Bryant Gumbel - "David Stern like a modern plantation overseer"

Originally Posted by msaba07

People really mad at a dress code and think it's somehow racist? Lolololololololol ... The last thing I want to see is some young punk +@@ kid with a 500k salary and the "style" that exists nowadays ... It's one thing for Wade and James to dress all farnsworth bentley, its another for an average cat showing his polo draws with his pants half off his +@@ screaming young money cash money ...

Imagine jr smith without a dress code ... I firmly believe he might just wear tighty whiteys and assume his tatts were covering enough ...

If Rasheed or any other black person felt as strongly about being used as a "slave" then they should leave the NBA ... Last time I checked, they weren't obligated to play in David Stern's league ...

Whiney, crying wolf +@@ bammas ... Put some +#$*%%% clothes on and stop *****ing ... Acting like there are ANY half way intelligent people in the NBA ... The day I see someone like Birdman's goofy +@@ in a tie at a respectable 9-5 is the day hell freezes over ...

Who the hell are you to determine how someone should dress because of the amount of money they make?
Please provide pics of players sagging at the game. 
Originally Posted by msaba07

People really mad at a dress code and think it's somehow racist? Lolololololololol ... The last thing I want to see is some young punk +@@ kid with a 500k salary and the "style" that exists nowadays ... It's one thing for Wade and James to dress all farnsworth bentley, its another for an average cat showing his polo draws with his pants half off his +@@ screaming young money cash money ...

Imagine jr smith without a dress code ... I firmly believe he might just wear tighty whiteys and assume his tatts were covering enough ...

If Rasheed or any other black person felt as strongly about being used as a "slave" then they should leave the NBA ... Last time I checked, they weren't obligated to play in David Stern's league ...

Whiney, crying wolf +@@ bammas ... Put some +#$*%%% clothes on and stop *****ing ... Acting like there are ANY half way intelligent people in the NBA ... The day I see someone like Birdman's goofy +@@ in a tie at a respectable 9-5 is the day hell freezes over ...

cant wait to see your reaction when Dez gets arrested for some dumb !@#$
RetroSan wrote:
cant wait to see your reaction when Dez gets arrested for some dumb !@#$
no need to wait, better yet, read what i wrote about him when he got kicked out of the mall for sagging his pants ...
likethematrix wrote:
lol most of you ARE NOT BLACK and i know this for a fact.
im gonna guess and say 90% of nba players are black. alot of you would never ever ever get it.
you'll come up with explanations and stories and similes and metaphors and such, but you'll never get IT.
mez you filipino if im not mistaken(my bad if i am)... how is it getting out of hand when a nba player wears street fashion?
they didnt stop dennis rodman. they did it specifically to stop black nba'ers from dressing as they pleased because a few were in negotiations to be under contract with clothing brands. and the NBA would see none of that money even though its being advertised by them and their TV contracts and general publicity.

and lol at professional. theyre not playing basketball in a Hilton Lobby on in the conference room at NBC studios. being who you are is part of the individuality that is basketball. would you wear a suit to go hoop at 24hr fitness? its a place of business right?

and gangster you were trying to be a smart %*%. everyone knows jordan has made the most off basketball thanks to cats like you.
you talk like 3.5 million lasts a life time
"oh but you could invest" yeah tell that to bernie madoff's investors and all the other MILLIONAIRES who recently lost all their fortunes in this housing/wall street bubble that recently popped.
and when you were youre best as an athlete, you were not pro material. or else you woulda did it. stop comparing your life to that of a pro athlete cause its alot more involved than just goin to the court and shooting a ball.

im tired of talkin bout this cause its all pointless.
i aint gettin no %#%*!@ money from this and neither are any of you. lock this up.

Thing is thats the exact oposite of what I was saying. 3.5 million while it is more what an average person sees in their life, the average person is prepetually in debt. At my athletic peak if I gave a damn about fame and adulation, and didnt see what that business does to you I would have tried. I would have gave a damn about it. I did not and refuse to ignore that guys are getting pimped in the basketball system from age 10. That nonwithstanding Michael has made owners, himself, and other players the most money they will ever make in basketball. everyone knows jordan has made the most off basketball thanks to cats like you.
you talk like 3.5 million lasts a life time
"oh but you could invest" yeah tell that to bernie madoff's investors and all the other MILLIONAIRES who recently lost all their fortunes in this housing/wall street bubble that recently popped.

You have to have a working knowledge of investing to function in any market be it capitalistic, feudalistic, Socialism or as Marx would say international communism.( governments in those final 2 situations) The dollar figure it takes to set you for life is a figure based on who and what you are as a person. Dont mistake me for saying that people who need more are bad, or dumb people. Its simply a dollar amount, and I was refering to an article published my SLAM magazine, where Kenny the Jet Smith attempted to say that players could set themselves for life with 3 years in the NBA at 1.75 million a year. 3.5 would maybe last me 6 years, I could be broke in 3 if I didnt have my !@#+ together. I could be broke before I cashed a single NBA check. I dont leave nothing out of the rhelm.

I'm not even pissed at Antoine Walker, who made more money that is being advertised as him losing , being a SLUM lord in Chicago. These guys are built to fall. People coddling you from 18 til 35, private jets, free food, free hotel on the road etc. And for better or worse you have to keep this lifestyle up to an extent after you retire. You arent ever immune from the twist and turns from society, no amount of money does that.
Intelligance, and sheer determination does that.

What people say about athletes and their finances to me is a bit unfair. Many athletes just like the majority of Americans, and for that matter people in the world live beyond their means. Just cause the numbers are played up, and for lack of a better term inflated doesnt make them anymore or less than the average American. It doesnt matter what I would do with that amount of money. Because A: You dont know the exact details of what you would do no matter who you are. B; You have no control of the outside infulences that affect your money.
Yeah my love of Jordans made and continue to make Michael Jordan rich, but you act like I hate him for that. I Don't hate him, Don't hate his sons for looking at people with fakes like they are the devil ( seen it with my own 2 eyes) and Don't hate a system that pays theyse guys based on their entertainment value. I Don't hate people who let their "reality TV" roll of their shoulders. (Am I being a smart #*! yet?)
I have a certain amount of disdain for people who dress like purple dinosaurs, feel the need to express ill will over the inter web, and assume that I would do something just cause I can. You can do anything in this world, but unless your mind %#@#+% you just might not want to.

Dont act like family doesnt play a role in determining what you do, my family never cared as long as I found happiness. That is a sentiment that is few and far between. No matter how often it is shown on TV , excomunicating family, and responsibliities to them is not something many people can do. Not to mention either the family, or the person doing the excomunication is protrayed as being cold and calious. These players once they have "made it" have responsiblilities to family be it imagined or real. You ignore things that you wouldnt if the pay and shelter wasnt good. Look back at slavery, There are plenty of people who escaped and plenty more who could have. I would imgaine it wasnt just the prospect of people getting killed after escaping, it was the prospect of their families being done harm, not being along for the journey. And a decison took place be it consciously or unconciously leave and know my family would be harmed, or killed. Leave and be lonely, or stay and let the situation playout. When you got no attachments it makes it easier, you leave. When you have them you are more than likely to stay.

The NBA is one of the few places in the basketball world where you have 2 things. Finanical stability, and a union. Those 2 things allow you to improve your treatment, and pay. Why leave that although you are not allowed to expres yourself or repress yourself, not allowed to opperate in a free and open market, for anywhere else they play and pay for basketball? Your paid less, you have limited knowledge of the language, ( seen MR Baseball where the translator adjusted what the Tom Selick character said?) and thus arent allowed to speak free. You arent guaranteed to get paid, and although your generally provided with housing, you generally dont have many of the creature comforts that are here in America.

Athletes just like all people are in a paradox, and because its for all the world to see its worse. Do we acknowledge that as people the majority of us are slaves? Just with a precieved freedom with rules. Do we acknowledge that without the jobs that more or less hold, or can hold us hostage are akin to slavery where if you leave you will end up poor, and or penniless. Or do you suck it up, and try and create the illusion of freedom?
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