first
Nah I'm good bro, not gonna **** with any drugs to keep my hair once it gets to the stage where I'm getting to much of a pizza slice I'll just bring it home and papoose it when possible

For a caucasian you can pull it off, receding hairlines aren't as bad for you guys as it is for black men. Now if you look like George Costanza, or Artie Bucco, then you should bring it on home.
:lol: at see other people. If you can grow a beard then you good no matter the race.[/quote][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] artie bucco
Plus stress and outlook on life plays a role.

This right here. When I get over stressed I get these bald spots that float all around my head. They even pop up in my beard and eyebrows. And depending on how stressed I am is how big the spots are. It sucks but what can I do. Funny thing is they always grow back. It's garbage.
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I figure that's how the transition of when a miserable middle aged man who's leaving his family and coming out looks. From "yeah babe, I got the milk you like " to "yaassssss *****!" Twerking down in atl.

Bruh I know this is old AF, but IDC. :rofl:
This pic is from 2007


I got a weird shape head too. Can't do the kobe low or anything really short. Starting young makes sense in slowing things down.

I would probably need 1700 to fill in some blank or thinning space, just rounded up. lol What do you mean by preserving donor area? Doesn't it just grow back?

The donor area is the sides and back of your head (the parts resistant to balding), aka the George costanza part. When you remove grafts either through FUE or strip you are taking the "healthy" follicles from those areas and transplanting them to bald or thin areas. They don't regrow because you are removing the actual follicle. The hair around them still grows and can conceal the parts where follicles were removed, so you can only take so many grafts from your donor area before you run out. That's why a few pages back I made a joke about lebron needed to dip into his pubic hair stock in order to get a high top fade
The donor area is the sides and back of your head (the parts resistant to balding), aka the George costanza part. When you remove grafts either through FUE or strip you are taking the "healthy" follicles from those areas and transplanting them to bald or thin areas. They don't regrow because you are removing the actual follicle. The hair around them still grows and can conceal the parts where follicles were removed, so you can only take so many grafts from your donor area before you run out. That's why a few pages back I made a joke about lebron needed to dip into his pubic hair stock in order to get a high top fade

Damn. Did not know that FUE didn't grow back, but makes sense since they are removing follicles. You think you're fixing one problem, but creating another. Imma hold out for another 5 years and see what new tech comes out. :lol:
I was under the impression that the donor area was only a certain area of the back of your head... Link to where it states the sides are also considered harvestable?

The donor area is the sides and back of your head (the parts resistant to balding), aka the George costanza part. When you remove grafts either through FUE or strip you are taking the "healthy" follicles from those areas and transplanting them to bald or thin areas. They don't regrow because you are removing the actual follicle. The hair around them still grows and can conceal the parts where follicles were removed, so you can only take so many grafts from your donor area before you run out. That's why a few pages back I made a joke about lebron needed to dip into his pubic hair stock in order to get a high top fade

Damn. Did not know that FUE didn't grow back, but makes sense since they are removing follicles. You think you're fixing one problem, but creating another. Imma hold out for another 5 years and see what new tech comes out. :lol:
This is true but I vaguely recall that one follicular unit can contain multiple follicles (depending how dense your hair is in your donor area). Unless you got Kobe-like hair in which you're thin all over, you got a plethora of hair back there that can be harvested via FUE w/o it being noticeable (also you're roof can't be missing like George Jefferson :lol:). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
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I was under the impression that the donor area was only a certain area of the back of your head... Link to where it states the sides are also considered harvestable?
This is true but I vaguely recall that one follicular unit can contain multiple follicles (depending how dense your hair is in your donor area). Unless you got Kobe-like hair in which you're thin all over, you got a plethora of hair back there that can be harvested via FUE w/o it being noticeable (also you're roof can't be missing like George Jefferson :lol:). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Think about it...even the George Jeffersons and George costanzas of the world have hair on the side of their heads. Their temples are receded but the sides of the head remain full. This is because it's part of your head that is resistant to balding.

Kobes hair on top is thin...his donor area is not. Once you start taking from the donor area it becomes thinner. With FUE you can take grafts from the donor area and keep your hair short and people still won't notice you've taken hair from back there. If you get a strip procedure you have to keep the hair a certain length or else the scar will be noticeable. Trust me, there is not a plethora of hair you can take from your head that is resistant to DHT buildup (follicle miniaturization aka balding) that you can transplant and expect to get the same density on top of your head that you had as a kid. Unfortunately most guys go into a hair transplant with unrealistic expectations, thinking they are going to walk out with a full thick head of hair. That's simply not the case. But you can get good results that would allow you to style it a certain way and not have to "come home" lol.

Guys that are already far gone (Jefferson/costanza) will never be able to come back. That's why if you want to go through with a hair transplant and you still have some density up there, that it's probably in your best interest to take finasteride to preserve what you have so you don't have to keep playing catch up with your hair. Wayne Rooney does it but he has tons of $$$ and can afford one every year or two that he needs it
You know Kirk is dipping into that ashe wednesday stash 
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