Burnett a Yankee ...

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I GUARANTEE the NYY will regret this decision. Burnett is beyond horrible

You sure know a lot about baseball....

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

...............Another Yankee off season another 200-300Million spent on salaries.... yet they can't make it to the playoffs.
We only missed the playoffs ONE year.... and that's because our SP sucked... and we had BIG injuries to Wang, Matsui, Poada.... then Joba
Now we've addressed our SP problem and WANG will be back

Playoffs in 09
And you sure know a lot about politics.

Look at Burnett's track record, this dude is an injury prone, heartless, under-achiever. 18 wins with a 4+ ERA during a contract year impresses you? Hisprevious career high in wins was 12. Dude only cares about the money, have fun paying him MORE than $1 million/win. He's also mentally fragile, I can'twait to see him breakdown once NYY fans start booing him.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Carl Pavono 2.0. Dude is tin man. I can't wait to see yankee's fans crying when C.C. falls apart dude to Milwaukee destroying his arm and AJ being injured, well, cause he's always injured.
CC, Wang, AJ, Sheets/(Andy), Joba >>>>> just about anything in baseball.... and for sure the Muts

You guys just don't ge it. When has buying every player worked for you??? Baseball is a sport about chemistry as much as anything else. Look at thePhils??? They sucked talent wise.. Baseball is just who's hot in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I GUARANTEE the NYY will regret this decision. Burnett is beyond horrible

You sure know a lot about baseball....

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

...............Another Yankee off season another 200-300Million spent on salaries.... yet they can't make it to the playoffs.
We only missed the playoffs ONE year.... and that's because our SP sucked... and we had BIG injuries to Wang, Matsui, Poada.... then Joba
Now we've addressed our SP problem and WANG will be back

Playoffs in 09
And you sure know a lot about politics.

Look at Burnett's track record, this dude is an injury prone, heartless, under-achiever. 18 wins with a 4+ ERA during a contract year impresses you? His previous career high in wins was 12. Dude only cares about the money, have fun paying him MORE than $1 million/win. He's also mentally fragile, I can't wait to see him breakdown once NYY fans start booing him.
I'll just let that politics comment slide.... you don't know any better.
I agree... he is definitely injury prone, I've said that from the start.
Under-achiever? He just needs to stay healthy.... he's got the capability and nasty stuff to dominate.... which he has done for long stretches plenty oftimes (as well as owning the Yankees & Red Sox, 2 very good hitting teams)
Go ahead and point out those stats.... but that doesn't actually take into consideration his ability and nastiness of his pitches.
And your personal attacks on him... seems like your just taking shots
He'll be fine... he doesn't seem fragile at all.
I already like him cuz he seems like he's got that swagger

Plus he said himself he chose the Yanks cuz he wanted to play for the Yankees (a unnamed player on the Yankees told sources prior to his signing)

Money isn't an issue for the Yankees... no point in bringing up money.
Plus he's an upgrade over any of the hot trash we had last year that's FOR SURE.
Oh and Pettitte made $16 mill last year.... I think we can pay AJ $500,000 more
I'll take AJ + $500,000 >>>> Andy of last year

Bottomline... he's a NICE #3

Not even like he's a #1 or #2

CC & Wang is a nasty 1/2 combo... followed by AJ @ the #3..... Sheets or Andy at the #4..... and a nasty #5 in Joba
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Carl Pavono 2.0. Dude is tin man. I can't wait to see yankee's fans crying when C.C. falls apart dude to Milwaukee destroying his arm and AJ being injured, well, cause he's always injured.
CC, Wang, AJ, Sheets/(Andy), Joba >>>>> just about anything in baseball.... and for sure the Muts
You guys just don't ge it. When has buying every player worked for you??? Baseball is a sport about chemistry as much as anything else. Look at the Phils??? They sucked talent wise.. Baseball is just who's hot in the playoffs.

I'm pretty sure going into this off-season.... we had TWO major league starting pitchers....... yes TWO. Joba & Wang. (you could make an argument forHughes but he hasn't even pitched a full year yet... so he's still a rookie pretty much)
So that leaves THREE spots open in our rotation.
In other words we'd have to trade or sign THREE players.....
So what are the Yankees suppose to do? Sign 2 medicore SP and 1 good SP? Is that your solution?
Or would it be smart to get the best players possible that you could.... since you are able to?
I'm pretty sure I'm going with option B..... but hey... maybe we should have signed John Garland and Brad Penny instead of CC & Burnett.

And no crap, of course baseball is a sport about chemistry. That being said, you want to field the BEST possible team you can.
And no the Phil didn't suck talent wise.... they made the playoffs for a reason & they had the pitching that got it done (what the Yankees werelacking.... and just went out & got)
And of course it's just about who's hot in the playoffs..... Derek Jeter says that EVERY single year. All Yankees fans know this.

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Joba at 5 would be
If he can stay healthy.... he can post a sub 3.5 ERA for sure with lots of K's
Sub 3.5 ERA at the #5???
Regardless of what we pay him...

I'd rather pay him an excessive amount than have Sidney "is this some kid of sick joke" Ponson pitching as a 3/4.
Originally Posted by Yoda

Regardless of what we pay him...
I'd rather pay him an excessive amount than have Sidney "is this some kid of sick joke" Ponson pitching as a 3/4.
Exactly.... and RASNER.... RASNER had the 3rd most starts on our team!!
what... the... HELL

[table][tr][td]NAME[/td] [td]GS[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Mike Mussina[/td] [td]34[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Andy Pettitte[/td] [td]33[/td] [/tr][tr][td]. Rasner[/td] [td]20[/td] [/tr][tr][td]C. Wang[/td] [td]15[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sidney Ponson[sup]†[/sup][/td] [td]15[/td] [/tr][tr][td]J. Chamberlain[/td] [td]12[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Ian Kennedy[/td] [td]9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Phil Hughes[/td] [td]8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Carl Pavano[/td] [td]7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]A. Aceves[/td] [td]4[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Dan Giese[/td] [td]3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Brian Bruney[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kei Igawa[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][/table]
It seems like you do not know much about Burnett. "He has nasty stuff", "He has the ability to dominate", etc...guess what? People havebeen saying this about him for 10 seasons now and he still hasn't had a very good season. All I see is a bunch of average seasons on his resume. For everygood start he'll give you against Boston, he'll give you a terrible start against a weaker team.

It's funny how I called him an 'under-achiever' and all you replied back with was 'all he needs to do is stay healthy!!!!!' The same can besaid about 99% of disappointing athletes out there. Mark Prior could've been dominant if he stayed healthy
Besides this past season which was a contract year, when has he ever stayedhealthy?

Also, you must remember that he pitched under relatively little pressure during his time with the Jays, a team that was usually out of the playoff hunt by theend of June. How will he do in NYC where every single start of his will be scrutinized?

Oh yeah, Burnett "wanted" to become a Yankee just as badly as Sabathia did. At the end of the day, he decided to sign with the highest bidder justlike CC. In 2005 Burnett did the same thing, he preferred to go to St. Louis but he couldn't turn down the Jays because they offered more money than anyother team.

It's too early to make predictions since the Yankees obviously aren't done making moves, but no one should be shocked to see Burnett hover around .500with an ERA in the high-3s, low-4s.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

It seems like you do not know much about Burnett. "He has nasty stuff", "He has the ability to dominate", etc...guess what? People have been saying this about him for 10 seasons now and he still hasn't had a very good season. All I see is a bunch of average seasons on his resume. For every good start he'll give you against Boston, he'll give you a terrible start against a weaker team.

It's funny how I called him an 'under-achiever' and all you replied back with was 'all he needs to do is stay healthy!!!!!' The same can be said about 99% of disappointing athletes out there. Mark Prior could've been dominant if he stayed healthy
Besides this past season which was a contract year, when has he ever stayed healthy?

Also, you must remember that he pitched under relatively little pressure during his time with the Jays, a team that was usually out of the playoff hunt by the end of June. How will he do in NYC where every single start of his will be scrutinized?

Oh yeah, Burnett "wanted" to become a Yankee just as badly as Sabathia did. At the end of the day, he decided to sign with the highest bidder just like CC. In 2005 Burnett did the same thing, he preferred to go to St. Louis but he couldn't turn down the Jays because they offered more money than any other team.

It's too early to make predictions since the Yankees obviously aren't done making moves, but no one should be shocked to see Burnett hover around .500 with an ERA in the high-3s, low-4s.

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

It's too early to make predictions since the Yankees obviously aren't done making moves, but no one should be shocked to see Burnett hover around .500 with an ERA in the high-3s, low-4s.
If he has an ERA in the high 3's, he's not hanging around 500. This isn't Toronto.
If he puts up 16-10, 3.80ish ERA next year that's good enough for me

(Similar #s....... Andy had a 15-9, 4.05 ERA in 2007.... 2006: Randy 17-11, 5.00 ERA, Moose 15-7, 3.51 ERA)

Keep this in mind as well....
Top AL Teams last year.... top 3 win total starters for each team...
Angels = 47
Red Sox = 46
Rays = 41

You got to think CC, Wang, AJ are getting you around 45 wins..... that's a playoff team amount of wins from your top 3 starters
i hope aj stays healthy, we cant get bitten twice can we?

i think we should get garland or sheets, we will get petite back...

and hopefully joba goes back to being a set up man
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i hope aj stays healthy, we cant get bitten twice can we?
i think we should get garland or sheets, we will get petite back...
and hopefully joba goes back to being a set up man
That's be the best thing to do.... but I don't think they'll spend that much $$$$. They just want 1 of the 2 (so about$10-13 mil per).... instead of it was both Andy/Sheets, $20-25 mil per
Great idea though.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

It's too early to make predictions since the Yankees obviously aren't done making moves, but no one should be shocked to see Burnett hover around .500 with an ERA in the high-3s, low-4s.
If he has an ERA in the high 3's, he's not hanging around 500. This isn't Toronto.
If he puts up 16-10, 3.80ish ERA next year that's good enough for me

(Similar #s....... Andy had a 15-9, 4.05 ERA in 2007.... 2006: Randy 17-11, 5.00 ERA, Moose 15-7, 3.51 ERA)

Keep this in mind as well....
Top AL Teams last year.... top 3 win total starters for each team...
Angels = 47
Red Sox = 46
Rays = 41

You got to think CC, Wang, AJ are getting you around 45 wins..... that's a playoff team amount of wins from your top 3 starters

You guys will make the playoffs, no one is questioning that. But you guys will flop in the 1st round.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

If he puts up 16-10, 3.80ish ERA next year that's good enough for me

(Similar #s....... Andy had a 15-9, 4.05 ERA in 2007.... 2006: Randy 17-11, 5.00 ERA, Moose 15-7, 3.51 ERA)

But do you think it's worth paying 16.5 a year for those stats?? Those are average stats, we are playing him ace money.
Just because we are the Yankees, doesn't mean that we should spend more for the same talent any other team would get for 5-6 mil a year cheaper.
hi haters my name is ritchdad i kno this post is real long so i made cliff notes for the idiots my post has to do with this

Carlos Tevez it would be in your best interest to read this

first off i wanna say that i've been here from the start....danny tartabull to cc sabathia

secondly Mr.Tevez did you happen to notice that A.J. sports a world championship ring on his finger and that maybe he was unmotivated in your second ratebaseball country you like to call Canada (i love canada btw you guys have real hot women for a cold place)...maybe if u and some of your cheap friendswould've paid entrance fees and watched a couple of games things would've worked out...he pitched awesomely against the red sox and yanks, MAYBE he wasmotivated when he played the sox and yanks, MAYBE some people thrive under pressure....come to new york, you should visit us sometime we have a whole gang ofpeople that thrive under pressure on a daily basis.....see reference (Denzel Washington,Rudy Guliani, Sean carter, Sean puffy combs, Donald Trump)

third almost 15 years ago we picked up players such as former batting champ wade boggs, era leader jimmy key, and cy young award winner david cone via trade,.....we paid these guys premium contracts at the time we picked these dudes up

ps two years ago when you paid alot of money for aj and that awesome closer you got that keeps getting hurt we didnt make post about how your management suckedand bashed your top brass...if you guys would keep prospects like Shawn Greene and Olerude in town and not treat joe carter like a piece of crap when he gotolder maybe you guys would be fine right now(learn from us ex. bernie, oneil, brosius, heck even al leiter gets love in the boogie down)...your gm is a poserwith a boston accent who's goal is not to win the division but to take second place..we ain't bashing you for overpaying your franchise dude (wells)and troy Glause and Overbay and your ss from Li.....when rios hits the market we'll take him off ya hands as well.....learn how to run a franchise....itsnot our fault u idiots didn't fire your manager years ago...homie is on the mound arguing wit dudes and fighting players....no respect
As a Yankees fan my reaction to our signing C.C. and Burnett can be summed up as follows

The fact that we had to ante up an extra 20 million to get C.C. to come isn't very reassuring to me. I'm not sure he's built to play in New York.

As for A.J. he screams "Carl Pavano 2.0" to me.

As much as I'd like to
about these big free agent signing with therest of you guys based on our track record I can't.

I really really hope I'm wrong though.
Burnett straight up robbed New York. No way he's worth even half that much. He's only had one outstanding year. The rest, pretty average. And hecan't stay healthy.
Random thought, Braves offered him basically the same contract, would this uproar still be going on if he signed with the Braves....


CC and Burnett > Ponson, Rasner, Igawa, Kennedy.

CC not built for NY? Did you not forget what he did at the end of the regular season for the Brewers. What was it 3 victories on 3 days rest in between eachstart just to get them into the playoffs? If that's not pressure, I don't know what is.

And Burnett wanted to come to NY, Yanks just had to outbid the Braves.

We missed the playoffs by 6 games with only 2 legitimate starters and then a makeshift back-end of the rotation. This two will more than account for those 6wins. Then add Wang to the mix. Next season is goin to be very interesting.

Overspent perhaps, but our payroll at the end of the day will still be lower than it was last season.
Originally Posted by RitchDad

hi haters my name is ritchdad i kno this post is real long so i made cliff notes for the idiots my post has to do with this

Carlos Tevez it would be in your best interest to read this

first off i wanna say that i've been here from the start....danny tartabull to cc sabathia

secondly Mr.Tevez did you happen to notice that A.J. sports a world championship ring on his finger and that maybe he was unmotivated in your second rate baseball country you like to call Canada (i love canada btw you guys have real hot women for a cold place)...maybe if u and some of your cheap friends would've paid entrance fees and watched a couple of games things would've worked out...he pitched awesomely against the red sox and yanks, MAYBE he was motivated when he played the sox and yanks, MAYBE some people thrive under pressure....come to new york, you should visit us sometime we have a whole gang of people that thrive under pressure on a daily basis.....see reference (Denzel Washington,Rudy Guliani, Sean carter, Sean puffy combs, Donald Trump)

third almost 15 years ago we picked up players such as former batting champ wade boggs, era leader jimmy key, and cy young award winner david cone via trade, .....we paid these guys premium contracts at the time we picked these dudes up

ps two years ago when you paid alot of money for aj and that awesome closer you got that keeps getting hurt we didnt make post about how your management sucked and bashed your top brass...if you guys would keep prospects like Shawn Greene and Olerude in town and not treat joe carter like a piece of crap when he got older maybe you guys would be fine right now(learn from us ex. bernie, oneil, brosius, heck even al leiter gets love in the boogie down)...your gm is a poser with a boston accent who's goal is not to win the division but to take second place..we ain't bashing you for overpaying your franchise dude (wells) and troy Glause and Overbay and your ss from Li.....when rios hits the market we'll take him off ya hands as well.....learn how to run a franchise....its not our fault u idiots didn't fire your manager years ago...homie is on the mound arguing wit dudes and fighting players....no respect

You can't be serious.
as stated i love canadians, yall them dudes....and yall love soccer which is dope but at the end of the day.....yall shouldve milked ya lil dynasty to death.,but your bad marketing skills and lack of stability with the top brass....u cats messed all that up, yall have a dope market...loyal people....ya top brassaint too dope tho....ill holla and yes i kept it very hood
Originally Posted by Mr Cashfl0w

Random thought, Braves offered him basically the same contract, would this uproar still be going on if he signed with the Braves....

CC and Burnett > Ponson, Rasner, Igawa, Kennedy.

CC not built for NY? Did you not forget what he did at the end of the regular season for the Brewers. What was it 3 victories on 3 days rest in between each start just to get them into the playoffs? If that's not pressure, I don't know what is.

And Burnett wanted to come to NY, Yanks just had to outbid the Braves.

We missed the playoffs by 6 games with only 2 legitimate starters and then a makeshift back-end of the rotation. This two will more than account for those 6 wins. Then add Wang to the mix. Next season is goin to be very interesting.

Overspent perhaps, but our payroll at the end of the day will still be lower than it was last season.

No way in hell there woulda been any uproar.
Here is my take on the Burnett signing.

I know what he is capable of, and at this point in time money is not an issue, but I just feel we shouldn't have signed him for 5 years. Although he has ahigh strike out rate and has pitched well against the A.L. East the last few years, he is injury prone (as is Sheets, but he would have came cheaper for lessyears). I don't know if I want to be committed to a player with his injury status for 5 years.

In the end, it had to be done, so we'll see how it pans out.

My rotation now that Burnett is on board:

1) C.C.
2) Wang
3) Burnett
4) Joba
5) Pettitte (if he accepts) or Hughes/Aceves/Kennedy/?
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