Bulls offseason Thread

this bulls season is playing out exactly how i feared it would after rose's injury. we are gonna be 5-7 seed most likely 1st round exit. and the injuries man i hope they stop now if not ppl need to ask serious questions.

as for melo id love it. if thibs can deal with boozer then for sure he can handle melo on his roster. drose, butler, melo, taj, noah.........thats a monster lineup right there. too bad the bulls have the lamest front office.
My issue is these picks just like the charlotte pick are based on other teams winning and losing..... i dont fell like we really won in this situation. From contenders to years away now
I feel like you could have moved boozer in this deal. Cavs wanted no part of Bynum.

Then move deng for something better. I at least wanted someone like waiters so I could have a reason to watch.
I can understand the move, wish it would've been for a person who stays healthier tho. And why couldn't we get rid of Boozer too? Lol

Edit: Read the article after I posted. Smart move, alas would've been smarter unloading Boozer too. His salary is crazy too and for no reason
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You guys still fail to realize NOBODY wants any parts of Boozer's contract. The Cavs would've kept Bynum before they took Booz and his horrible deal off of our hands. Using the amnesty clause on Booz is the only realistic way he's leaving town before his contract expires.

Also, we ended up with 3 picks, one of them being a protected 1st round pick. Now we have assets for trades and cap space to rebuild. We could easily end up with 2 top 20 picks in next year's draft if the Bobcats could sneak in the playoffs.

This is the first good move management has done in a while, hopefully they can keep it up.
This is the first good move management has done in a while, hopefully they can keep it up.
oh boy that might be asking a lot
Appreciate all DEng has done for this team... Time to look towards the future... Wonder how the Thibs GarPax relationship will go now... Cant see Thibs liking the tank
At this point who cares if Thibs is happy or not about tanking. I know he wants to win but at some point you have to face reality and realize the squad we had wasn't going to get it done.
tell you what Deng a damn fool if he turned down 3yr/$30mil.

Why? Josh Smith was signed for $14 mil a year so that's a reasonable benchmark to start.

I'm pretty sure both sides knew they weren't going to be able to meet in the middle. The Bulls can't afford it, and Deng should compromise either.

I see him in a Laker uniform next season.
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