Bryant Gumbel - "David Stern like a modern plantation overseer"

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Since you're not elite basketball players that isn't an option, though.
Whats it matter? I'd "go through" everything these dudes go through for $20 mill a year. AND then retire at the age of 35.
  Don't look too deep into it, I don't feel sorry for any of these elite basketball players.

it matters because you don't have a talent that only 500 people in the world can do. 

Nobody is asking you to pledge donations to the Antoine Walker fund, but to say just shut up because you make more than ___% of people is backwards thinking, even for someone from Wisconsin.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

some explain to me why the dress code is an issue?

NBA players are not employees they are partners. 
Wozniak didnt force Steve Jobs to stop wearing black turtlenecks. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

some explain to me why the dress code is an issue?

NBA players are not employees they are partners. 
Wozniak didnt force Steve Jobs to stop wearing black turtlenecks. 
are they partners? why do they have a labor union then?
Hockey players beat the *%!% out of each other every night. But nobody talks about an image issue.

Honestly the dress code is fine. The players look much better and gives things a more professional vibe. But the reason the rule happened went deeper than hat
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

some explain to me why the dress code is an issue?

NBA players are not employees they are partners. 
Wozniak didnt force Steve Jobs to stop wearing black turtlenecks. 

Originally Posted by DubA169

Hockey players beat the *%!% out of each other every night. But nobody talks about an image issue.

Honestly the dress code is fine. The players look much better and gives things a more professional vibe. But the reason the rule happened went deeper than that

fixed and your absolutely right.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

some explain to me why the dress code is an issue?

NBA players are not employees they are partners. 
Wozniak didnt force Steve Jobs to stop wearing black turtlenecks. 
are they partners? why do they have a labor union then?
Because there are over 400 players in the NBA. The partnership is between the NBPA and the owners, and exists because they both NEED each care to argue otherwise?
Originally Posted by MaxElite

I'm with you on Football and Hockey. But Baseball is more physically demanding than Professional Basketball? Cmon dude. Aside from maybe a pitcher and/or catcher there is no comparison. 

Not to pile on, but what other major sport has doubleheaders? I couldn't imagine pro athletes playing 2 football, basketball, or hockey games in one day. You know you're reaching if travel has to be factored into the physical demand. The fact that the play over 120 games a season should tell you something about the sport itself.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Since you're not elite basketball players that isn't an option, though.
Whats it matter? I'd "go through" everything these dudes go through for $20 mill a year. AND then retire at the age of 35.
  Don't look too deep into it, I don't feel sorry for any of these elite basketball players.

it matters because you don't have a talent that only 500 people in the world can do. 

Nobody is asking you to pledge donations to the Antoine Walker fund, but to say just shut up because you make more than ___% of people is backwards thinking, even for someone from Wisconsin.
1- Its a hypothetical situation, obviously Im not as good as LeBron at the sport of basketball.

and 2- Im from New York.
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by DubA169

Hockey players beat the *%!% out of each other every night. But nobody talks about an image issue.

Honestly the dress code is fine. The players look much better and gives things a more professional vibe. But the reason the rule happened went deeper than that

fixed and your absolutely right.
Want to elaborate more?  Is it because the NBA wanted to portray a more corporate, professional image?  Is it because the commissioner is a white Jewish guy telling employees (the majority of whom are black) how to dress?  I just look at it as the person in charge making a dress code and enforcing it.  I've had dress codes for my previous jobs and didn't think it was a problem.  It comes with having a job.
Can you guys please stop talking about what happens at "your job" because it doesn't matter. There are no similarities, so stop using that as an arbiter for how things in the NBA should be done.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

lol like every nba player makes Kobe/Lebron/Carmelo money.
most nba players bank 8 mil in their career.
dont forget agents and fam and all the others included in the nba life.

david stern treats NBA players like they're LUCKY to even have the chance to play.
on the flip side, Stern is VERY LUCKY that they can draw a crowd. if the nba sucked and was unpopular, no one would be making anything.
the players are the main draw. thats why there are no Owners with Nike contracts.
why should the people who just watch you work, not even tell you what to do, make more money than you, when you earn all the money?

Gumbel is 1000% correct.
Not trying to be a smart +!@ HBW but Michael Jordan does.
But your point about 8 million is correct. Before slam jumped the shark Kenny Smith wrote an article about guys in that 1-10 million over their career catagory,  I think he used 3 years 3.5 million and he said something like a 400k house for mom, 600 for yourself, 40k for mom car, 50k for yourself. Then the fights for pension money, and the games required to accrue that. Dont get me wrong at this juncture I would take 3.5 over 3 years- the tax mans protion+ health insurance, and pension with the oppertunity to go overseas and make more money. But when I was at my best as an athlete? I knew other things I could do intellectually would be less glamorous, but more profitable. But then again I thought I would be living my dreams already and not working towards them.   
Originally Posted by hugebird

Can you guys please stop talking about what happens at "your job" because it doesn't matter. There are no similarities, so stop using that as an arbiter for how things in the NBA should be done.
Thank you!
You do not bring in millions of dollars for your company at your job at Best Buy 
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by DubA169

Hockey players beat the *%!% out of each other every night. But nobody talks about an image issue.

Honestly the dress code is fine. The players look much better and gives things a more professional vibe. But the reason the rule happened went deeper than that

fixed and your absolutely right.
Want to elaborate more?  Is it because the NBA wanted to portray a more corporate, professional image?  Is it because the commissioner is a white Jewish guy telling employees (the majority of whom are black) how to dress?  I just look at it as the person in charge making a dress code and enforcing it.  I've had dress codes for my previous jobs and didn't think it was a problem.  It comes with having a job.

The soccer mom that stern wants to cater to so badly doesn't want little Eric wearing a doorag and start rapping like iverson.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Originally Posted by hugebird

Can you guys please stop talking about what happens at "your job" because it doesn't matter. There are no similarities, so stop using that as an arbiter for how things in the NBA should be done.
Thank you!
You do not bring in millions of dollars for your company at your job at Best Buy 
I hate when people try to compare their jobs to being an athlete. At your job you sell a product. In sports, the athletes are the product. At your job you can have anyone working there and customers will still come. In sports, no one is going to pay money to see the dudes you play ball with at the park. 
Iverson was the reason for the dress code. His style was so influential and the league didn't want that image.
Absolutely nothing wrong with a dress code imo.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by RetroSan

  The soccer mom that stern wants to cater to so badly doesn't want little Eric wearing a doorag and start rapping like iverson.
I doubt the soccer mom will ever care about basketball, she'll continue buying her son basketball gear regardless.  Dressing like Iverson did isn't the trend anymore.  Dude was wearing 6xl clothes.  The only time you see them in street clothes is before and after the game or if they're injured sitting on the bench.
Yeah, the players are the product and the reason there is an NBA.  They generate millions.  But if I was commissioner I would want them to still look professional.  At least it's not like European football teams where they make everyone wear the same suits, shirts, and ties.
Stern is a master at media spin doctoring... And has always sided with management, and every chance he gets tries to stick it to the players (who are the only reason any sport makes money)..

With that said the mountain of things that can be said about how much of an !$##+** Stern is... Are always washed away by stupid #$%! like this...
I'm glad a dress code was implemented in the first place, +#$+ was getting out of hand
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm glad a dress code was implemented in the first place, +#$+ was getting out of hand
Asthetically, I think we are all glad.  Always look forward to the casual wear post
.  But the reason it was done was clearly motivated by nothing other than race.
lol most of you ARE NOT BLACK and i know this for a fact.
im gonna guess and say 90% of nba players are black. alot of you would never ever ever get it.
you'll come up with explanations and stories and similes and metaphors and such, but you'll never get IT.
mez you filipino if im not mistaken(my bad if i am)... how is it getting out of hand when a nba player wears street fashion?
they didnt stop dennis rodman. they did it specifically to stop black nba'ers from dressing as they pleased because a few were in negotiations to be under contract with clothing brands. and the NBA would see none of that money even though its being advertised by them and their TV contracts and general publicity.

and lol at professional. theyre not playing basketball in a Hilton Lobby on in the conference room at NBC studios. being who you are is part of the individuality that is basketball. would you wear a suit to go hoop at 24hr fitness? its a place of business right?

and gangster you were trying to be a smart %*%. everyone knows jordan has made the most off basketball thanks to cats like you.
you talk like 3.5 million lasts a life time
"oh but you could invest" yeah tell that to bernie madoff's investors and all the other MILLIONAIRES who recently lost all their fortunes in this housing/wall street bubble that recently popped.
and when you were youre best as an athlete, you were not pro material. or else you woulda did it. stop comparing your life to that of a pro athlete cause its alot more involved than just goin to the court and shooting a ball.

im tired of talkin bout this cause its all pointless.
i aint gettin no %#%*!@ money from this and neither are any of you. lock this up.
Rasheed Wallace was saying this same thing for YEARS and nobody wanted to listen....  Why are we so surprised to hear it now???
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I'm glad a dress code was implemented in the first place, +#$+ was getting out of hand

i really dont remember what the fashion was like back when it was implemented... but i think that if the nba didnt have one now it wouldnt be that bad...
People really mad at a dress code and think it's somehow racist? Lolololololololol ... The last thing I want to see is some young punk +@@ kid with a 500k salary and the "style" that exists nowadays ... It's one thing for Wade and James to dress all farnsworth bentley, its another for an average cat showing his polo draws with his pants half off his +@@ screaming young money cash money ...

Imagine jr smith without a dress code ... I firmly believe he might just wear tighty whiteys and assume his tatts were covering enough ...

If Rasheed or any other black person felt as strongly about being used as a "slave" then they should leave the NBA ... Last time I checked, they weren't obligated to play in David Stern's league ...

Whiney, crying wolf +@@ bammas ... Put some +#$*%%% clothes on and stop *****ing ... Acting like there are ANY half way intelligent people in the NBA ... The day I see someone like Birdman's goofy +@@ in a tie at a respectable 9-5 is the day hell freezes over ...
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